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Alt 28. November 2007, 05:51   #541
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
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Zitat von erdem444 Beitrag anzeigen
"Furthermore zz takes factors like the current download speed into account."
I could not understand this proposition.Can you explain more fully?(basically)
I can't, sorry.

Zitat von erdem444 Beitrag anzeigen
I am curious about why do you prefer to choose maella as default ?
what's advantages or disadvantages about these two methots.
Maella always requests the rarest chunk available. It takes also in consideration that clients with a full queue mostly are useless sources. Zz requests incomplete chunks to complete. Even if you get a chunk from three sources at a time zz requests the same chunk from a complete source instead of a more rare chunk.
To request the rarest chunk is intelligent. Maella is always intelligent. Zz is intelligent until a chunk is spreaded over 20% of all involved clients. Then the intelligence will be disabled.

Zitat von erdem444 Beitrag anzeigen
how we can sure about we failed the secure identification or not failed.
Not sure what you mean by that ... You may check other clients in queue or somewhere else. If the majority of other clients is secure identified your SUI is ok. If not you should shut down emule and delete the files cryptkey.dat and preferences,dat in your emule-config-folder. Then restart emule.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
aalerich ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. December 2007, 21:17   #542
Registriert seit: 21.11.2007
Beiträge: 7

I am using xtreme mod.
Since 2 weeks ago the search doesn't work fine-
it doesn't search sometimes and somerimes it searched but takes at least 5 minutes and that gettin me crazy.

At the start when I used the program it worked very good and searched fast but now something happened and it doesn't work well...

It happens at all the servers I checked...

DriveOff ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 8. January 2008, 23:06   #543
Registriert seit: 08.01.2008
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Hyez.. i was wondering if a can get some help.. I use xtreme and I love it.. but since I installed Vista, and can't get extreme to display the flags of the countrys form clients... can anyone help me?

FoolOnTheHill ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 10. January 2008, 19:49   #544
Registriert seit: 10.01.2008
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Idee: english support How Can I Enable The Upnp On Xtreme 6.1

Hello Wonderful supporters, i want help in configuring my Xtreme 6.1 to be able to use the feature of Upnp and make it works if it exist, i am looking forward for a reply from you ...... thanks in Advance (Sambo)
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Alt 31. January 2008, 03:12   #545
Registriert seit: 27.10.2006
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@DriveOff: i had this problem, too, but it's working these days. try to check ur open port and don't do many consecutive search in a short period of time.

@FoolOnTheHill: erm.. i cant remember it too !!

@Sambo: there are many reasons why upnp isn't working:
1- router doesnt support it (modems dont even use it)
2- some services.msc may not be running
3- some other fw or antivirus software is messing with upnp queries


now i have a question of my own. because of this problem, im left with a mere.. 3 downloads in queue. so, after joining a server for the 2nd time, xtreme will only ask for ONE source at the time. 'so whats the problem', you guys say, 'that is to prevent spam'. of course i know that, we don't want ppl who's downloading over 100 files asking ALL of them everytime they join a server!! my problem is.. it keeps asking the same friggin file, over and over again !!

31-01-2008 1:22:26: NAFC: searching an adapter matching your public ip
31-01-2008 1:22:26: NAFC found by IP: Select adapter with index 65539
31-01-2008 1:22:26: SXSend: Local server source request; File="

31-01-2008 1:48:35: NAFC: searching an adapter matching your public ip
31-01-2008 1:48:35: NAFC found by IP: Select adapter with index 65539
31-01-2008 1:48:35: SXSend: Local server source request; File="Pxxxxx.ISO"

31-01-2008 2:03:33: Rejecting connection attempt of banned client unknown
31-01-2008 2:03:36: SXSend: Local server source request; File="

i just activated the "save log to disc" option, hadn't it switch on before because im using a very low spec (and low power consumption too) computer.

i discovered that xtreme or original emule client have an internal timer that doesn't allow you to make queries to the servers, even when u manually connect to another server. i find that feature very well implemented, and should stay there to prevent overload to servers and even more important, to identify and ban fast connecting clients and/or leechers.

unfortunately i dont know how to code, else i woulnt be making this post. so my sugestion is,
when under such a short number of downloading files, lets say, 9 or less, clients should ask sources to the server for all files they're downloading. only after the limit the existing timer rate should apply. i doesn't represent a large increase in badnwitdh, i think it could even leverage it, because ppl like me won't be jumping from server to server every and so on =)

thx a lot for your time,
jamaica ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. January 2008, 03:26   #546
Registriert seit: 30.07.2007
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Hello there. Sorry if this was already asked/answered but since this forum is in german i'm a bit lost...
I have my xtreme installed, my router ports opened and my download is always between 90% and 100%, but unfortunately my upload (which is set to 11) rarely passes the 3 or 4 Kb/s. Is there a reasons for this? I mean i read all the options and couldn't find anything that could be strangling my upload speed...
FragaCampos ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. January 2008, 10:26   #547
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

The reason is the download-overhead. This is normal behaviour. The only way to increase your upload is to reduce your download.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
aalerich ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31. January 2008, 23:22   #548
Registriert seit: 27.10.2006
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no, that's not normal. i also have 128 kbits of upload and xtreme happily gives 13 when 20 downloading, only going to a minimum 8 when downloading more than 100 kB (which is very rare since im downloading only 3 files atm). do you have obfuscation protocol on?

