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Alt 23. January 2003, 03:07   #1
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366
Standard: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 Problem: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25

Version 0.25 - eMule 0.24b

Mirror (thanks FranxD)

Mirror (thanks FranxD)

Version 0.24c - eMule 0.24b

ed2k://|file|emule-v24b[SF-VQB]-v0.24c.rar|634992|8f0968fb50f4e385df6ae4c6e88c8678 |/|sources,|/


Version 0.23a - eMule 0.24a




[1] Check diskspace v1.1:
* Verifies all non-paused downloads have enough room in the temp partition to finish.
* If there isn't enough room, downloads are paused so that the remaining downloads do have enough room. Files with lower priority are more likely to be paused in favor of higher priority files. Files paused this way have a status of "Insufficient diskspace".
* Whenever a download is paused, resumed, stopped, or has it's priority changed, the free disk space is rechecked to see if previously paused files can be resumed, or new ones paused because of the current non-manually-paused downloads changing.
* v1.1: Rechecks the free diskspace every 15 minutes, just in case the free disk space on the temp partition has changed(files copyed, created, deleted, etc).

[2] Share with subdirectories v2.1:
* When a directory is shared, all of it's subdirectories are shared as well.
* Only the root directory is saved in the dat files, the subdirectories are rescanned every time the shared files are reloaded or refreshed. As a result, the dat file is smaller than one where all the subdirectories are shared manually, and if a shared directory's subdirectories change(renamed, created, deleted, etc), the change will be detected the next time the shared files are refreshed.
* v2: To share a directory with subdirectories hold the ctrl key, otherwise the directory is shared without it's subdirectories.
* v2: Directories shared with subdirectories are now saved in a seperate dat file. The subdirectories themselves are still not saved.
* v2: Once a directory is shared with subdirectories you cannot unshare/reshare any of it's subdirectories, and the checkbox next to them disappears.
* v2: The incoming directory is shared with subdirectories by default and doesn't have a checkbox(cannot be unshared).
* v2: You can now share files from network shares without having to map them to a drive first.
* v2.1: Local drives appear before network drives.

[3] Transfer whole chunk v1.1:
* Upload slot cycling is set to cycle only after 9.28MB(the size of a complete chunk) were sent, so that anyone downloading will get at least one chunk complete and be able to hash it and reshare.
* v1.1: A downloader getting a slot with the small-file boost will only download according to the size of the file used for the boost, and not a complete chunk.
* v1.1: No longer counts compressed packets according to their compressed size.

[4] Push small files v1.1:
* Files under 1 chunk get a priority boost in inverse ratio to their size. A 1 chunk file(or above) gets no boost, and a 9.28k(1/1000 chunk) file(and below) gets the maximal boost of times 1000.
* v1.1: Small file boost can be seen in an extra column in the upload window.

[5] Release priority v1.1:
* The highest shared files upload priority for complete files can now be set to times 50.
* v1.1: You can now select it in a seperate menu item from the old highest value of times 5. For part files this option is grayed.
* v1.1: The menu item for times 5 was modified from "Highest" to "Very High".

[6] Save known.met:
* Known met is saved after every upload is complete to preserve statistics in case of crash.

[7] General Bugfixes:
* Retries for connection requests with too many connections are now spread more randomly over time rather than having them retry in the same order as before all at the same time, so different connections have a chance to retry each time, and there isn't an instant peak in retries. Based on the patch by Dnowo.
* Reasks for files now have an added random delay of up to 5 minutes to reduce connection peaks caused by all reasks occuring all at the same time.
* Shared file list is only flushed to the control itself after eMule has fully initialized. Prevents a crash at startup with Win9X. Based on the patch by Lucas.
* Server.met only read after the Servers tab has fully initialized. Extention of the patch by Lucas.
* Fixed a possible crash if the gap information in a part.met is corrupted, or simply not in a very specific order. Now uses more effecient code for reading an detecting errors in the gap tags.
* Fixed source exchanged sending IDs instead of IPs. Now only sources with a valid IP are sent by IP.
* Modified hashing code to use more standard multi-thread conventions. Now all files hash at once, and CPU usage is trivial. Also, closing eMule while files are hashing no longer causes a crash.
* When eMule starts the next upload it skips low-id users that aren't currently connected. If a low-id user should have gotten the slot, he is marked, and is automatically given a slot when he next connects. There will be a message in the log and on the window status (bottom left).

