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Alt 31. December 2006, 10:51   #331
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
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It's a nickthief-leecher. The icon is red because of the reduced score. You may check the leecherlog.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 3. January 2007, 12:12   #332
Registriert seit: 03.01.2007
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Huh?: english support Xtreme MOD download limit 40 KB/s only

Hi there friends,

I'm sorry but I don't understand German/Deutch language. Please anwser in english!

Well, I want to know if the Xtreme MOD can download more than 40.0 KB/s and how can I configure the Xtreme MOD to download more than 40.0 KB/s. I try to search in google for "xtreme mod download limit" but found nothing. The old fashion/original eMule can be set to download with unlimited speeds when upload speed is 10.0 or more, but Xtreme MOD doesn't do the same!!!

Can someone help me? I really need to download with more speed... 40.0 KB/s is too low!!!!

Thx all,

EduGnipper ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 3. January 2007, 12:18   #333
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

because Xtreme uses different overhead calculation you must set your upload to at least 11 kb/s to get unlimited download.

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Alt 3. January 2007, 12:25   #334
Registriert seit: 03.01.2007
Beiträge: 4

Thank you A LOT Xman!!!

Very fast anwser, nice!

Thx again!

EDIT: Another question: which chunck method is better, default Maella ou ZZ? Whats is the "Always one release-slot" option?

Geändert von EduGnipper (3. January 2007 um 12:31 Uhr)
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Alt 3. January 2007, 13:35   #335
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

I always use the Maella one.. but it´s up to you.. try it out.
Always one release-slot: when you enable this option there is always one uploadslot reserved for file with release or power-release upload priority.
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Alt 3. January 2007, 14:55   #336
Registriert seit: 03.01.2007
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hi,thanks for these fantastic mod.
I think option "Always one release slot" is is is is very good idea for upload a powerrelease "dvd-film,...." when u hasnt much persons in cue "these dvd"
Im Uploader from a Spanish group "xxxxx",and i think too good idea
if i have 1024/320 dsl,to can upload slot more 10-15 kb to my group friends for when we going to release these dvd-film,we can upload more fast cause we are 4 completed source..
(Upload 4,3gb with slot "3-6kb" too wait,no good)

sorry for my bad english and congratulations for these mod.

Geändert von mav744 (3. January 2007 um 15:39 Uhr) Grund: Commname deleted, please Check the Boardrules
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Alt 3. January 2007, 16:57   #337
Registriert seit: 03.01.2007
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After importing the last IPFilter.dat, Xtreme MOD automatic block the connection with many many servers (became gray and say that I can't connect to filtered IPs). I used to have more than 150 servers in my list, now I have only 50.

I already download server.met from:
server.met - Server List for eDonkey and eMule
TDN - TheDonkeyNetwork | Σ(UL)=Σ(DL)

Did someone know more nices and secures server to download??
EduGnipper ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 3. January 2007, 18:41   #338
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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believe me... 50 servers are more than enough. It would be even enough to have 10 big servers and you´ll find all available sources.
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Alt 3. January 2007, 19:03   #339
Registriert seit: 03.01.2007
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Hum... nice to know...

Xman, thx for all the anwser and thx for your quick reply!!! Sry for newbie question!

EduGnipper ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. January 2007, 21:24   #340
Registriert seit: 06.01.2007
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I just installed eMule 0.47c Xtreme, but each time i'm getting lowID error althoug normal eMule was connecting fine , here's log :

1/6/2007 10:21:45 PM: Connected to DonkeyServer No2 (, sending login request
1/6/2007 10:21:55 PM: Warning DonkeyServer No2 ( - You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.
1/6/2007 10:21:55 PM: LowID -- Trying Again (attempts 1)

So what should i do ?!
engmody ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. January 2007, 21:59   #341
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Benutzerbild von seppl12
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Zitat von engmody
So what should i do ?!
If you use a router then set a portforwarding there to the correct Lan-IP and used eMule-ports.
If you use a firewall than open the used eMule-ports.
Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 6. January 2007, 22:46   #342
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I Did both, and as I mentioned that eMule work fine but eMule Xtreme don't connect at all !

** I tried alot, and I connected to strange server :
1/6/2007 11:55:53 PM: Connected to ! * * * HOT *** * * * ! (, sending login request
1/6/2007 11:56:09 PM: Warning ! * * * HOT *** * * * ! ( - You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.
1/6/2007 11:56:09 PM: Connection established on: ! * * * HOT *** * * * ! (
1/6/2007 11:56:09 PM: New client ID is 1403304

Geändert von engmody (6. January 2007 um 23:01 Uhr)
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Alt 6. January 2007, 23:04   #343
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
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Zitat von engmody
I Did both!
Then check it ... maybe at your eMule setting you use other ports ... (if you install eMule new)
Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 6. January 2007, 23:16   #344
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

if you are using a firewall like the XP build in firewall.. then delete emule from the list of applications which are allowed to connect to internet... after that restart emule and reasign the permission.
Xman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. January 2007, 23:21   #345
Registriert seit: 06.01.2007
Beiträge: 3

Thanks alot it works fine now ! I'm Using KasperSky but I got wierd cause it didn't display any notifications about eMule, but I added it Manually and it works fine

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