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Alt 27. May 2006, 08:24   #136
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

that's because of ipfilter v 106 which is included in 5.1.2. If you want to connect to bigbang you only have to use the ipfilter.dat of 5.1.1 (v 105). For more info please read this thread:
Warum Server BigBang gefiltert wird
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Alt 27. May 2006, 16:27   #137
Registriert seit: 26.05.2006
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so that solves the issue. thanks much Xman!

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Alt 11. June 2006, 01:14   #138
Registriert seit: 10.06.2006
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Unglücklich: english support Zero upload/downloads with 5.1.2Xtreme

Downloaded the 5.1.2 Xtreme & after approx 60secs I am getting 0k ups/0k downs.Haven't changed any port settings from other Emule versions,router setttings or any form of security.The 0/0 lasts approx the same time & then starts to rise again.Speed is 512/128 ADSL,Dlink router/modem.
Asus m/board w/LAN
XP2400 w/1g of ram
ATI 9550 256mb video.
Must say though,it is a great mod other than the above problems.Which BTW make it useless.
Any help gladly appreciated.

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Alt 11. June 2006, 07:19   #139
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

you mean, you first have upload but some time later all go down to 0 ? Maybe you killed the router.

One important note: don't connect to a greyed out server, because 1. this servers are ip-filtered and you only get low-id. 2. there is a bug in Xtreme(and other mods) when conneting to such a server.
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Alt 11. June 2006, 07:56   #140
Registriert seit: 10.06.2006
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Zitat von Xman
you mean, you first have upload but some time later all go down to 0 ? Maybe you killed the router.

One important note: don't connect to a greyed out server, because 1. this servers are ip-filtered and you only get low-id. 2. there is a bug in Xtreme(and other mods) when conneting to such a server.
Thanks Xman but i'm not connecting to a greyed out server.Xtreme does this with whichever server I connect to.You mention though killing the router.Is this through too many connections or another cause?Am currently using the Warezfaw mod .exe in with the latest version of the official Emule files.Have not had any problems running this.Probably only my setup but would just like to figure out why.
Thanks for any & all help.

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Alt 11. June 2006, 07:58   #141
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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you should describe your problem more exactly. And what's about Kad ? Does it work ?
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Alt 11. June 2006, 09:21   #142
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Zitat von Xman
you should describe your problem more exactly. And what's about Kad ? Does it work ?
Ok,Kad works for about 2-3mins,then drops uploads & d'loads to zero.Kad has done this with every version of Emule I have ever tried.
My problem with Xtreme is it connects(high ID),loads up the sources,then about 3mins into the session my uploads & d/loads are reading zero.This stage lasts about 30secs - 1min,then the speeds slowly return.Mostly the uploads only.About 3mins later,the same thing happens.0k up/0k down.Have lowered the Max connections & the Max sources.Have tried with a smaller queue.None of this has made the problem any better.Looking on the stats graph,it is always around the 3min mark,that this problem happens.
My stable setup at the moment is:
Warezfaw mod Emule.exe added to the official Emule 0.47a files.By this I mean I just replaced the .exe with the .exe from the mod.Peak speeds tonight were 11Kb up/23Kb down,& reasonably stable.These speeds are about the average I usually get.

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Alt 11. June 2006, 20:19   #143
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Benutzerbild von Chraster
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Zitat von spawn20022
My problem with Xtreme is it connects(high ID),loads up the sources,then about 3mins into the session my uploads & d/loads are reading zero.This stage lasts about 30secs - 1min,then the speeds slowly return.Mostly the uploads only.About 3mins later,the same thing happens.0k up/0k down.
Your router obviously restart.
Whats your settings for "max. new connections in 5 min." and "max. half open connections"?
And the most important thing, do you get a new IP, the old IP or is there no IP change?
(only for note you can look up this in you log)

Geändert von Chraster (11. June 2006 um 20:28 Uhr)
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Alt 11. June 2006, 23:08   #144
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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it's either a hardware-problem or a problem of your isp. Can you enable the verbose-log and tell me the message when the upload-slots are beeing droped ?
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Alt 12. June 2006, 02:40   #145
Registriert seit: 10.06.2006
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Zitat von Xman
it's either a hardware-problem or a problem of your isp. Can you enable the verbose-log and tell me the message when the upload-slots are beeing droped ?
Will enable the verbose & will try to pick the exact message.Just further to the hardware point you made,what exactly do you mean?

Zitat von Chraster
Your router obviously restart.
Whats your settings for "max. new connections in 5 min." and "max. half open connections"?
And the most important thing, do you get a new IP, the old IP or is there no IP change?
(only for note you can look up this in you log)
Max conns in 5secs=30
Max half open =50
Static IP,so it never changes.
BTW these are settings that have been used with previous versions & have been pretty stable.Kad has always been the same result.Won't run for more than about 1-2mins without 0k/0k.This is the first Xtreme that i've used though.
Thanks for helping,much appreciated.

Geändert von Pathfinder (12. June 2006 um 07:01 Uhr) Grund: Please edit your posts!
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Alt 12. June 2006, 08:54   #146
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

Kad has done this with every version of Emule I have ever tried
this means you have problems with udp-packets. Don't know what could be exactly the hardwareproblem... but you should try to use other hardware and try to connect to internet without a router.
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Alt 12. June 2006, 10:07   #147
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Benutzerbild von Chraster
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Just test your Emule with 20 max half open connections.
Do your router indicate a restart? For example all lights blink up or something else. When yes, watch for it when your DL is reduced to 0.
And as Xman says, try to get online without a router.

Geändert von Chraster (12. June 2006 um 10:10 Uhr)
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Alt 12. June 2006, 10:39   #148
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Thanks for the help.My modem though is a modem/router so i'm pretty much stuck there.Will try the twenty max conns & see how that goes.

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Alt 12. June 2006, 13:56   #149
Registriert seit: 11.06.2006
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Why the 3.0 KB/s minimum upload limit? I can only upload 2.5 KB/s.

Sorry, I don't know german, I didn't want to post twice. And I also hope this won't post it once more.

Geändert von Pathfinder (13. June 2006 um 09:16 Uhr) Grund: Please edit your posts!
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Alt 12. June 2006, 15:10   #150
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

sorry to say that.. but in my eyes nobody with less than 3 kb/s uploadcapacity should use emule. Xtreme mod is designed for a higher upload.
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