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Alt 12. June 2006, 07:41   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] Problem: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006]

eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3
Version 1.8.3
Based on ZZUL 0.47c code by zz

  • [ADD]PowerRelease: works only for complete files and gives a 100x boost to a file. Files in this status are colored in pink.
  • [ADD]FastWeb public IP address ranges added for check agaist illegal clients
  • [ADD]Advantages provided to regular clients (including, but not limited to poweshare, small file push and SUQWT) are removed for illegal clients
  • [ADD]Postit-like area for adding notes to friends. Will be automatically saved and reloaded at each start-up.
  • [ADD]Few shortcuts in Shared Files window for modifing file priorities (works on a multiselection as well)
    - [CTRL]+[+] increases priority (till the max = 10)
    - [CTRL]+[-] decrease priority (till the minimum = 1)
    - [CTRL]+[X] enable autopriority
    - [CTRL]+[S] enable PowerShare
    - [CTRL]+[R] enable PowerRelease (applied only of the file is complete)
  • [ADD]Minimum QR value shown next to number of available sources
  • [ADD]NiceMove from Ionix
  • [ADD]Reason for score reduction, in order of importance:
    - [G] 0.0x - client is GPL breaker
    - [V] 0.5x - client version (older than v0.25)
    - [I] 0.1x - client is recognized as illegal
    - [F] 0.1x - client belongs to Fastweb and has a U:D ratio < 1
    - [S] 0.8x - client has unsecure identification
    - [R] var - client is beyond FineCS friendly U-D threshold
  • [ADD]New columns:
    - in Client Upload List : upload contitions [file priority/rating/U-D diff]
    - in Known Client List : [rating/U-D diff]
    - in Waiting Queue List : U-D diff info added in rating column
    - in Shared Files List : For each file amount of completed data or "Complete" description
  • [CNG]New list of filtered fake and unsecure servers
  • [FIX]Chat log files are now created even though the remote user has unprintable chars in his/her nickname
  • Probably some other minor things I have not traced
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.2 b4
Version 1.8.2 Beta 4
Based on ZZUL 0.47a code by zz
Change log
  • [ADD] Connection Encryption as in NeoMule. V3 supported
  • [ADD] Aux port can now be set
  • [REM] Explicit encryption mode
  • [ADD] HardCode filter for BigBang bad servers
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.1
  • [FIX] Autopriority. Should work fine for files with >55 requests now
  • [FIX] Files list sent to server. Now ordered depending on actual file priority
  • [FIX] Sorting by file priority in Shared Files list
  • [FIX] Internal event timer: average calculations should be working fine now
  • [FIX] On completition, file final average speed is updated
  • [CNG] Added new formats to the do-not-compress type list: avi,mp3,ac3,mpg,mpeg,7z
  • [ADD] Option in File panel to disable popup requester when a link is found in the Clipboard. Helps adding easily files directly from the browser.
  • [ADD] Chunks sepatators in Upload List progress bar
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)

eMule 0.47a ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.0
Version 1.8.0
Based on ZZUL 0.47a code by zz

  • [ADD] Moonlight's SUQWT v2 implementation
  • [ADD] Push Small Files for files smaller than 1 chunk (~9.28MB) with independent enable/disable flag for each small file
  • [ADD] NiceHash-II to decrease CPU load while hashing complete files
  • [ADD] New Fine Credit System which is used to manage heavy leechers only for part files
    Two Credit Systems available:
    1 - Official
    2 - Fine
  • [ADD] New priorities range. From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
  • [ADD] New list of one way banned Evildoers
  • [ADD] Extended tooltip for OS that support it (Win2000, XP, Win2003)
  • [ADD] Enlarged search history length. Now max 60 entries are stored.
  • [ADD] Friendly slot can be granted on any drop down menu. No need to add a client to the friend list and then grant the friendly slot there.
    Clients with slot friends are automatically added to friend list for easy tracking.
  • [ADD] Smart Unshare. Warning message when removing from share a file which has few sources
  • [ADD] Adopted Morph filenames for credits.met version:
    - Official v30 credit format: credits.met
    - SUQWT v2 format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met
    - SUQWT v2 backup format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met.bak
  • [ADD] Code optimization for interface speedup from Xman, SiroB and Maella
    - Don't draw hidden Rect (SiroB)
    - Code Improvement: FillSolidRect (Xman)
  • [ADD] PowerShare priority is a separate flag
  • [ADD] Autopriority can now work with PS files as well
  • [ADD] Import Chunk from another file. (SR13)
  • [ADD] Small File Push can be enabled/disabled for each small file
  • [ADD] Files in SharedFileList can be listed by ED2K type (Avi-3k)
  • [ADD] Chunks that are available by the remote downloading client are coloured in blue. Applies in:
    - UploadList window
    - QueueList window
  • [ADD] Download buffer max size has been extended to 8MB. Flushing time has been set to 3 mins.
  • [ADD] Chat sessions are logged as a "per user" file (inipendently by who started the session)
  • [ADD] Spam messages aren't logged or signaled in any way
  • [ADD] Compression Ratio and Compression Gain in file detail window (requested by bUR)
  • [ADD] Chunk Import process can be stopped