[8] See own credits:
* Clients on your download queue that have you on their upload queue with a credits mark now have a credits mark.
* You can now see you own UL/DL modifier in a client details, next to the client's UL/DL modifier(In brackets).

[9] New Tweaks:
* Reconnect on LowID - How many retries before accepting a low id(default: 3). *Removed pending debug*
* Infinite Queue - Removes the queue size limit and allows your queue to grow as far as it can. Should be good for the network. Test it out for yourself, and see if there's any down sides.
* Multiple Instances - You can now choose to allow two or more eMules to run at the same time for whatever reasons you may have(Off by default).

[10] Detailed downloads:
* xrmb patch for showing in a download's progress bar how much of what was downloaded was already completed and hashed. Slightly modified code.
* xrmb patch for seeing which chunks do sources need from you in the sources status bar.

[11] See what parts of a file was uploaded v1.1:
* There is now a "progress bar" in the shared files list showing how many times was each part of a file uploaded.
* Uses black and blue colors, like the download progress bar. Black means never uploaded, light blue means uploaded a little, dark blue means uploaded alot.
* These statistics are saved in the known.met file, using a similar format to the saving of gaps in a part.met file.
* Not based on the similar xrmb patch.
* v1.1: You can now sort the files according to the spread bar. Uses a special sorting formula by VQB.
* v1.1: Thanks to VQB 3 new columns were added: the sorting value based on part upload history; a simple total bytes UL/filesize, and one showing the directory the file is in.

Officially Implemented Features:
We stopped implementing these features because the official team either adopted them or came up with their own version. Don't worry, they're still in, the official versions of them, that is.

[1] Adjustable connections per five seconds:
* eMule 0.23 introduced a features which limits how many connections can be made every 5 seconds, so routers aren't flooded due to too many connections in too little time. However, the official client doesn't allow changing the limit. Now you can set whichever limit you choose.
* Fixed in 0.24. Look in the new Tweaks properties.
Pink_Frog ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24. January 2003, 23:31   #2
Registriert seit: 23.01.2003
Beiträge: 29

Feldtest mit Bravur bestanden. Wesentlich besseres ULL Verhältnis als mit der "alten" Version 0.24. Habe nach 15h ein ULL Verhältnis von 1:3.59! Beim alten meistens um die 1:2.9 oder 1:3.1!

Mein Mod!

Die Straßen des Exzesses führen zum Palast der Wahrheit!
Imperatorius ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. January 2003, 18:04   #3
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033
Standard: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 Details

Das ist der erste Mod, den ich bei mir nicht zum laufen bekomme. Wenn ich den frisch installiere und nur die notwendigsten Dateien aus meiner alten Version übernehme, dann läuft er erst mal, sobald ich aber mein Sharetemp angebe und das Teil neue starte, bekomme ich nach ein paar Sekunden gesagt, das das Teil nen Fehler verursacht. Ist mir sonst noch nie passiert bei einem Mod.

Usul ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. February 2003, 20:41   #4
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von Jockel
Registriert seit: 20.02.2003
Beiträge: 184
Standard: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 Lösung: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25

@ Usul

Ich habe das gleiche problem !
Wollte auf die "alte" tarod 23b-11e zurückgehen und erhalte die gleich Fehlermeldung wie DU
Jockel ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. February 2003, 20:51   #5
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033
Standard: eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 eMule v0.24b[SlugFiller-VQB] v0.25 [gelöst]


Hab damals bei SlugFiller keine Lösung für das Problem gefunden, hab einfach nen anderen Mod genommen. Also von meiner Seite kannste zu dem Punkt keine Hilfe erwarten, sorry.
Usul ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11. March 2003, 13:47   #6
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
Beiträge: 76

ich hoffe dass ist bei mir nicht so
MfG Yoghurt
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Alt 11. March 2003, 13:48   #7
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
Beiträge: 76

nö war genau dasselbe
mfg yoghurt
MfG Yoghurt
Yoghurt ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 30. March 2003, 11:56   #8
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 56

Der war nich sooooooooo toll!!!!
So eine cpu auslastung hatte ich noch nie!
Der hat sichd ie ganze zeit einen abgerechnet!
Durchgehend! Ziemlich blöd! scheint bei euch ja nicht so zu sein
trotzdem mach weiter so modder!!!
bin wieda am start
es gibt keinen schlechten modder nur einen schelchten mod
FlashNoob ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 11. April 2003, 06:20   #9
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033

Mangels Interesse und aufgrund des Alters des Mods mach ich den Thread unsticky
Usul ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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