Xtreme 4.8.2 - last 0.46c version -
Main Features:
- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Anti-Leercher-Feature
- hundrets of code improvements
based on emule 0.46c
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.7
zlib 1.2.3
crypto 52.1
CxImage version 5.99c
changelog 4.8.2
- major XS-bugfix of official client
- one more XS-bugfix of official client (david/Neo)
- bugfix at XS-exploiter due to the official xs-bug
- small bugfix in p2pthread
- fixed an official small bug, when NoNeeded-sources was wrong sorted in Downloadlist
(this also fixes issues with DiffQR,AvgQR and AskForDownloadPriority)
- fixed crash on F1 in Xtreme-Settings
- fixed reask-time on tooltip for NNP-Sources
- fixed small bug in reask sources after IP-change which didn't asked NNP-Sources
- don't answer UDP-Filerequest for LowID-clients which can get a slot now
- Threadsafe socket-disconnect, should fix some crashes (thx Wizard / Sirob)
- codeimprovement to fill uploadqueue faster after server reconnect
- other minor bugfixes and improvements
changelog 4.8.1
- fixed: show additional graph-lines wasn't saved
- fixed some translations and codepage-errors in polish translation (Colder)
- grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
- don't print logline for spam-messages (forgot this in changelog of 4.8)
- updated IP-Filter to v 98. This update is important for all german users, because v97 filters out two german ip-ranges (thx rumpelzuck)
changelog 4.8
- added sourcecache = finding more sources with less overhead
- added max global sourcelimit to avoid overheadleeching *
- added an option to show additional graph lines
- added P2PThreat - Detect worms that could be harmful to the network or eMule (netfinity)
- added extra option für Xtreme Versionscheck
- changed slotregulation ->less slots with high overhead
- changed calculation for downloadlimits to get a smoother download
- fixed and changed score-calculation for MultiQueue
- changed clientbantime to 4 hours
- changed some default values
- adjusted fileprio a bit
- Fix Log Scrollbar Redraw (Sirob)
- Fix: Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception Fix (Kro)
- crashfix for reloading downloaded history
- fixed small bug in downloadlimit calculation
- fixed: few ban messages wasn't shown in leecherlog
- more small fixes and improvements
- updated translation string (thx: charlesdewei,erazah,unomas,hornetzone)
- added polish translation (thx wilam)
*max global sourcelimit:
depending on your uploadlimit you'll get a max global sourcelimit. (e.g. for 10kbs upload: sourcelimit = 4000)
This shell avoid overheadleeching, which means: users with only a small upload like 12 kbs, are using 10000 and more sources. Which such an amount of sources, all your bandwidth is wasted with filerequests and there isn't enough bandwidth left for uploading of data. With the max global source limit, xtreme avoids this kind of leeching.
You have two new options:
- accept the source limit, which means Xtreme won't find more sources
- accept a session 1:3 ratio if you are using more sources than global source limit
remark: Xtreme session/amount 1:3 ratio always means: no downloadlimit until you reach a 1:3 ratio. After reaching this, you'll get a downloadlmit of 4*current upload. Overall you'll should reach a ratio between 1:3 and 1:4
Die neue Xtreme Version 4.8 geht einen neuen Schritt in Richtung Fairness und bekämpft als erster Mod das sog. Overheadleeching. Overheadleeching bedeutet nichts anderes, als daß man mit viel zu vielen Quellen arbeitet. Umso mehr Quellen man hat, umso mehr steigt der Overhead. Irgendwann ist der Breakpoint erreicht und man hat kaum noch Bandbreite für den eigentlichen Datenupload übrig. Der Xtreme begrenzt die maximal gefunden Quellen auf ein vernüftiges Maximum, so daß auch ein emule-Laie keine groben Fehler mehr machen kann. Bei 10 kb Uploadlimit wären maximal 4000 Quellen erlaubt. Daneben kommt die neue Version mit noch vielen neuen Features wie z.B. dem source-cache aber auch etlichen Bugfixes.
- this mod has no USS (use nafc instead!)
- this mod doesn't allow unlimited uploadspeed
- the adjustable slotspeed is not an accurate speed, but a tolerant(can go 25% over the settings). Xtreme Mod decide itself how much slots are needed to best fit your slotspeed
- the uploadlimit is applied to overhead + data
- if you use NAFC, the uploadlimit is applied to whole networktraffic (also other applications) and downloadlimit is automatically adjusted
- the overhead includes TCP/IP + UDP-Header + blockpackage-header + ACK-packets
- because the uploadlimit is applied to data + whole overhead, you have to set your upload to min 11kbs to get unlimited download, but please set it to about 90% of your uploadcapacity
Download: http://www.xtreme-mod.net Achtung: - dieser Mod besitzt kein UploadSpeedSence (stattdessen kann NAFC benutzt werden) - unlimitierter Upload wird nicht unterstützt - die eingestellte Slotspeed ist keine genaue Vorgabe. Sie kann 25% mehr betragen, aber auch weniger, wenn die Clients keine hohe Speed abnehmen. - Das eingestellte Uploadlimit gilt für Daten + Overhead - Bei Verwendung von NAFC gilt das Uploadlimit für den kompletten Internetverkehr(alle Anwendungen werden berücksichtigt). Mit NAFC wird das Downloadlimit automatisch geregelt - Im Overhead wird zusätzlich noch miteingerechnet: TCP/IP + UDP-Header + blockpackage-header + ACK-packets - da das Uploadlimit den gesamten Overhead beinhaltet ist das Uploadlimit auf mindestens 11 kbs zu stellen um unlimitierten Download zu bekommen. Empfohlener Upload: 90% der Kapazität.
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