    Other interface changes:
    New columns in Waiting Queue List:
    - Actual Queue Rating
    - IP Number of clients
    - File size
    New columns in Shared Files List:
    - Share Ratio (ratio between the downloaded and uploaded amount)
    - number of cients interested in downloading the file (request by RandomUser)
    - Category to which the file belongs to (request by mmorselli)
    New columns in Uploading Clients List:
    - IP Number of clients
    - File size
    New columns in Downloading Clients list
    - Mod string
    New columns in Downloading File List
    - SpeedBars v1. Average download speeds for time day/lasthour/total downloading time
  • [ADD] Powershared files and Pushed Small File are highlighted with respectively yellow and cyan colors in the Shared File List and in Upload Client List
  • [ADD] Files in Shared File List are shown in shades of red-black-green depending on the number of seen complete sources
  • [ADD] Shared Info List in file detail panel. In this list all upload sessions for the selected files are shown.
    Shown info:
    - name of the user who got an upload slot
    - software version
    - mod string
    - rating of the client at the upload session acceptance moment
    - amount of uploaded data for the session
    - duration of the upload
    - the average upload speed
    List entry is added at the end of the uploading session.
  • [ADD] ChunkDots disappear if they become too frequent to improve readibility.
  • [REM] Removed all code relative to IRC
  • [REM] Removed all code relative to notification (included send mail)
  • [REM] Removed Text To Speech (TTS)
  • [REM] AntiLeech code
  • [FIX] Chat log. Name of the remote user should be inserted correctly in the log file
  • [FIX] Chat log. First session message is now logged
  • [FIX] Partial averages calculations
  • [FIX] Auto renaming of a collection file after modify
  • [FIX] Download time is now not counted for Paused/Stopped files
  • [FIX] Various small fixes by Xman1, tHeWiZaRdOfDoS and Avi-3k (who all I thank for their support)
  • [CNG] Remaining time calculation in simple mode
  • [CNG] FineCS slighly modified with respect to the original implementation:
    - Not secure clients (bad SUI) have a 0.80 multiplier (instead of 0.75)
    - Before a complete chunk is received, and only up to that moment, punishment threashold is 3 chunks instead of 4.
    Should be a small protection against clients that do not upload anything at all.
  • [CNG] Partial averages for day and hour
  • [CNG] New way to mark chunks in the progress bar
  • [CNG] Percentual value in the progress bar is now bold to increase readability
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
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Alt 27. July 2006, 21:24   #2
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Update auf 1.8.1

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Alt 28. July 2006, 00:27   #3
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von aalerich
Registriert seit: 31.05.2004
Beiträge: 2.800
Standard: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] Details

[CNG] Added new formats to the do-not-compress type list: avi,mp3,ac3,mpg,mpeg,7z
Dann soll er die Kompression doch gleich ganz abschalten, es dürften ja ohnehin kaum noch Formate übriggeblieben sein. (Vom alten vorlost, der die Kompression in Echtzeit anzeigt weiß ich, daß z.B. einzelne mpg-Chunks gut 30% komprimiert werden können.) Naja, irgendwie ist der sowieso keine große Leuchte, Gott sei dank nutzt eh kaum jemand seine Elaborate.

Wieder einmal kopfschüttelnd

Der Router ist schuld!
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Alt 2. August 2006, 17:15   #4
Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005
Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354

Standard: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] Lösung: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006]

Ich hab die 1.8.1 getestet. Sie lief bei mir knapp 12 Stunden. In dieser Zeit ist auf einmal mein Upload auf 1kB gesunken (2 Slots) und diesen Zustand konnte ich weder durch ändern des Uploadlimits noch durch deaktivieren von USS ändern. Erst ein neustart (Bastard) half.

Hat Jemand ähnliches erlebt? Beim Original, Morph und Stulle hatte ich dieses Prob noch nie, scheint mir daher ein Bug zu sein.
Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind!
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Alt 3. August 2006, 15:16   #5
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von FunnyNick
Registriert seit: 24.06.2004
Beiträge: 119
Standard: eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.8.3 [12.11.2006] [gelöst]

evtl. auch das deine uplod quelle nicht mehr abnehmen konnte?!
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Alt 3. August 2006, 19:43   #6
Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005
Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354

Daran dürfte es eigentlich nicht liegen. ZZ ist ja so konzipiert, dass es lieber "zu viele" Upload-Slots öffnet als das der Upload einbricht. Selbst wenn es jetzt so gewesen sein sollte, dass beide Quellen nur wenige Bytes annehmen könnten, wäre es immer noch ein Fehler, das ZZ diesen Einbruch zulässt.

Außerdem öffnet ZZ bei mir seit einigen Version immer mindestens 3-5 Slots, 2 war schon irgendwie verdächtig wenig.
Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind!
Verlierer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. August 2006, 06:17   #7
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Aktualisiert auf 1.8.2 b4.
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. November 2006, 07:20   #8
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

Erste Version auf Basis der 0.47c erschienen. -> BastarD Mod 1.8.3
Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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