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Alt 4. October 2006, 16:34   #241
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

these files are more than enough. (e.g. bak files you don´t need, but it also doesn´t hurt to copy them)
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Alt 4. October 2006, 23:26   #242
Registriert seit: 29.09.2006
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The only problem is that I'm reluctant to try the official client, even for some days, because your Xtreme mod works so xtremely good!

I never thought much about any eMule mod, but recently I read about some features on the official eMule board that made me interested, and Xtreme was the first choice. I'm downloading many very rare files, and this mod do handle them much better than I'm used to. I will have to read on about the handling and propagation of rare files (1-2 full sources), and maybe try some other mod (zzul probably, from what I've read) to see if I can notice any difference. I'm also curious if it's possible to adjust the upload- and slotspeed to the available bandwith without having a limit or calculating the latency, because I'm using cfosspeed, a traffic shaping driver that simply trashes all attempts I've seen to adjust the upload speed for eMule. But that is a later question, it's working good enough now. Many thanks!

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Alt 5. October 2006, 01:06   #243
Registriert seit: 28.09.2006
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@ Xman

I first tried Xtreme 5.2.2 when this problem appeared. I moved to 5.3 beta. I moved to 5.3 final.

In between there.... I just drop various non-Xtreme based mods in the folder (just emule.exe) and uploads (for the same files partial or complete) worked flawlessly. I drop Xtreme back in and problem resurfaces. I recreated the ini files. I even performed a clean install. Still same issue. I understand ScarAngel is based on Xtreme code, but the queue seems to move more rapidly in Xtreme than scarAngel. ScarAngel will sometimes stall on Reading disk and then work. If Xtreme stalls on Reading disk, it is 100% failure. Client is not returned to waiting queue. They fail to appear sometimes permanently. During all this, client can still be connected and uploading to me.

MorphXT, NetF, official, basically all non Xtreme clients do not exhibit this behavior. Don't worry about further troubleshooting. I have moved to another mod and will stay there. I appreciate your assistance.

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Alt 5. October 2006, 07:12   #244
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

I don´t think this is a common problem.. because there are a few hundret thousends of Xtreme >= 5.2 out there and nobody has reported such a problem. Also I never got a failed downloadsession from a Xtreme.
The question is, what is different at your system ? What OS do you use ?
And you didn´t give me the right answers.. if the problem is related to special files or to all files ? You only told me that Morph 7x worked... but that isn´t interesting... only morph 8.14/9.0.
If you want to help me solving this problem, I can give you a special debug-version which logs every action.... but this would need that you investigate some time. Tell me if you want.
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Alt 5. October 2006, 12:19   #245
Benutzerbild von avic
Registriert seit: 05.10.2006
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I'm new to Xtreme MOD and I really like it. There's one detail though, which is not very important. I don't like the round gray buttons on the toolbar interface.

Does it support eMule skins?


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Alt 5. October 2006, 13:27   #246
Registriert seit: 04.07.2006
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There is one thing that is not very clear to me.

Without NAFC when I set the upload limit to >=11.0 the download limit becomes unlimited, but in case the real upload limit being lower, in case of throttling, for example 6 kB/s, will the download limit remain unlimited or will be applied the eMule rules? And with NAFC?

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Alt 5. October 2006, 15:36   #247
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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yes.. you can use every available emule skin.

works like official emule. If you don´t use any dynamic uplodasystem (USS/NAFC) you get unlimited download depending on your set uploadlimit, not the real upload. Other with NAFC(or USS) where the real upload is meassured and your downloadlimit is set dynamicly.
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Alt 7. October 2006, 09:14   #248
Registriert seit: 29.09.2006
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About the "2006-10-01 11:06:39: ERROR while saving part file: 046.part.met (<filename>) - Permission denied"-messages (hundreds of them for all files) - they don't appear with the official version or the ZZul mod, only in Xtreme. I have used the same settings, copied straight from my Xtreme installation, using the same Temp-folder. Have you tried safe .met/.dat writing yourself yet?
Naugas ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 7. October 2006, 11:00   #249
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

hmm... do you use any encryption-software on your temp-folder ? Do you use an Anti-virus software which checks the tempfolder ? If yes, try to disable. And also make sure that very users (not only the admin/you) have all permissions at the temp-folder.
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Alt 8. October 2006, 14:56   #250
Registriert seit: 29.09.2006
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I've given full permission to users for the Temp-folder and files, my antivirus just checks files when executed but I've turned off checking for that folder just in case, and I don't use encryption. Still errors...

Are there anyone reading this that can try enabling safe .met/.dat writing (under extended settings) and confirm that you don't get errors? You may have to let it run for some hours at least, preferable longer.
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Alt 8. October 2006, 15:52   #251
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
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I have it always enabled and I never got errors. (Total runtime: a few months)

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 8. October 2006, 17:18   #252
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

and what happens when you disable safe met/dat writing ?
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Alt 9. October 2006, 10:35   #253
Registriert seit: 29.09.2006
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If I don't enable it I get no errors. But I really don't know the difference with these modes...? I used to have it enabled because I had problems with my graphics card that locked up the computer and forced me to do a hard reboot sometimes. I have just assumed that safe writing is what it sounds like, making the data more consistent in case something like my problems happen.

But it seems like these errors doesn't occur as often now. In six hours there have been only one warning, when I first installed Xtreme I had many more in the same time, maybe 10-50 of them. But I have exactly the same settings. So it's should be something in my system that's behaving strange... Could it be some sort of overflow with handles to files? That there have been too many file-writes/-reads at the same time when I had these errors? (I'm running uTorrent at the same time, and right now the load is way less than a few days ago.) But it's very strange that I've never seen this error with other eMule versions. In the last days I've tried the official, zzul and the warp mod with the settings copied right from the Xtreme config folder, and didn't see this error once, nor have I ever seen it in previous years when using the official and eMulePlus.

Geändert von Naugas (9. October 2006 um 11:12 Uhr)
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Alt 9. October 2006, 11:44   #254
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

without safe writing the OS decides when the files are really written... at the meantime the data is somewhere at the cache, managed by windows. It shouldn´t be a big problem if you disable this option. You always have a bak file you can use when the original file is damaged.

Could it be some sort of overflow with handles to files
remark: there can be problems when other prgrams are also using the same files as emule... e.g. onlinesig or bittorrent.
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Alt 12. October 2006, 10:43   #255
Benutzerbild von Lezgi
Registriert seit: 12.10.2006
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Standard: english support What is this?


What is this?
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