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Alt 27. January 2006, 06:39   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] Problem: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006]

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3
"Sion v1.3" release By Loulach
-[CHANGE] -Client detail dialogs show the Mod version too.
-[ADD] -Possibility to assigne custom Datarate per slot when slotfocus disabled: 2 to 10ko/s with équal bandwitch for all slot, number of open slot based on allowedDataRate/wantedSlotSpeed. ( you can found this option in release option panel)
-[ADD] -Friend function: Remove all friendslot menus item
-[ADDED] -Ganja-FeedBack (Menu in downloadList and SharedList)
-[REMOVED] -FeedBack UL from Morph
-[CHANGED] -USS Pinger system. (You may to tweak again your USS settings)
-[ADD] -Color system for Small file push and Powershare tagged files in QueueList. (Blue=SFP, Yellow=PS)
-[ADD] -Total UP/DL column in QueueList
-[ADD] -Menu related to friend in QueueList (add/remove/friendslot)
-[ADD] -Web Interface Account Management from ionix (WebTemplate included in package).
-[ADD] -Web Interface Cookie Settings from ionix.
-[FIXED] -Bug on small file push.
-[FIXED] -Argos Column bug when enable/disable argos.
-[FIXED] -Option ShowSharePermission no longer appear in separate file configuration menu.
-[ADD] -More crédits system and neo file score system (Neomule credits system by default.
Why? Because i merged the whole code from néomule and by respect i take the neomule crédit by default.)
Crédits system are:
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.2b
"Sion v1.2b" release By Loulach
-[UPDATED] -[UploadSpeedSense] from the latest ZZ code
You may need to retweak your UploadSpeedSense settings
-[UPDATED] -[DynamicBlockRequest] from the latest ZZ code
-[ADD] -SESSIONMAXTIME added in ZZ Uploading code " I don't like to see client uploaded at 0.1ko/s during 6hr...on an upload slot"
-[ADD] -Code related to SiRoB, Fix connection collision
-Other minor bugfix
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.2
"Sion v1.2" release By Loulach
-[IMPORTANT NOTE] -Own Sion preferences.ini and Categories.ini is now used, new name is "SionPrefs.ini" and *"Sioncat.ini".
You have now any trouble with preference when you share the same folder with another Mod.
*With this version all preferences are reset to default value.
*If you want to keep your old configuration just rename your preferences and categories ini files.

Finally SlotFocus run Fast and Smooth !
-[ADD] - Force kick User at the end completion of chunk (Own implentation Based on timer sheduler for removal).
*Now No more extra slot open to push client out when he don't leave after completion.
-[CHANGE] -"Auto Max Slot modified" "no more slot open now if you have many shared files"
*and other minor change related on slotfocus.

-[ADD] -Some code improvement from Xman
-[ADD] - You can now use Zz multifriendSlot on Upload and Download menus.
-[ADD] -Client name Stability fix "Xanatos"
-[FIXED] -Modeless dialog. you can now create collection.
-[FIXED] -AuxPort Column server no longer show LowIp
-[FIXED] -ARGOS Default setting for ModThief showed a bad default setting.
-[FIXED] -Log and message filtered clients
-[FIXED] -Error when peercache sockets close or open.
-[FIXED] -A random error when a client ask for a files.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.1
"Sion v1.1" release By Loulach
-[FIXED] -No longer assert on ClientUDPsocket causing an Upload downtime in some case.
-[FIXED] -Completion Status on upload slot work fine again.
Client no longer keep the slot open after chunk completion.
-[CHANGE] -Filtered or Banned client message banned to logline too.
-[ADD] - ChunkDots to PartTraffic.
-[FIXED] -minor bug on SlotFocus.
-[FIXED] -Missing entry in kad source about kad aux port.
-[FIXED] -ShowIncompleteParts menuoption not grayed when InteligentPartSharing disabled.
-[ADD] -ULFeedback function from Morph, available on shared file menus.
-[ADD] -Option to enable/Disable Custom share permissions.
-[Fixed] -Bad issue in tree stats
-[FIXED] -USS pinger! now UploadSpeedSense work again.
-[ADD] -More Friend (Friendslot and remove friend) option in upload and download list
- Also cleaned some useless code.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.0 Final
"Sion v1.0" Final release By Loulach

