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Alt 15. February 2006, 19:49   #61
Registriert seit: 31.01.2006
Beiträge: 2

Is the first time i write on this forum. I have the new test version,
I have a broadband cable 4096/256 KBs.
I think the most, the old one, 4.8.2 was better for me in terms of downloads,, I don´t know of sure but Ibelieve i have a problem of Trafic shaping in portugal. I think with this new version, i have a litle less speed of downloads than with th older one, My upload are the same as the older one, i didn´t change anything from 4.8.2 to 5.1 beta.
Until now, 3 days without problems or crashes.
Now, my extrem is running very well, after i pached my tcpip.
If i may say, is the best mod i ever used.

Geändert von lizzard (16. February 2006 um 01:59 Uhr)
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Alt 19. February 2006, 23:13   #62
Registriert seit: 31.01.2006
Beiträge: 2

I´m gonna to write in english.
This is the best mod i ever new. My only problem is the traffic shaping from netcabo.pt. I have no problems with uploads, but i have problems qith downloads, beacuse they ar´nt stable.

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Alt 24. March 2006, 18:54   #63
Registriert seit: 26.12.2005
Beiträge: 5


Can you explain me what is the "Upload Management" in the "Xtreme I" section in the options?
I have only 16 KB/s upload bandwidth, how should I configure this section for best results?

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Alt 24. March 2006, 19:05   #64
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

have a look at the Xtreme-Homepage
all settings are explaind.. also in english language.
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Alt 25. March 2006, 12:09   #65
Registriert seit: 26.12.2005
Beiträge: 5

Thanks a lot!!!!!
But I couldn't understand one thing:
I have little upload bandwidth (16 KB/s), and I've got the NAFC enabled.
Which sendbuffer is recommended for me?
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Alt 25. March 2006, 12:22   #66
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

I recommend the standard-value of 8192
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Alt 25. March 2006, 12:30   #67
Registriert seit: 26.12.2005
Beiträge: 5

thanks !!!!!
kipi25 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 30. March 2006, 00:51   #68
Registriert seit: 12.02.2006
Beiträge: 23

Hi Xman!

I've found a problem, when uploading and there are few clients downloading from me xtreme doesnt use all bandwith if some has slow downloading, if a few clients downloads like 2-3k and most can download much faster they dont get all speed that they can recieve, instead they only get about 25-30k and thus only using ½ of my totalt upload. It only happens when i dont have any in cueue, and about 25-40 dowloading, if it is very few (like less than 10) they get maximum speed they can recieve.
Ich habe probliem mit der richtige vörter zu finden. Bitte swedisch oder Englisch

100/10Mbit 24/7 @ Idun: Abit BX6 2.0 PII 400MHz ½Gbyte mem 2* IBM 75GXP 46Gbyte
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Alt 30. March 2006, 12:06   #69
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
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Zitat von Isengrim
I've found a problem, when uploading and there are few clients downloading from me xtreme doesnt use all bandwith if some has slow downloading, if a few clients downloads like 2-3k and most can download much faster they dont get all speed that they can recieve, instead they only get about 25-30k and thus only using ½ of my totalt upload.
What is your adjusted slotspeed? First the Xtreme try to hold the uploadslotspeed at the adjusted value. And if there some clients which can't take the speed the Xtreme open more slots if activated. But if i understand this right:
Zitat von Isengrim
It only happens when i dont have any in cueue, and about 25-40 dowloading, if it is very few (like less than 10) they get maximum speed they can recieve.

then there are no more clients in your waiting queue for new uploadslots and your slotspeed could be very instable as well as you don't reach the uploadlimt.

Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 30. March 2006, 12:44   #70
Registriert seit: 12.02.2006
Beiträge: 23

I've found that 10k gives me best stability in uploadspeed.

Yes, the uploadspeed gets instable, but allways higher when there are very few clients then with 25-40 clients. With that amount the uploads stays stable at 500-600kbyte/s, if there are more i get stable at 900kbyte/s and with fewer its unstable between 750 and 900 depeending on how much they actually can recieve.

