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Alt 10. July 2008, 00:37   #586
Registriert seit: 04.07.2006
Beiträge: 17

Yes I did, and the backgrounds were still white.
I have tryed another thing: I opened Windows Display Properties and reset the windows background colors to grey; after this, the emule backgrounds have changed to grey, as it should be with the default selected. Then, I exited emule and restarted it. The backgrounds appear white again.
It seems to be an initialization problem: when the emule starts, the backgrounds which the color could be set in your mod, are set to white instead of the default color. If you look carefully, you will see that the rectangle which indicates the background color in the Design settings dialog shows the color white. I think it should show the color selected...

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Alt 10. July 2008, 07:01   #587
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

yes yes. i will try to figure what the problem is. thank you for your assitance.

Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 18. July 2008, 04:19   #588
Registriert seit: 18.04.2008
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If we've moved or are moving to ScarAngel/Mephisto should we leave this forum and just head over to the official emule forums and hang around the Xtreme Section? Asking since the only languages I know are English and Spanish.

Cyn ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. July 2008, 05:13   #589
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

well, yeah, i prefere to give english support in that place. my spanish, however, is really weak so i can't help you in that language.
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. October 2008, 01:29   #590
Registriert seit: 21.10.2008
Beiträge: 3


I have the mod Xtreme 7.0. But the emule it is always to give this errors and the ace times disappears without more or less.

I really need help.

PanterA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. October 2008, 06:56   #591
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

well, apparently you got a crash and you will need to give me the crash dump so i can give it to the modder!
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. October 2008, 08:59   #592
Registriert seit: 21.10.2008
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well, apparently you got a crash and you will need to give me the crash dump so i can give it to the modder!
Hey! Where i find the "crash dump"? Thanks!
PanterA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. October 2008, 10:00   #593
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

the window asks you to create it so press yes and check the program dir for the .dmp file.
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 21. October 2008, 22:55   #594
Registriert seit: 21.10.2008
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the window asks you to create it so press yes and check the program dir for the .dmp file.

I do not obtain to find file! I looked for in the directory for .dmp and I did not find it.
The eMule now it stabilized, but at any time it can give to come back to give the error.
PanterA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23. October 2008, 17:39   #595
Registriert seit: 23.10.2008
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Standard: english support having problem width connectivity width xtreme

Width v6.1 I had fine upload but low download widthout any reason... Then I give chance to v7. and now I have no sources (or 1 and sometime upto cca 700) and zero download and upload is zero or less than 3kb/s) When I try to test ports from xtreme, i had result that ports r not open?! On same machine I downloaded true emule prg. Ul and dl is wonderfull. I used same ports! How to fix 7.0? I had few crashes, v6.1 was stable for me. Is it time to bring back original or try something else? What about those fork like scarangel?
sartic ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. October 2008, 16:26   #596
Registriert seit: 23.10.2008
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Width v6.1 I had fine upload but low download widthout any reason... Then I give chance to v7. and now I have no sources (or 1 and sometime upto cca 700) and zero download and upload is zero or less than 3kb/s) When I try to test ports from xtreme, i had result that ports r not open?! On same machine I downloaded true emule prg. Ul and dl is wonderfull. I used same ports! How to fix 7.0? I had few crashes, v6.1 was stable for me. Is it time to bring back original or try something else? What about those fork like scarangel?
solved, my isp is throttling number of connections. torrent works but not perfect.
sartic ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2008, 11:16   #597
Registriert seit: 16.09.2007
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Standard: english support Problem with the flags in emule Xtreme Mod 7


Have a little problem with emule 0.49b and Xreme Mod 7, the problem is I've lost the flags.

I can connect the servers, I can upload, I can download... the Mod is wonderful, works fine... but I cannot see the flags of the people... so don't know the countries of the people that is downloading stuff from my computer or I am uploading stuff to.

May someone help me, please, to get back the flags?

fox982983 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2008, 14:53   #598
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

Close eMule, update the countryflag.dll and countryflag32.dll and ip2country.csv and restart it!

Maybe you should take these files from the Xtreme7.0.BIN.zip folder
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Myth88 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. November 2008, 02:43   #599
Registriert seit: 16.09.2007
Beiträge: 3

I still don't have the flags and don't know why?

I did exactly as you told me... closed emule...

Copy the files...


from Xtreme7.0.BIN.zip file... in the folder \config


the folder c:\emule\config

After replacing the old files with the new ones, and opening emule again... I still having the same problems, I'm unable to see the flags

This problem happened to me when I installed the new XtremeMod, so seems to be something screwed it up in the configuration...

What may I do now?


Don't know if this has a relationship with the flag thing or not... but when I open emule, always, I get a message saying me...

No server list in addresses.dat found. Please paste a valid server list address into this file in order to auto-update your server list.

It's curious because I update the servers met normally update the servers.met in the servers window in the field that says... update server.met from URL...

There I put my url to update the servers...


And the servers are updated normally... but everytime I open emule, again I have the same message...

No server list in addresses.dat found. Please paste a valid server list address into this file in order to auto-update your server list.

And also I don't have the flags...

Seems to be something go wrong with the configuration and these problems began to happen when I installed the new XtremeMod 7.0... so it's like if emule has changed the configuration parameters... or something were wrong with the configuration that now I don't have the flags and also I get this message...

Upload and Download is going perfect, I have high ID, all perfect, except the flags and that message...

Can you help me pls to solve this?

Geändert von Myth88 (28. November 2008 um 14:39 Uhr) Grund: merged the double-post!
fox982983 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 3. January 2009, 19:02   #600
Registriert seit: 03.01.2009
Beiträge: 6

So, I've only just switched from MorphXT, and I'm liking it, except for this problem:

Minimize to Tray doesn't work for me, on any Xtreme7 and derived mods.

edit: clarification; if i disable min-to-tray i can minimize fine, if I enable it does nothing. works fine on morphxt.

I tried rebuilding my config, but didn't help. I'm Vista64 w. Aero.

Anyone know if there's something I can try?

Geändert von Soor (3. January 2009 um 19:12 Uhr)
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