-FIXED] -Graphic bug when hiding Shared Kad/edk2 column in shared window
-[ADD] -Scroll for help/info part on all Advanced sion panel From neomule mod
-[REMOVED] -All Wizard first connection option. (i think all user have knowledge when using an emule mod based. Not ??.. :p)
-[ADDED] -Menus Option to clear Saved comments on Known Files shared list
-[CHANGED] -Improved datarate per slot to ~5kb/slot when SlotFocus Disabled
also changed min slot to 3
-[FIXED] -Some bad info on Clients details dialog
-[FIXED] -Bug in download in bold
-[FIXED] -Some bad tree options pannel
-[FIXED] -Release/share options not appear in filepreference windows.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.9
Compiled with Netf patch for compatibility -xpsp2
(yes you miss the v0.8 because some test vesion)
Sion mod Based on [Neomule] and [Zz] code

"Sion v0.9" By Loulach

[ADD] -ISP travetsal to bypass ISP trotheling/blocking. [Xanatos]
Multi Port communication
XOR packet encrpytion on session key base
SUI PK encrpytion for key exchange
Diffie-Hellman key aggreament for session key aggrement on new first connection

[UPDATED] -HideOs to InteligentPartSharing from neomule, This include HideOs and ShareOnlyTheNeed.

[ADD] -SpreadBar NeoPartTraffic style with reset on right click.

[ADD] -ShowSharePermission separate for each file separatly "Visible", "Hidden", "Friend only" status.

[ADD] - Backup/restore system files with panel control

[ADD] - Reask Sources System Manual And Timed, Reask: FQ, NNP.
*can be configured for each file seperatly with fileconfiguration.

[ADD] - SpreadReask Sources.

[IMPROVED] -Drop Source system
*can be configured for each file seperatly with fileconfiguration.
*added also Manual drop source

[ADD] -[Slidebar] séparate categories preference "Normal" and "Advanced" preferences List with Set-Up Pages from Plus Mod.

[ADD] -[FileConfiguration]: Some settings can be set for each file seperatly will be saved in Part.met.sion and in knownprefs.met
* Right click on a file in both download and shared windows to open File Configuration menu

[UPDATED] -ARGOS- Antileech system to the latest version from neomule, Don't miss to Update Leechers database (also included in zip)
ARGOS CHANGELOG détails from Neomule Changelog):
-dlp is now a core internal part of the detector engine, and has a bigger flexibility.
-by default I'll provide a dlp.dll that can handle the antileech.dll of the xtreme,
-Add hash to detector to lechers.dat, not used currently but in case may be useful.
-Added missing tests to processmuleinfopacket.
-emcrypt clients are now detected as faked client.
-Readded anti xs fastask/exploid, should take care of all official bugs and don’t cause false positivs.
-Added anti file faker idea by wizard, but own more secure implementation working for tcp and udp.
-Added anti udp aggression idea by sivka, own simplified implementation.

[ADD] -Show comments Extended comments V2 ("SLUGFILLER"):
* Added option to indicate which files you set comments for in the Shared Files tab and in Transfers tab with icons.
* Recieved comments are now stored in a comment list for each file, instead of being stored in a single comment per user. As a result, a user can now send a comment for more than one file, and when the user disconnects the comments remain.
* Recieved comments can be viewed in the Shared Files tab, and are indicated with an icon.
* Comments and ratings for downloading files can be edited directly from the Transfers tab.
* New protocol extension allows downloading users to send comments to their sources, so users can now recieve comments for files they have complete.
* Comments saved in a files "comments.met" for view old files comments

[ADD] -Requested Files clients [itsonlyme] showed in client details windows
You can also right-click a user in any list and select to view a list of all the files the user is a source of in a dialog

[ADD] Modeless dialogs("SLUGFILLER"):
* Multiple dialogs in eMule are now modeless, meaning you can open a dialog, and continue working with eMule behind the dialog with the dialog still open, instead of having to first close the dialog, then work with eMule.
* The client details dialog is modeless. You can open one dialog per client. Trying to open the client details twice for the same client will bring the previously opened dialog to the front.
* All three file details dialogs, for downloads, search results, and shared files, are modeless. You can open one dialog per file. Trying to open the file details twice for the same file will bring the previously opened dialog to the front. If a file is removed, its dialog will automatically close.
* The preferences dialog is now modeless. Clicking on preferences while the preferences dialog is already opened will bring it to the front.
* The dialog for browsing the shared files as other users would see them is modeless. Trying to re-open it while it's already open will bring it to the front.

