hello m8s.
im using xtreme 5.3.1 since a couple of days ago and i noticed something strange in the logs:
26-10-2006 7:04:53: Clients: **** Invisible Men **** [d!2z] «Xtreme 5.3.1» (*****), Banreason: Userhash changed
26-10-2006 7:04:53: Banned: Aggressive behaviour; ***** '**** Invisible Men **** [d!2z] «Xtreme 5.3.1»' (eMule v0.47c [Xtreme 5.3.1],OnQueue/OnUploadQueue/None)
ok, one dewd's already hacking xtreme into making it a leecher mod...
however today it appeared again, different user from different IP range:
27-10-2006 3:52:54: Clients: http://xtreme-mod.net [d dG] «Xtreme 5.3.1» (*****), Banreason: Userhash changed
27-10-2006 3:52:54: Banned: Aggressive behaviour; ***** 'http://xtreme-mod.net [d dG] «Xtreme 5.3.1»' (eMule v0.47c [Xtreme 5.3.1],None/None/None)
is this normal? what can causing this?
thx for your help
[edit by Pathfinder: IP adresses masked]