
[eMule-Web] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/)
-   Mülltonne (http://www.emule-web.de/board/muelltonne/)
-   -   Warning: your upload seems to be too high ??? (http://www.emule-web.de/board/10682-warning-your-upload-seems-too.html)

gajklhadflglösdga 3. March 2006 12:43

Warning: your upload seems to be too high ???
Was bedeutet es den wen in meinem LOG

Warning: your upload seems to be too high. Please review your settings!
look at your uploadgraph, the white or the yellow(with NAFC) uploadline should be stable
this message is only generated one time

L3v3l0rd 3. March 2006 12:58


gajklhadflglösdga 3. March 2006 13:01

aber wo kann man den da was prozentuall einstellen??? ich benutz die Xtreme mod kann es sein das das da nicht geht?

Pathfinder 3. March 2006 13:02

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