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Alt 27. September 2007, 13:08   #511
Registriert seit: 27.09.2007
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Standard: english support Thank You, Xmas!

Where is this setting? If in Xtreme II, then I already totaly switched off the "enable anti-leecher protection".
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Alt 27. September 2007, 13:31   #512
Benutzerbild von Myth88
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Going without anti-leecher protection isn't so good, but it's your decision...

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Alt 27. September 2007, 14:02   #513
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Going without anti-leecher protection isn't so good, but it's your decision...
Realy, i dont mind to use it, i just say, that i dont know, where is the "idetify leechers by userhash" setting located, about which Xman told me. So, i turned down all
Is there no Leecher protection in original Emule?

Geändert von Gaston (27. September 2007 um 14:06 Uhr)
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Alt 27. September 2007, 14:19   #514
Benutzerbild von Myth88
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Yes, there is someone, but it isn't comparable with Xman's DLP!
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Alt 27. September 2007, 17:10   #515
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OK. Thank you very much.
But, still, I dont know, how to make it connect
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Alt 27. September 2007, 19:22   #516
Registriert seit: 27.09.2007
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Here is something that can help diagnose this problem:
when i launch Xtreme, it connects to some server. When i try to connect to another server, or even back to the same one, that it connected itself, it cant.
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Alt 27. September 2007, 19:34   #517
Benutzerbild von Myth88
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What is written in log?
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Alt 27. September 2007, 20:44   #518
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What is written in log?
Where can i find the log? Sorry, i dont know... (
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Alt 27. September 2007, 20:55   #519
Benutzerbild von eilperius
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There is a window under the serverlists ... there you can pic the button "log" ...

greetz eilperius
First release:
"Träumend den Traum,
welcher sich selber erschuf"
... still available ...
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Alt 27. September 2007, 21:06   #520
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My god... of course. Its always there, and i forgot ))))

I think, i got it.
I switched off the "Use smart LowID check on connect" and "Safe connect",
and it worked.
Thanks for all your help, Guys!

Geändert von Sorrow (27. September 2007 um 22:14 Uhr) Grund: doublepost...please use edit-button...!
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Alt 16. October 2007, 19:43   #521
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happens to me also with *****. by removing safe connect it works and HEY, at least i still have latest and greatest DLP

xtreme > ALL !

Geändert von Sorrow (16. October 2007 um 20:13 Uhr) Grund: dlsite-name removed...board rules...!
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Alt 20. October 2007, 02:48   #522
Registriert seit: 19.10.2007
Beiträge: 1
Standard: english support Help... :)

Hi everybody

I was wondering if anyone could please help me with an issue ive got... I talked to my ISP about it and they told me its not a part of what their support service covers...

I have recently installed vista ultimate and at the same time upgraded my ADSL line from 1.5down/150up to 2.5down/250up.

I've been using the Xtreme mod for a few years now without the slightest problem it's the most stable mod and I get the best speeds only with it thanks for this great mod!!!

When I had the 1.5/150 line I have limited emule's upload to 13 and 99.9% of the time it was between 12.6 to 12.9 with 0.1 to 0.4 overhead - very stable upload rate, the download rate was not limited and I got a max rate of about 200 depending on the number and quality of sources found - very stable download. Oh..! I was running windows xp pro at the time.

Now, that I have vista running and a line of 2.5/250 I cant seem to get a stable down/up rate - when the down rate goes up the up rate goes down and the opposite - I limited the up rate to 30 now after running a test saying it can handle 45 and the down rate stays unlimited. The up rate seems to continuesly (sorry...bad english) go up and down in a very unstable way (0-27 with a minimum of 3 overhead) and the down rate doesnt even get close to the rate I had before the upgrade

also, when my down rate does climb up for above 50 or so the up rate overhead is also climbing and takes over the "releasing" up rate (it climbs up to 12-17 overhead)....

I'm sorry for all the info and the trouble but i'm really driving my head through the wall on this one cause its just weird... my emule is acting strange...

my system has recently been formatted and works perfectly with no other software using the bandwidth...

any ideas on how to make the rates more stable..? thanks
oh., and anyone know of a speed test that can test my upload and my download simultanusly for conflicts or something..? thanks
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Alt 11. November 2007, 05:07   #523
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Benutzerbild von omeringen
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Chunk selection method

Decides on the method how to choose the chunks to be downloaded. The traditional method is Maella, zz is the new one in 0.47c. The main difference is the following: the one by Maella tries to download a different chunk from every client, whereas zz tries to request the same chunk to finish it faster. Furthermore zz takes factors like the current download speed into account.
"Furthermore zz takes factors like the current download speed into account."
I could not understand this proposition.Can you explain more fully?(basically)

I am curious about why do you prefer to choose maella as default ?
what's advantages or disadvantages about these two methots.
(sorry 4 my bad english , it would be great if you explain basically)

second question ;
how we can sure about we failed the secure identification or not failed.

Geändert von omeringen (11. November 2007 um 05:21 Uhr)
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Alt 11. November 2007, 15:38   #524
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I had Xteme 6.1 and for some reason all of a sudden my kad shows connected , but is firewalled..
So i returned to 6.0 hoping that would fix it, but it didnt..

I have rechecked my firewall and read the settings page..
Still nothing cant figure it out...

I'm 1.5m down and 768 up.

Every 15min to 30mins it changes servers on me,, so i'm put at the end of the queue..
So basically i have a 5mg download i have been waiting on for 4 days..

Geändert von Sorrow (13. November 2007 um 12:37 Uhr) Grund: double-post...please use edit-button...!
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Alt 12. November 2007, 23:16   #525
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
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If you change the server you don't loose your queue-rank. You can even use emule without any servers by using Kad only.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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