[ADD] -Show ModVersion stats on TreeStat

[CHANGE] -Quickstart and reask on ip/id change moved in Network preferences pannel
[FIXED] -Minor bug in Credits System.
[FIXED] -Minor bug Session Average Upload/Slot don't appear in tree stats.
[FIXED] -Minor bug in Tweak upload queue.
[FIXED] -Minor bug in Upload system.
- And many Other BugFix

Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.7a
"Sion v0.7.a" By Loulach
[CHANGED] -HIDEOS: dynamic hide overshares need "Powershared" status to be active.
[ADD] -[ReloadSharedOnMissing] - If shared file not found, the shared list reloaded.
[FIXED] -Priority powershared
[FIXED] -Drop FQ sources active status not saved.
[FIXED] -minor bug on SmallFilePush.
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.7
Compiled with Netf patch for compatibility -xpsp2
"Sion v0.7" By Loulach
[ADD] -SUQWT Save Upload Queue Wait Time from moonlight
[ADD] -HIDEOS: dynamic hide overshares from [Xtrem mod]
- only avaiable for complete files:
- dynamic hide overshares: start with hideos=1, after 2/3 of the chunks are hidden, hideos will be increased
[ADD] -SFP Small File Push from [CB MOD]
-for files smaller than 1 chunk (~9.28MB)
-You can enable/Disable SFP in right click context menu on shared file
-SFP files collored BLUE when enabled
[ADD] AKF – [AllknownFiles] a list of all known files can be displayed in the shared files list. Idea from xrmb
[ADD] -Collored Queue Ranking
[ADD] -Infinite Queue
[ADD] -Random Queue
[ADD] -One Queue per file
[ADD] -Queue Overflow Settings (Release, Rare, Friends, Standard)
[ADD] -Collored server list from [TK4]
[ADD] -Always filter IP Filtered Servers! from [TK4]
[ADD] -MultiSort (Slugfiller)
[ADD] -Collored Flags in Cat Tab
[ADD] -columns IP Client in upload list
[ADD] -columns Files Sizes in upload list
[ADD] -columns UL/DL in upload list
[ADD] -columns Queue rank in Queue list
[ADD] -Improved Spam notifier messages filter
-with reset button in security option pannel
[UPDATED] -Reask After IP/ID Change
[FIX] -Bug (minor) on Upload Priority
[FIX] -Quickstart
[CHANGED] -URL for Argos Update (Clic reset on update panel)
[FIX] -Spreadbars causing bug with know.met
[REMOVED] -Draw Spreadbars in shared dir
[REMOVED] -Share Only The Need
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.6
"Sion v0.6" By Loulach
- !! Due to Spreadbars and Share Only The Need, its recommended to delete your "known2_64.met" and "known.met" files in config folder !!
- !! If you dont delete both files emule maybe crash at startup !!
[ADD] -Share Only The Need from morph
[ADD] -Spreadbars from morph
[ADD] -QuickStart from neomule
[ADD] -QuickStart on ID change from neomule
[ADD] -FakeCheck from neomule
[ADD] -You can now Enable / Disable SLOTFOCUS "right click on Upload Windows to enable/disable" from viper
[ADD] -Own slot and datarate control when Slotfocus Disabled [Loulach]
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.5b
"Sion v0.5b(BugFix)" By Loulach
[FIX] -Major Bug in Upload.
[REMOVED] -Possibility to remove SlotFocus.

