die einen oder anderen haben es schon mitbekommen, daß mit dem neuem Xtreme (5.1.2) und der darin enthaltenen ipfilter (v106) die BigBang-Server rausgeflogen sind.
Hintergrund hierzu sind suspekte Aktionen dieser Server und die Tatsache, daß sie Leechermods anbieten.
Der für die IPFilter Verantwortliche schreibt dazu:
There has been alot of suspicion around these servers, when they first came out they looked legit. But, little by little things have been adding up against them, we have had many reports of fake files from those servers, spam, and clients that are abusive on those ip's. They also on their website have a closed source version of emule that they will not give information about when asked. The whole range was reported for the templist now. I moved them to level1 to maybe get to the bottom of this. Its up to you if you want to connect to them, but to many peeps are saying block them now in emule forums.