*EDIT now i've read more.. what do you mean, 90 to 100% of what? connection? tell us values please. so i guess that's normal, for instance, you have a 2044/128 connection and are downloading at 180kB or more, it's normal the upload @ 3 kB..

Geändert von jamaica (31. January 2008 um 23:33 Uhr)
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Alt 11. March 2008, 01:47   #549
Registriert seit: 11.03.2008
Beiträge: 3

hello i cant connect to servers with low id with xtreme mod. however regular emule connects with low id. i do not have chance to open ports. but xtreme mod doesnt caoonect as low id. how to sole thid problem.

Geändert von ubd (11. March 2008 um 01:50 Uhr)
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Alt 12. March 2008, 21:29   #550
Registriert seit: 12.03.2008
Beiträge: 2
Frage: english support some questions

hello people !
thankyou for this mod

i need help about 2 issues

- When i search there is very less sources (actually only 1 )

- When i click on a link at a website it says unkown type of issue then nothing happens( it doesnt add it to transfer list)

i hope decribe problems correctly

waiting to hear from you soon.

thank you!

Ps. I have High ID and no problem with connecting to the servers.
morte ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. March 2008, 18:02   #551
"Rächer der Genervten"
Benutzerbild von Pan Tau
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Zitat von morte Beitrag anzeigen
hello people !
thankyou for this mod

i need help about 2 issues

- When i search there is very less sources (actually only 1 )

- When i click on a link at a website it says unkown type of issue then nothing happens( it doesnt add it to transfer list)

i hope decribe problems correctly

waiting to hear from you soon.

thank you!

Ps. I have High ID and no problem with connecting to the servers.
Hi, perhaps i can help you with your second issue.
In Xtreme MOD's options menu you have to push the button "Handle eD2K Links" the button i marked in the screenshot down below.
I hope this will fix your second problem.

For your first problem it would be helpful to give us some information:
The files you're searching for are they mainstream-content, or rare-content?
e.g. do you expect more sources for that kind of files?
Do you use KAD too?
Do you search them only on (global) servers or KAD or on both systems?

Pan Tau

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Pan Tau ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. March 2008, 11:49   #552
Registriert seit: 12.03.2008
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Pan Tau

Firstly thank you for your attention,

The files i am searching for are definitely mainstream-content.

do you expect more sources for that kind of files?

yes new episode of lost is shown on my other computer 7200 sources but at other one there is only one!Where has 7199 people gone

Do you use KAD too?

No , i dont know how to use

Do you search them only on (global) servers or KAD or on both systems?

I search only on global servers.
morte ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11. April 2008, 01:55   #553
Registriert seit: 11.04.2008
Beiträge: 1

hi guys,
i just want to say that this is really a great mod. i have no problems downloading movies. but the problem is downloading tv series is painful.
let me explain:
when i download a movie, sources look like this: 85/89, 677/700 etc..
but let's say that when i try to download 5 episodes of a tv series at the same time, sources look like this: 11/16+69, 12/17+81 etc..
when i try to swap all A4AF sources to one episode, then the sources become normal like: 65/69 and it start to download that episode fast. but this swap effect other episodes' sources negatively.

how can i make it download all episodes fast without swapping sources?
lucinda ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11. April 2008, 08:21   #554
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
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Zitat von lucinda Beitrag anzeigen
... but this swap effect other episodes' sources negatively.
Of course. A source can be used only for one file. Since you can download only one file from one source at a time you ask only for one file. This is the way emule works. It does not reduce your download-speed.
If you want to finish a specific episode faster than another one you can improve / reduce the download-priority. Then emule will ask all useful sources for the file with th highest priority. Otherwise it tries to spread the sources to have the same amount of sources for each file.

Kind Regards
Der Router ist schuld!
aalerich ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. April 2008, 01:40   #555
Registriert seit: 13.04.2008
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Standard: english support New user questions.

Hi there,

Can we have the speed control back on the icon with right click like emule please? Connect/Disconnect on the icon is useless as far as I'm concerned. And middle click does nothing anymore?

How do you select other skins?

Zitat von Pan Tau Beitrag anzeigen
Hi, perhaps i can help you with your second issue.
In Xtreme MOD's options menu you have to push the button "Handle eD2K Links" the button i marked in the screenshot down below.
My button ("Handle eD2K Links") is greyed out. I can't select this???? Any suggestions?

I'm just trying your mod. I used Neo for a long time, but it uses to much memory for the machine I'm on now. Your mod seems to be working without adding alot of extra memory. Congratulations!

I'm especially interested if this mod will help to get rare (as in one complete source every couple of days maybe) files. I see that some mods will keep your old queue number so you don't have to start at 4844 everytime the guy with the file disconnects and reconnects 2 days later. Does this mod do that? Are there any settings to optimize this?

Thanks for the help.

Geändert von mistaknly (13. April 2008 um 01:56 Uhr)
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