"Sion v0.5a(BugFix)" By Loulach
Compiled with Netf patch for compatibility -xpsp2
This version use Less memory, less cpu usage and stability improved too.
Due to some change in Upload Rules Feedback is welcome :p) : (Please Dont fight about that rules still only for test atm)
[CHANGE] [FOR TESTING ATM ] -Minor change in SlotFocus Rules. [Loulach] (Change only visible in high Upload Bandwidth).
[CHANGE] [FOR TESTING ATM] -Rules When not Using SlotFocus. [Loulach] (Change only visible in high Upload Bandwidth).
[CHANGE] -IP adress by default for IPFILTER. [Loulach] (Click reset in update panel for the new one).
[CHANGE] -Changed SourceSaver For files with -25 sources to -50 sources and Reload Time Changed 10mn to 30mn.[Loulach]
[FIX] -BugFix in sourceSaver [Loulach].
[FIX] -Lot of Bug fix and some mem leak. [Loulach]
[REMOVED] -SUQWT Causing some trouble in clear wait state and need to be improved before added again. [Loulach]
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.5
"Sion v0.5" By Loulach
Recommended a clean install for this release.
[ADD] -Drop Source System. NoNeedParts, FullQueue, HighQueueVal (With timing intervals)
[ADD] -SUQWTv2 system by Moonlight .
[ADD] -SourceSaver For files with >25 sources (Only save clients with part needed) From khaos
[ADD] -Panel Update/AutoUpdate for Leecher and Ipfilter Files [Loulach]
[ADD] -You can now Enable / Disable SLOTFOCUS in right click on Upload Windows [Viper]
When you disabled Slotfocus the datarate slot number according with official emule and cant be changed.
[ADD] -Side Banner Sion in preferences window [Loulach]
[ADD] -New SplashScreen Sion [Loulach]
[ADD] -Panel for Xtended Options of Scion Mod. [loulach]
[FIX] -Kademlia issue Pointed here: http://forum.emule-project.net/index...howtopic=99316
[FIX] -My own bad code Issue with improved firewal ICF [loulach]
[CHANGE] -Icons in Toolbar
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.4
"Sion v0.4" By Loulach
-[ADD] -ARGOS- Antileech system From "David Xanatos" NeoMule
Dont miss to Add the DLP and Leechers Files in Config dir (include in zip).
New colums -Argos- in upload, download, knowsClients and inqueue list
New windows -Argos- in Client details window
This is a big Antileech system take care at options do you use...
-[ADD] Reask on ID and IP Change [NeoMule] Minor Change by me for new Kademlia client Reask
-[ADD] Reworked the core and Treecontrols to include some part of [NeoMule]
-[ADD] Arcade Icons on new tree UPnP and RIC option [Loulach]
-[FIX] Recoded all the part of UPnP Option page.
-[FIX] Dont save Priority on shared file after restart, Pointed by BlowHound
-[FIX] "minor" Icon on UPnP NAT Tree false [Loulach]
-[FIX] "minor" Load and save Mod preferences in bad section in preference ini
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a Sion v0.3
"Sion v0.3

Updated code from 0.47a
-[ADD] UPnP NAT Support
-[ADD] ICS Improved Firewall Support
-[ADD] Random Port
-[OPT] Some GUI Optimization

"Sion v0.2Beta"
-Updated code from 0.47aBeta2
-[ADD] New priority range in shared files . From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
With autopriority in normal mode and powareshare too.
-[ADD] New columns in Downloading Clients list to see the Mod string
-[ADD] ModLog
-[CHANGE] Soft Source Limit can be show and used when Advanced mode control is off
-[FIX] the amout client transfer can be showed again in "Completed" column (Fixed in 0.47a rel)

"Sion v0.1Beta"

Based on emule 0.47a beta1
[ADD] :(Zzul 20060106-1740)stuff like :
(Some part of code reworked to agree with v0.47 and 4gb+ files too)
-Zz Chunk Chooser
-Zz Transferratiobalance
-Zz Slotfocus
-Zz Powershare
-Zz Friendslots
-Zz Lowidfairness
-Zz Showversion
"More info on Zzul stuff at :
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
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Alt 27. January 2006, 19:22   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 01.01.2003
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bekomme da den fehler wie zur 46c

fehlender netf fix

Hopie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 4. February 2006, 14:28   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] Details

Aktualisiert auf v0.4!

