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Alt 29. April 2007, 22:20   #436
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

You can copy and paste this

to the field "Update from url..."

This ip-filter is used by many users and if this doesn't help I would think that the files you are downloading are fakes.

Kind Regards
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Alt 30. April 2007, 11:13   #437
Registriert seit: 29.04.2007
Beiträge: 3
Standard: english support corruptions 2 again

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hi im also having loads of trouble with corrupted files , i'm not sure why but its always worst with movie files,,, as i hardly ever get other files being so constantly corrupted and constantly re-downloading and staying corrupted!!! ,,, the pc doing the work is solely for d/l >w2k,xp3200 1gig ram a separate drive for each different p2p network so mule incoming and temp are on a drive together formatted ntfs i dont defrag this drive(downloads do get moved to another drive)(i sometimes empty the drive and reformat it as well) and no av running with pc startup
I am wondering if its all down to malicious peers sending corrupted data and should i be running peergaurdian or some other similar software?

cheers for help in advance
i do use the ipfilter function already, have done for a long time! the corrupted files preview fine and are what theyre ment to be so i know im not dealing with fakes just a LOT of corruptions , i have managed to use donkey doctor "test met" with the .met backup's and get 1 or 2 of the files fixed it seems like met files are being corrupted!!!

btw im using 0.47c xtreme 5.4.2 with the antileech updated whenever theres an update available

btw2 this problem isnt exclusive to xmod ive had it with other mule clients but i do find i can run the d/l's with emuleplus and it sometimes manages to get the downloads completed -> a bit quicker!!!

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Alt 30. April 2007, 14:24   #438
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

Do you get errors when you import the downloads into another mule (Tools --> Import Downloads)?

Kind Regards

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Alt 30. April 2007, 20:57   #439
Registriert seit: 29.04.2007
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Do you get errors when you import the downloads into another mule (Tools --> Import Downloads)?

Kind Regards
no ive never tried importing them , i just have the different clients using the same temp and incoming folder!!!, (i dont even try running more than 1 client at a time)
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Alt 1. May 2007, 00:25   #440
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

Ok, more than one mule is usually senseless but to use the same folders for different mules isn't a good idea.
I would suggest to make a clean install of your favourite mod and import the downloads to the new temp-folder using the import-feature. And if you want to switch between different mules always import the downloads. This way you don't waste space on your hdd and probably will never have problems like these again.

Kind regards
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Alt 23. May 2007, 23:52   #441
Registriert seit: 22.05.2007
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Huh?: english support newbe here big question on mod

Hello all I would really like to know if there is an extreme mod for the 48 a emule, just upgraded to it and now would really like to know if I can run my existing extreme mod with it (which I have had no Luck at so far) or if there is a mod compatable with the new one.
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Alt 24. May 2007, 06:47   #442
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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coming out soon
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Alt 25. May 2007, 02:24   #443
Registriert seit: 22.05.2007
Beiträge: 2
Standard: english support Thank you thank you

Fairly new to the emule when I got turned on to the extreme mod and was really peeved when I ditzed up and upgraded my regular emule without checking first . Appreciate the reply and pleassssee let me know when it is available.
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Alt 25. May 2007, 14:23   #444
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
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Well, you'll know it reading here in the forum...and it's Xtreme, not extreme!
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Alt 4. June 2007, 08:13   #445
Registriert seit: 04.06.2007
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i used this mod for about 1 month and everything is ok
like it!!
high speed download and upload!!
but now some of my files stopped downloading even they downloaded up to 90%
seems they have 20+ sources but i cant connect them and see for example (1/20) in sources
i cant see clients in transfer window to cancel slower clients
what's the problem? and how can solve it?

best regards
arashact ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 4. June 2007, 09:49   #446
Benutzerbild von Myth88
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Maybe your Harddisk is full?
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Alt 4. June 2007, 10:11   #447
Benutzerbild von Xman
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(1/20) means that there is only 1 source which has parts for you.
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Alt 4. June 2007, 10:31   #448
Registriert seit: 04.06.2007
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Maybe your Harddisk is full?
thanks for quick reply
but there's no problem abot hard,had 200GB free

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(1/20) means that there is only 1 source which has parts for you.
thanks Mod.
but why i cant see clients downloding from them
i need cancel slower clients but cant see them

Geändert von Pathfinder (4. June 2007 um 15:35 Uhr) Grund: Please use the edit-button!
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Alt 4. June 2007, 11:06   #449
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
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sorry, but I don't get what you mean... maybe a screenshot would help
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Alt 4. June 2007, 11:58   #450
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

Yes, this will be better to understand....
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