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Alt 25. December 2006, 14:29   #316
Registriert seit: 25.12.2006
Beiträge: 2

Hi! Since I changed to the 5.4 version, ell the servers refuse to connect.
Got to go back to the 5.3.1 version.
What's the problem?
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Alt 25. December 2006, 15:09   #317
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
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have you got a router? the xtreme select random port, so if in your router you've forwarded for ex. 4662, you must set this port in your new xtreme-installation!


ps. there is an english support 3d! english support

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Alt 25. December 2006, 15:09   #318
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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your firewall !?

myth was faster

the random ports can only be a issue if he did a clean installation.

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Alt 25. December 2006, 15:24   #319
Registriert seit: 25.12.2006
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Zitat von Myth88
have you got a router? the xtreme select random port, so if in your router you've forwarded for ex. 4662, you must set this port in your new xtreme-installation!


ps. there is an english support 3d! english support
Don'have any router neither firewall....
Will try a clean installation...

Last round....
Made a clean istallation , and the same problem.
I'll kleep the old version and go on , finding what's the problem.
Thnks for the help anyway.

Geändert von Pathfinder (25. December 2006 um 23:07 Uhr) Grund: Please use the edit-button!
elangelgris ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 25. December 2006, 16:33   #320
Registriert seit: 23.12.2006
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Zitat von chanante
Check only overwriting "preferences.ini" on ur config folder!
I think that the corrupted file is the preferences.ini

Confirmated: If you only overwrite the preferences.ini the "bug" is solved. I'm searching (comparing a original preferences.ini with my corrupted one) the errors that supossely it contains.

Edit 2:
I had upload the result of "compare files" on textpad:
I can't see any relevance for make crash emule xtreme...
thank you very much,but i have re-installed it.if the problem appeared again,i can fix it
cowneyone ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. December 2006, 10:43   #321
Registriert seit: 26.12.2006
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I've got may be a stupid question - why Servers "Donkey Server No..." with IP's 62.241.53.* work fine, but "Donkey Server No..." with IP's 72.51.37.* and some others are greyed out?
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Alt 26. December 2006, 10:48   #322
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
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The greyed out servers are filtered by the IP-filter for your protection, because they are not what they seem to be.
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Alt 26. December 2006, 10:51   #323
Registriert seit: 26.12.2006
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Hey, thanks.
Anyway I asked, because I thought, why are there so many users, connected to those servers, if they are not what they seem to be.
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Alt 26. December 2006, 10:55   #324
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
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The number of users connected to a server is given by the server itself, not measured objectively. Therefore this value is also not what it seems to be -> fake servers.
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Alt 27. December 2006, 12:01   #325
Registriert seit: 27.12.2006
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Dear XMAN!!! This is my first message on this forum about eMule-eXtreme!
This Mod is a very great program, but the size for file-buffer(1.5 mb) for hashing files is very small.
My hard drive allways scratching while the eMule-eXtreme completing the files!!!
Look at Ackronic mod or Magic Angel mod. Ackronic has a 10mb of allocated memory and Magic Angel has 20mb memory and hard drive do not scratching no more!!! Could YOU increase file buffer size up to 20mb or more? It would be so great!!!
And yet... eXtreme shows only country flag, but Magic Angel and MorphXT displaying full country name and it looks so COOOOL!!! It's so beautyfull!!! Will YOU add such feature too?!
Well i think that's all i wanted to say. eXcuse me for my wishes!!! May be comrade XMAN will little think about them.

P.S.:I'am a little girl from RUSSIA
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Alt 27. December 2006, 12:23   #326
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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increasing the filebuffersize is a very bad idea... I already wrote the reasons on many places... maybe a search brings more information (also look at Official eMule-Board -> Xtreme MOD)

I don´t like to display the whole country name, because it uses too much space at the screen and doesn´t provide more information than a simple icon.
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Alt 27. December 2006, 13:47   #327
Registriert seit: 27.12.2006
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So why increasing filebuffersize is a bad Idea?
What is The Reason? Could you describe a bit?

I don´t like to display the whole country name

Sorry, but i think if you could add this feature users can choose at once mind if they want to see whole country name or not. It wount spoil eXtreme!

doesn´t provide more information than a simple icon

Sorry to bother YOU again, but it looks so wonderfull to see from what country the user is!!! I suggest you just add it to the emule. Let emule shows country name! Please!

Why Ackronic mod using 10mb of filebuffer do not crash?
Magic Angel uses 20!!!! mb of filesizebuffer and no problem! I wonder why eXtreme can not be powered?

Geändert von Xenia (27. December 2006 um 14:21 Uhr)
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Alt 27. December 2006, 14:06   #328
Benutzerbild von mav744
Registriert seit: 20.11.2004
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@ Xenia Next time, please use the Edit Button.
Das Muli ist kein Porsche auch langsam kommt man an das Ziel (Geduld Zahlt sich immer aus)
mav744 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. December 2006, 14:19   #329
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
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Zitat von Xenia
So why increasing filebuffersize is a bad Idea?
What is The Reason? Could you describe a bit?

Why Ackronic mod using 10mb of filebuffer do not crash?
Look there: Feature Requests - Official eMule-Board
a chunk can only be shared after it was written to disc. So increasing the filebuffersize is bad.
And also you don´t save HDD, because you still have the same amount of discacesses for your uploading... and because the protocoll loads in 180kb blocks you have more frequently reading access than writing.
And does your Xtreme crash while completing a file?
(send Xman the dump file)
Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
seppl12 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. December 2006, 10:38   #330
Registriert seit: 13.12.2006
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Huh?: english support Confusing! i found a name as mine appeared!

when i attempted to download a file , i found a name as mine appeared in the users' lines! But actually that was not me, he was in italy(maybe not),but my nation flag doesn't appear as an Italy flag... and the icon before the flag is a computer icon in red...i don't know the meaning of it..can anyone explain to me ???
CelloAmore ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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