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Alt 13. February 2006, 07:27   #4
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] Lösung: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006]

Update auf 0.5
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Alt 20. February 2006, 07:27   #5
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Standard: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006] [gelöst]

Thread aktualisiert auf 0.5b.
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 25. February 2006, 19:55   #6
Registriert seit: 26.12.2002
Beiträge: 9

eMule v0.47a Sion v0.5b Statistics [*****]
   Session UL:DL Ratio: 1.17 : 1
   Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1.17 : 1
   Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1.63 : 1
         Uploaded Data: 809.51 MB
               eMule: 790.89 MB (97.7%)
               eD Hybrid: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
               eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
               aMule: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
               MLdonkey: 9.56 MB (1.2%)
               Shareaza: 9.04 MB (1.1%)
               eM Compat: 27.93 KB (0.0%)
            Data Source
         Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
         Focused uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 3
         Total Uploads: 4
         Waiting Uploads: 4231
         Upload Sessions: 134
            Total successful upload sessions: 115 (85.82%)
            Total failed upload sessions: 19 (14.18%)
            Average Uploaded Per Session: 6.97 MB
            Average upload time: 31:01 Minutes
         Total Overhead (Packets): 30.09 MB (520.83 k)
            File Request Overhead (Packets): 10.97 MB (340.67 k)
            Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 4.81 MB (1.72 k)
            Server Overhead (Packets): 20.33 KB (1.71 k)
            Kad Overhead (Packets): 4.45 MB (58.07 k)
         Downloaded Data: 691.99 MB
               eMule: 651.26 MB (94.1%)
               eD Hybrid: 977.50 KB (0.1%)
               eDonkey: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
               aMule: 4.49 MB (0.6%)
               MLdonkey: 350.00 KB (0.0%)
               Shareaza: 6.66 MB (1.0%)
               eM Compat: 28.28 MB (4.1%)
               URL: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
         Completed Downloads: 1
         Active Downloads (chunks): 4
         Found Sources: 3280
            On Queue: 1585
            Queue Full: 90
            No needed parts: 1598
            Asking: 1
            Receiving hashset: 0
            Connecting: 1
            Connecting via server: 0
            Too many connections: 0
            Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
            Problematic: 0
            Banned: 0
            Asked for another file: 1416
            Unknown: 1
            via eD2K Server: 123
            via Kad: 69
            via Source Exchange: 472
            via Passive: 2611
            eD2K: 3156 (96.2%)
            Kad: 2170 (66.2%)
            eD2K/Kad: 2080 (63.4%)
            UDP File Reasks: 43.94 k, Failed: 5.57 k (12.7%)
            Dead Sources: 557 (484 + 73)
         Download Sessions: 224
            Successful Download Sessions: 164 (73.2%)
            Failed Download Sessions: 60 (26.8%)
            Average Downloaded Per Session: 4.22 MB
            Average Download Time: 20:39 Minutes
         Gained Due To Compression: 20.46 MB (3.0%)
         Lost Due To Corruption: 0 Bytes (0.0%)
         Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 1
         Total Overhead (Packets): 22.83 MB (494.13 k)
            File Request Overhead (Packets): 10.33 MB (325.95 k)
            Source Exchange Overhead (Packets): 1.27 MB (990)
            Server Overhead (Packets): 35.69 KB (592)
            Kad Overhead (Packets): 2.83 MB (53.45 k)
         Reconnects: 1
         Active Connections (estimate): 129 (Half:3 | Compl:29 | Other:97)
         Average Connections (estimate): 118
         Peak Connections (estimate): 252
         Max Connection Limit Reached: 71 : 25.02.2006 18:56:53
         Upload-Speed: 19.98 KB/s
         Average Uploadrate: 19.29 KB/s
         Max Upload Rate: 39.96 KB/s
         Max Average Upload Rate: 19.36 KB/s
         Download-Speed: 6.97 KB/s
         Average Downloadrate: 16.49 KB/s
         max. Downloadrate: 93.39 KB/s
         Max Downloadrate Average: 16.59 KB/s
Time Statistics
   Statistics last reset: 24.02.2006 13:11:04
   Time Since Last Reset: 1 Days 6:41 Hours
      Runtime: 11:56 Hours
      Transfer Time: 11:56 Hours (100.0%)
         Upload Time: 11:56 Hours (100.0%)
         Download Time: 11:26 Hours (95.9%)
      Current Server Duration: 11:55 Hours (99.9%)
      Total Server Duration: 11:55 Hours (100.0%)
   Projected Averages
Shared Files
Disk Space

