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Alt 30. November 2006, 15:40   #286
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

Go to the server-window, click on "Log" and look for the message.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 3. December 2006, 10:24   #287
Benutzerbild von Tojo
Registriert seit: 30.11.2006
Beiträge: 5

Hello, I have been using 0.47c X 5.3.1 for a week or two.
My query/problem is with my client queue and clients jumping the queue. Clients with a lower score, usually with a larger file, are getting upload slots and clients with highest scores are not getting the file. I know they are still there because they actually get an upload slot eventually. For example ->

client 1: (Priority):very low (Score):509 (waited):27min (Dwnld total):36MB (Upld total):0
3 minutes later on the upload list ...
client 2: (Priority):release (Score):26,432 (waited):2:41h (Dwnld total):1.1MB (Upld total):0

This also happened when I was using emule standard, but not as much.
I have read and re-read all the settings info for emule and Xtreme. I have 'played' with most of the settings.
I read somewhere that clients waiting for 30mins or less (or something) get an upload slot.
My question is: what's goin' on. Why can't I 'Release' my files.

I only speak english and sometimes I have problems understanding my own language. ( a comma "," is a seperator and a full stop "." is used as a decimal point.)

Thanks, in advance.

Geändert von Tojo (3. December 2006 um 10:39 Uhr)
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Alt 3. December 2006, 10:58   #288
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

In example 1: Who got the 36 mb? I think you have downloaded these 4 chunks and the creditsystem gives this high score to let you give back something.

If you really want you can disable the creditsystem in "Options" --> "Extended" --> "Use credit system (reward uploaders)". But don't forget that all other clients use a CS and if you don't give back you will slow down your downloads. Some of them may even ban you as a leecher...

Kind Regards

Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 3. December 2006, 11:11   #289
Benutzerbild von Tojo
Registriert seit: 30.11.2006
Beiträge: 5

[In example 1: Who got the 36 mb? I think you have downloaded these 4 chunks and the creditsystem gives this high score to let you give back something.
If you really want you can disable the creditsystem
Kind Regards

I have received zero from them. I have uploaded to them; they have downloaded from me 36MB and 1.1MB respectively.
client 1 (in the example) has a low score - not a high score.

Five hundred and nine is much, much lower than twenty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-two. ( a comma "," is a seperator and a full stop "." is used as a decimal point.)

I believe in the Credit type of system - seems only fair that those that give should have the better chance to receive.

Geändert von Tojo (3. December 2006 um 11:50 Uhr)
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Alt 3. December 2006, 20:16   #290
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

And if I understand correct: Both exampleclients got an uploadslot? It seems you have mulitqueue enabled. Uncheck in "Options" --> "Xtreme 1" --> Uploadmanagement" the box "One queue per file".

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 3. December 2006, 21:32   #291
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
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@Tojo - sometimes people confuse the issue because at the detail window of a client you read "Uploaded" (right side). But it means the upload of the client to you, accordingly the "Downloaded".
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Alt 3. December 2006, 23:19   #292
Benutzerbild von Tojo
Registriert seit: 30.11.2006
Beiträge: 5

Ok, thanks for your reply aalerich, and yes seppl12, it can be confusing as to which is which wrt Up/Down loading and which one recieved or uploaded.

aalerich, yes, both clients did get an upload slot (eventually for client 2).
As I stated before, I have read (and tried to absorb the meanings of) all the settings help for eMule and Xtreme, but my memory "ain't wot it yousta be".
I have 'played' with the settings to see the effects that they have.
NO - I do not have multiqueue enabled because I saw the effect of enabling multiqueue.
aalerich, if you like, you can ask me my specific settings and I will happily supply the information. Sentences that start with "Sounds like..." are full of assumption and speculation.

I remember reading on eMule Xtreme Mod official homepage :
"only clients get into upload which where seen the last 30 minutes"
Please be assured that in the example I gave (especially with client 2), the clients where re-asking regularly and that they where always last seen within thirty minutes.

So, I re-iterate, why are some of my
- - - (clients:- that are waiting to download from me ; that are waiting for me to upload to them ; that are waiting to receive a file from me)
clients with a lower score (and hence a higher Queuerank) jumping the queue ahead of others and getting an upload slot <- before -> other clients that have been waiting longer, with higher scores (and hence a lower Queuerank).

Thank you for your patience.

I will endeavour to get screen captures of:
upload; queue list; statistics; and some settings pages for you if you like (with the appropriate areas blanked out).
This query is perplexing. If you ask me to "just live with it, they eventually get the files", then, I guess I will have to.

Thank you.
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Alt 4. December 2006, 00:59   #293
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

"It seems..." is a speculation, of course. And I speculate again when I ask if there are LowIDs involved. I often see LowIDs for hours (up to 8 ) on QR 1 and in these cases they have very high scores but don't get a slot. And if a LowID has reached a score high enough to get an uploadslot they will be marked and get a slot on their next connect. If you lower the priority of the file they want after they were marked their score will be reduced but they still get a slot on next connect.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 4. December 2006, 07:41   #294
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

yes... also for me the low-id clients came to my mind.

a screenshot of your uploadqueue would also help to understand your problem.
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Alt 5. December 2006, 12:02   #295
Benutzerbild von LeDepayse
Registriert seit: 05.12.2006
Beiträge: 3

Hi everybody.