And when there are that magic number inbetween youll se that uploadspeed to those who can recieve massive is the same for all fast clients. Normally 25-30k, if there are fewer and the same guys are downloading they get over 100k without a problem.
Ich habe probliem mit der richtige vörter zu finden. Bitte swedisch oder Englisch

100/10Mbit 24/7 @ Idun: Abit BX6 2.0 PII 400MHz ½Gbyte mem 2* IBM 75GXP 46Gbyte
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Alt 30. March 2006, 15:38   #71
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
Beiträge: 1.116

Zitat von Isengrim
if there are more i get stable at 900kbyte/s
In this (normal) case is there an empty waitingqueue? And is the slotspeed most of clients at your adjusted value of 10k?

At the other cases what happen if you disable the option "open more slots ..."?
Official eMule@Boinc Teams - Seti, Predictor, Climateprediction and Einstein
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Alt 30. March 2006, 19:35   #72
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

Hallo Isengrim,

what I understand is:

empty Queue and

uploading to

< 25 clients --> upload instable @ 750-900 kb/s
25-40 clients --> upload stable @ 500-600 kb/s
> 40 clients --> upload stable @ 900 kb/s


< 25 clients --> a client gets what he can take, if this is 100k he gets it
25-40 clients --> (known) clients who can take 100k gets only 25-30k, the result is wasted (unused) bandwith
> 40 clients --> fast takers get 25-30k but since there are enough downloaders there is only a little bit of bandwith wasted

Is this correct or did I misunderstood you?

Kind regards
Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 30. March 2006, 21:53   #73
Registriert seit: 12.02.2006
Beiträge: 23

aalerich, almost right on target

This line would be:
> 60 clients --> fast takers get 10-15k but since there are enough downloaders there is only a little bit of bandwith wasted

since I have 10k as slotspeed, havnt that much experience with 40-60 clients that i can say exactly how it is inbetween.

Use more slots is disabled and use double sendsize is enabled.
Ich habe probliem mit der richtige vörter zu finden. Bitte swedisch oder Englisch

100/10Mbit 24/7 @ Idun: Abit BX6 2.0 PII 400MHz ½Gbyte mem 2* IBM 75GXP 46Gbyte

Geändert von Isengrim (30. March 2006 um 22:00 Uhr)
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Alt 31. March 2006, 10:06   #74
Registriert seit: 12.02.2006
Beiträge: 23

A picture with few clients, UL slot speed 10k, maximum UL 998.4.


As u can see, fast downloaders dont get the speed they could get.
Ich habe probliem mit der richtige vörter zu finden. Bitte swedisch oder Englisch

100/10Mbit 24/7 @ Idun: Abit BX6 2.0 PII 400MHz ½Gbyte mem 2* IBM 75GXP 46Gbyte
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Alt 31. March 2006, 19:17   #75
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

I read it now for the fifth time.. but I don't get your problem.
You know yourself, that there are many clients which can't take the speed you want to give.. they are "blocking" to oftenly.
More uploading clients should always be-> more stable upload.

when I understand you right, you say
if only < 25 clients in upload your upload is higher than with ~40 clients ?
You should recheck it... maybe the 25 clients you saw first where all "non blocking" clients, and later you had many blocking clients.

In one of the next versions (not to soon) I'll add an additional info how often a client is blocking.

and you should share more files! Maybe a patch in Xtreme is slowing down your upload... the full upload speed is only given free, when you have more than uploadlimit/uploadclients/2 slots opened. In your case this should be about ~50

Edit 2:
ok.. I looked through the code.. and I'm sure it is the patch which reduces the uplaod until you have reached the minimum of uploadslots. I only wonder why this problem doesn't exist with very few slots.
However last week I already changed this patch... in the next version you shouldn't have the problem any more.

Geändert von Xman (31. March 2006 um 19:53 Uhr)
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