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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 5. December 2005, 11:59   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1 [26.12.2005] Problem: eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1 [26.12.2005]

eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1
Version 0.9.1
  • [CNG] Anti-Leech code:
    - Source Exploiter now should be better identified
      - ModThief check added
      - Score calulation timings (less CPU waste)
  • [CNG] Anti-Leech events logging
  • [ADD] Compression Ratio and Compression Gain in file detail window (requested by bUR)
  • [ADD] Chunk Import process can be stopped
  • [ADD] New column in ShareFileList with interested clients for this session (requested by Random User)
  • [FIX] Mod Version column sort
  • [FIX] Download time is now not counted for Paused/Stopped files
Few notes:
Interested clients for the session are cients that have asked for the file at least once and are still in waiting queue.
This means clients that have changed file request at least one are counted twice. Code for solving the problem and reporting the real number of clients actually asking for a determined file has already been provided by Xman, but I'm lazy
Maybe next version.

Don't know if the patch for the download time is working perfectly. The few tests done seem positive though.
With this modification the total speed average should be calculated right now.

When looking at a client details info, near the Up/down ratio you find the Anti-Leech assigned score inside two square brackets such as [AL: 1.00].
This value can be from 1.00 to 0.20. On the same line, in square brackets, there are the reasons for the AL rating when it is different than 1.00.
Here the list of the reason and corresponding symbol:
[XS] - Source Exchange exploiter
[MT] - Mod Thief
[FF] - File Faker
[Spam] - Ditto
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.0
  • [ADD] Based on ZZUL Bastard 1.7.2 code which is based on 46c ZZUL code
  • [ADD] Moonlight's SUQWT v2 implementation
  • [ADD] Push Small Files for files smaller than 1 chunk (~9.28MB)
  • [ADD] NiceHash v2 to decrease CPU load while hashing complete files
  • [ADD] New Fine Credit System which is used to manage heavy leechers only for part files
      Two Credit Systems available:
      1 - Official
      2 - Fine
  • [ADD] New substring matching for Evildoers identification
  • [ADD] New list of one way banned Eviloers
  • [ADD] Extended tooltip for OS that support it (Win2000, XP, Win2003)
  • [ADD] Enlarged search history length. Now max 60 entries are stored.
  • [ADD] Friendly slot can be granted on any drop down menu. No need to add a client to the friend list and then grant the friendly slot there.
  • [ADD] Category column in Shared File List (requested by mmorselli)
  • [ADD] Warning message when removing from share a file which has few sources
  • [ADD] Adopted Morph filenames for credits.met version:
      - Official v30 credit format: credits.met
      - SUQWT v2 format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met
      - SUQWT v2 backup format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met.bak
  • [ADD] Code optimization for interface speedup from Xman, SiroB and Maella
      - Don't draw hidden Rect (SiroB)
      - Code Improvement: FillSolidRect (Xman)
  • [ADD] Upload buffer size is now dependant to the upload datarate (Wizard)
      - Accesses to the HD should be less frequent
  • [ADD] New priorities range. From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
  • [ADD] PowerShare priority is a separate flag
  • [ADD] Autopriority can now work with PS files as well
  • [ADD] Import Chunk from another file. (SR13)
  • [ADD] Related search for shared files
  • [ADD] Small File Push flag enable/disable for each small file
  • [ADD] Files in SharedFileList can be listed by ED2K type (Avi-3k)
  • [ADD] Chunks that are available by the remote downloading client are coloured. Applies in:
      - UploadList window
      - QueueList window
  • [ADD] AntiLeech code (slightly modified version of Wizard's implementation)
  • [ADD] Optional logging of punishment reasons as given by AntiLeech code

    New columns in Waiting Queue List:
      - Actual Queue Rating
      - IP Number of clients
      - File size
    New columns in Shared Files List:
      - Share Ratio (ratio between the downloaded and uploaded amount)
    New columns in Uploading Clients List:
      - IP Number of clients
      - File size
    New columns in Downloading Clients list
      - Mod string
    New columns in Downloading File List
      - SpeedBars v1. Average download speeds for time interval/lasthour/total downloading time

    Other interface changes:
  • [ADD] Powershared files and Pushed Small File are highlighted with different colors in the Shared File List and in Upload Client List
  • [ADD] Files in Shared File List are shown in shades of Red-Black-Green depending on the number of seen complete sources
  • [ADD] Shared Info List in file detail panel. In this list all upload sessions for the selected files are shown.
      Shown info:
      - name of the user
      - software version
      - mod string
      - rating of the client at the upload session acceptance moment
      - amount of uploaded data for the session
      - duration of the upload
      - the average upload speed
  • [ADD] Related search in transfer window
  • [ADD] Chat sessions are logged as a "per user" file
  • [ADD] ChunkDots disappear if they become too frequent.
  • [REM] Removed all code relative to IRC
  • [REM] Removed all code relative to notification (included send mail)
  • [REM] Removed Text To Speech
  • [FIX] Name of related search tab
  • [FIX] Spam messages aren't logged
  • [FIX] Various small fixes by Xman1, tHeWiZaRdOfDoS and Avi-3k (who all I thank for their support)
  • [CNG] The way the remaining time is calculated in simple mode
  • [CNG] FineCS slightly modified:
      - not SUI clients have a 0.8 multiplier (instead of the previous 0.75)
      - Before the first chunk is received, and only until that moment, the threshold before punishment is activated is 3 chunks.
        Small further protection against 0-uploading clients
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. December 2005, 11:09   #2
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1 [26.12.2005] AW: eMule 0.46c ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1 [26.12.2005]

Update auf 0.9.1

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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