XMan great job, congratulations.

Let me present myself : I live in the south of Europe in a remote area with a little bandwidth and limited traffic (I pay for every 100 Mb).

I use emule mostly to collect information that is not on the internet (for my hobbies) and old songs not available anymore in the shops. The files I download are usually small (sometimes a few Kb only) with a few sources (many times not available). I never downloaded a film (it will cost me more than the original) any way I don’t have a DVD player.

I think that’s enough for you to get a global image.

I am registering to report a problem with Xtreme because I didn’t find any e:mail address for that, I wont participate mush in the forum but everybody can count on me if I can help.

Soon I will post the bug.


PS : every body can see that my English is bad an my writing worst !

Hi (again).

I have been using eMule (standard) for a while. Last week somebody (I think he is in the forum too) told me about the
“xtreme mod”. I went thru it’s features, it “sounded” serious and I liked very much :

Stop this client
Chunk selection method (I don’t like the new zz method)
and others . . .

Nice to have :

Country information (and flag)
Funny nicks
(Now that I am used it, I like a few more things and dislike some ones too, future posts . . .)
Downloaded the package.
Created a directory named “eMuleX”
Copied my emule directory to it
Copied xtreme files over
Launched the new emule.exe

I noticed that it was using the \emule\incoming and \emule\temp directories so I changed them to \emulex\incoming and

I used it during a couple of days before deciding if I will keep it or not. Because I was happy with it I deleted the old
emule directory before noticing the problem with the counters (the bug).

Basically xtreme recognize the uploaded and downloaded counters from the “standard” emule but it is not able to “upgrade”
them, only counters for new clients are.

I will try to attach a few screen shots showing it. On “Screen1” you can see a client downloading. On “Screen2” you can see
a client that is giving me for the first time 1.91Mb look at “tranfered down” counter. “Screen3” one more example.

I suppose the problem is on the “clients.met” file, I don’t want to lose my statistics and my client history but I am
afraid to go back to the “standard” emule not knowing how it will handle the appended data.

What can I do ?

Note I sent basically the same message to the e:mail address for dumps, sorry.
Angehängte Grafiken
Dateityp: jpg Screen1.JPG (45,8 KB, 15x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: jpg Screen2.JPG (38,4 KB, 12x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: jpg Screen3.JPG (43,7 KB, 14x aufgerufen)
Je préfère pratiquer le métier le plus dangereux du monde et mourir que de mener une vie banale et pleurer.
LeDepayse ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 5. December 2006, 12:35   #296
Registriert seit: 05.12.2006
Beiträge: 2
Idee: english support In the next xtreme-mod


In the next version of xtreme-mod you should add in the scheduler-emule one new action? The new action is the possibility delete automaticaly the sources that are with full-queue, don´t need parts and leechers in yours downloads list.

Option / Scheduler / New action

I´m sorry for my poor english.


__________________________________________________ ___________


En la proxima version del xtreme-mod podriais añadir en el programador del emule una nueva accion? La nueva accion consiste en la posibilidad de eliminar automaticamente las fuentes que esten con la cola llena, que no tengan las partes que queramos y las sanguijuelas de nuestra lista de descargas.

Opciones / Programador / Nueva Accion


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Alt 5. December 2006, 12:38   #297
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
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this function is already integrated. you may not change values used in this function, though. if you do wish so, consider using scarangel. check out the sivka file settings, their.
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Alt 5. December 2006, 12:46   #298
Registriert seit: 05.12.2006
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Zitat von Stulle
this function is already integrated. you may not change values used in this function, though. if you do wish so, consider using scarangel. check out the sivka file settings, their.
Ok... i use the scarangel mod.


Geändert von disparos (5. December 2006 um 13:49 Uhr)
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Alt 5. December 2006, 14:10   #299
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

@LeDepayse: Both clients identification is "invalid". If you have a lot of invalid clients you have lost the file preferences.dat or the cryptkey.dat. If you can't restore them your credits are lost. Close emule and delete both files, emule will create two new files.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 5. December 2006, 16:06   #300
Benutzerbild von LeDepayse
Registriert seit: 05.12.2006
Beiträge: 3

Thanks aalerich.

I deleted both files and it works.

In the attached screen shot this client had uploaded (from me) 65.15 MB when it started and now it is counting.

A nice to have would be the possibility to browse the clients.met the same way we can (with “xtreme”) the known.met.

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Dateityp: jpg Screen4.JPG (43,9 KB, 13x aufgerufen)
Je préfère pratiquer le métier le plus dangereux du monde et mourir que de mener une vie banale et pleurer.
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