
[eMule-Web] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/)
-   Mülltonne (http://www.emule-web.de/board/muelltonne/)
-   -   client credits 1.6 english help please (http://www.emule-web.de/board/11278-client-credits-1-6-english.html)

bogyman 18. August 2006 10:52

client credits 1.6 english help please
hello all
i downloaded client credits 1.6 from Xman thread above
but i dont how to use it and whats it do
can someone please explain what the purpose of this tool and how
to use it
regards bogyman

Pathfinder 18. August 2006 17:04

You already asked for help about this issue in the corresponding thread. Please be patient until someone finds the time to translate the german dokumentation.

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