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Alt 18. August 2006, 10:52   #1
Registriert seit: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 2
Standard: client credits 1.6  english help please Problem: client credits 1.6 english help please

hello all
i downloaded client credits 1.6 from Xman thread above
but i dont how to use it and whats it do
can someone please explain what the purpose of this tool and how
to use it
regards bogyman
bogyman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. August 2006, 17:04   #2
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

You already asked for help about this issue in the corresponding thread. Please be patient until someone finds the time to translate the german dokumentation.

--> closed

Pathfinder ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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Ähnliche Themen: client credits 1.6 english help please

  1. english support
    Xtreme MOD - 14. August 2010 (625)
  2. English Install Instructions
    Xtreme MOD - 25. March 2010 (3)
  3. client credits 1.6 [16.09.2003]
    eMule - Tools - 30. December 2008 (120)
  4. Client IP aus der Client Hash Berechnen ?
    eMule Allgemein - 16. May 2008 (4)
  5. the emule is download 4kb plz english help
    Mülltonne - 3. December 2006 (1)
  6. Friends, Credits
    Mülltonne - 7. October 2006 (1)
  7. Can i get help in english
    Mülltonne - 17. November 2005 (2)
  8. credits behalten ...
    eMule für Neulinge - und auch alte Hasen - 6. May 2004 (6)
  9. client credits 1.5 und eine Frage?
    Mülltonne - 11. September 2003 (1)
  10. Was bringen Credits ? | Wo sieht man seine Credits-Zahl ?
    eMule Allgemein - 27. June 2003 (14)
  11. credits?
    eMule Allgemein - 27. April 2003 (6)
  12. credits=???
    Mülltonne - 8. February 2003 (2)

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