
[eMule-Web] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/)
-   Mülltonne (http://www.emule-web.de/board/muelltonne/)
-   -   No emule0.47b Xtreme yet? (http://www.emule-web.de/board/11328-no-emule0-47b-xtreme-yet.html)

KingHanco 12. September 2006 21:57

No emule0.47b Xtreme yet?
The emule0.47b is release. lol

Your Version: 0.47a Released: 2006-01-26 Most current Version: 0.47b Released: 2006-09-08
Status: Your version is out of date.

Information: A new version is available - an update is recommended

Stulle 12. September 2006 22:03

glad you noticed. we wouldn't have notice there is no xtreme mod based emule 0.47b skimming through the xtreme homepage! we really appreciate you noticing and reporting this.

good, enough sarcasm for now, huh¿ wait, simply WAIT!

stulle :roll:

Jok3r 12. September 2006 22:05

Thx but... XMan knows it ;)

KingHanco 12. September 2006 22:14

When I load up the emule0.47a Xtreme it told me about it. :)

Verlierer 12. September 2006 23:30

Furthermore there is nearly no mod basing on 0.47b yet. What about informing all the other coders? :mrgreen:

Stulle 12. September 2006 23:41

bad idea... netfinity would be disappointed. ;)

aalerich 13. September 2006 03:30

This is not KingHanco's fault, it's the stupid version-check at startup. Should be removed...

Kind Regards

Stulle 13. September 2006 05:40

no, it shouldn't! it's strictly prohibited to be removed! and not just that, one should be informed if there are newer original versions if (for some reason) the modder quits coding.


Pathfinder 13. September 2006 06:13

The version check is fine. But asking a modder who contributes to eMule on his spare time about when he'll be done is just bad practice. So common sense is what's missing, not a better version check. It's like the annoying child in the back seat: "Are we there yet, are we there yet, are ...?".

--> toxic waste

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