|--> Hard Limit: 700
|--> Max. Verbindungen: 300
|--> Max. Verbindungen / 5 Sek.: 35
|--> Anzahl Files: 15
Athlon 64 X2 3800+
2048(2x1GB) DDR-400
Grafikkarte X800-GT 256MB
2x200 GB - SATA HD
Windows XP Pro SP2
HanseNet DSL 16000/1024 FP
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3030 im Routerbetrieb
ulistein ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. February 2006, 10:14   #7
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Thread aktualisiert auf v0.6
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. March 2006, 13:17   #8
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Thread aktualisiert auf v0.7
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. March 2006, 12:08   #9
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Kleines BugFix auf 0.7a
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20. March 2006, 21:29   #10
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 05.07.2004
Beiträge: 41

Gefällt mir sehr gut der Mod. Sehr schnell vorallem.

Mediainfo funktioniert aber nicht.
Kabeljau ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. March 2006, 01:06   #11
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 05.07.2004
Beiträge: 41

Wo muss sich die mediainfo.dll befinden in emule- Ordner oder in Config Ordner?
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Alt 21. March 2006, 08:10   #12
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800

Keine Ahnung. Kopiere sie doch in beide, wo sie nicht hingehört schadet sie ja nicht...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Der Router ist schuld!
aalerich ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. March 2006, 14:24   #13
Junior Member
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Zitat von aalerich
Keine Ahnung. Kopiere sie doch in beide, wo sie nicht hingehört schadet sie ja nicht...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Danke für den Tip aalerich, aber ich bin auch nicht ganz dumm, das ist mir natürlich auch eingefallen.
Habs dann so gemacht und emule neu gestartet, trotzdem hab ich keine Video-details.
In den Einstellungen hab ich nichts gefunden.

Brauche dringend Rat
Kabeljau ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23. March 2006, 22:01   #14
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 05.07.2004
Beiträge: 41

Wieso kann mir denn niemand helfen?
Wo findet man diesen Modder, hier scheint er nicht zu sein?
Kabeljau ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 24. March 2006, 06:19   #15
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Die mediainfo.dll muss ins eMule-Hauptverzeichnis. Nach einem eMule Neustart solltest du in den Details einer Datei den Tab "Media Info" finden. Wenn der Tab da ist aber nichts angezeigt wird, dann liegt es sicherlich daran, dass die spezielle Datei ein Format hat bei dem nichts ausgelesen werden kann (evtl. sicherstellen dass du die neueste version der DLL hast).

Was aber hat das konkret mit diesem MOD zu tun?
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Ähnliche Themen: eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 [26.04.2006]

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    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 26. August 2007 (61)
  2. eMule v0.47a StulleMule v3.6 [30.07.2006]
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  3. eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.14 [04.09.2006]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 3. October 2006 (300)
  4. eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.2.2 [01.09.2006]
    Xtreme MOD - 22. September 2006 (149)
  5. eMule v0.47a Magic Angel v1.5 [29.07.2006]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 2. September 2006 (111)
  6. eMule 0.47a TK4 Mod 1.5f [14.08.2006]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 15. August 2006 (8)
  7. eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.1.2 [19.05.2006]
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  8. eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.0.1 [01.03.2006]
    Xtreme MOD - 19. May 2006 (288)
  9. eMule 0.47a AcKroNiC 4.2 [01.05.2006]
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  10. eMule v0.47a [ESE v1.0b] [24.04.2006]
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  11. eMule 0.47a released [26.01.2006]
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