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Alt 13. April 2006, 09:00   #1
Registriert seit: 13.04.2006
Beiträge: 1
Standard: Thanks and well few features Problem: Thanks and well few features

This mod has everything that there should be in excelent Emule and not even as hard style as extreme there.. Hehe hell that took even minute to load..

either way been wondering couple feature since none of the mods has some of these.

- Screen update interval slider (lets say 100ms, 250ms, 500ms, 1s, 2, 5s)
- Script settings checker for lets say hourly (since some settings just don't keep when new stuff keep going)
- Priority to people who has what you are actually needing from files.

Well, I ain't saying Sivka wouldn't actually keep it's settings nor checking them or that update interval would be bad basically, but it just doesn't work as like amule forexample tehy have higher update interval than any of emule mods and seems that actually is kicking some strenght to upload and downloads. Sivka mod although has one fault it's 'take over' settings doesn't react at all.

But anyhow I'am here just to thank for this great piece of not crashing down all the time emule mod.. hehe. So Thank you!

Geändert von IceDragon (20. January 2007 um 11:34 Uhr)
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