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Alt 24. January 2007, 09:43   #361
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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Why Is Emule Trying To Send An E-mail? - Official eMule-Board
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Alt 24. January 2007, 13:35   #362
Registriert seit: 24.01.2007
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Standard: english support US servers

Hello, whenever I try to connect to a US server I get the following message:
you can't connect to filtered server
Is there any way to connect to the US servers?

plinto ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24. January 2007, 15:39   #363
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
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Zitat von plinto
Hello, whenever I try to connect to a US server I get the following message:
you can't connect to filtered server
Is there any way to connect to the US servers?
Yes, delete the corresponding IP/IP range in the ipfilter.dat ... but there is a reason why it will be filtered.

Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 24. January 2007, 15:51   #364
Registriert seit: 24.01.2007
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which ip range do I need to delete?
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Alt 24. January 2007, 19:00   #365
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
Beiträge: 1.116

Look at you own serverwindows -> serverlist

Or deactivate the serverfiltering in your eMule setup.
Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 24. January 2007, 22:22   #366
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

deativating serverfiltering brings nothing... only deleting the ip-range from ipfilter works...
but it is not recommend to connect to such a server!!

one short answer why I never let people connect to an ipfiltered server:
to get a high ID your ports must be open. The server checks this by connecting to you. Now if an ip is at ipfilter, it means that we refuse every connection try from such a ip. This means you would always get a Low ID when conneting to a ipfiltered server. And because this makes no sernce and is confusing people I better do not allow such a server-connect but bring a warning.
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Alt 26. January 2007, 00:53   #367
Registriert seit: 26.01.2007
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Standard: english support Xtreme Mod - High resolution icon ^^


Xtreme Mod is the best mod in the world, but I don't know why it have a slow resolution icon. So I put the icon in the desktop of my PC and looks terribly bad, so bad you prefer to hide it ^^

So I wished someone could do a decent icon, that fit better in high resolution desktops 96 x 96 pixels... I think that's the standard for high resolution icons (not sure)

The Mod is fantastic anyway ^^

Sorry to post in english... but I don't speak german
MrMister ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. January 2007, 02:06   #368
Registriert seit: 27.01.2007
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Hi boys.. i'm Italian and i have a simple Question:
On Preferences i have set my NickName.... but because on another pc my after my NickName There it is a weird abbreviation ?
After my NickName there it is something type "UlOD...." Or however something of fellow.... it's normal ?
DjDiabolik ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. January 2007, 07:21   #369
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
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Zitat von DjDiabolik
Hi boys.. i'm Italian and i have a simple Question:
On Preferences i have set my NickName.... but because on another pc my after my NickName There it is a weird abbreviation ?
After my NickName there it is something type "UlOD...." Or however something of fellow.... it's normal ?
Yes, that's perfectly fine and is caused by a feature to prevent bad mods from stealing your precious nick name.
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. January 2007, 13:43   #370
Registriert seit: 27.01.2007
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Zitat von Pathfinder
Yes, that's perfectly fine and is caused by a feature to prevent bad mods from stealing your precious nick name.
Ok thanks for info

OT. because the team not translate the forum board on english ?!?

I have found.. now my Board it's in English
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Alt 31. January 2007, 04:34   #371
Registriert seit: 31.01.2007
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Is there something with Xtreme that is misreporting the DL/UL modifier as it effects AvgQR? I am ULing an average of 70 KB/s and there are individuals that maintain their position in the queue ranking even though they are apparently not uploading anything (as reported from their client details). Or am I misreading the Scores section assuming that it is displaying the relative ranking of the client and myself? If so could this be implemented so that we could get some kind of predictive credit system so that we could better manage what to download and when?

Nice Mod.

... and thanks for all the phish.
FourAces ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. January 2007, 22:34   #372
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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sorry, but I don't get you. You are mixing something up...
Xman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 2. February 2007, 16:17   #373
Registriert seit: 02.02.2007
Beiträge: 3

Need urgent help:

Whenever i quit emule when downloading files, the files are gone when i start emule again.... Why does emule delete the files on startup (they are in the temp folder when shut down, but gets deleted when it starts)
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Alt 2. February 2007, 16:56   #374
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

never heard about such an issue. and emule never deletes files... when a file get finished it's only be moved to the incoming-directory.
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Alt 2. February 2007, 17:44   #375
Registriert seit: 02.02.2007
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Happens every time... Strange
vigylant ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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