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Alt 10. January 2007, 15:06   #1
Benutzerbild von LordKaos
Registriert seit: 10.01.2007
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Böse: Multiple Gateways Problem: Multiple Gateways

Hi! I wish to know if exists some way to specify to Emule which gateway must be used in case that we have more that one.

In my scenery:
One dedicated server with two Ethernet boards
Ethernet A: Gateway
Ethernet B: Gateway

Ethernet B is used with IIS for a web server in conjunction with router in IP 0.1 which has lower bandwith and metric 100 in Gateway settings.

Ethernet A has another router, dedicated to Emule with 2.5mg bandwith and gateway metric 1 trough router 0.254

My problem is that Emule, when connecting, takes the wrong gateway! The upper metric (the worst)

Someone has any idea about how to configure this and allow emule to use the gateway I want?


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Alt 10. January 2007, 18:39   #2
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Benutzerbild von OldF
Registriert seit: 19.04.2006
Ort: Schweiz
Beiträge: 134

Hi LordKaos
i can not englisch, but i think you understand me. First, search to Microsoft Knowledge the White Paper the TCP/IP setings to your OS: usualy its not posible to have more than one Gateway for one PC. Now the good Message: you can use multiple Gateway for one PC, but i can this not good enough explain.....and is more complex to configure. And its not possible to explain TCP/IP in this Forum beacuse this fill hundert pages. You have not enough way to make more than one Gateway for one PC, before you beginn to change your Network its a good idea to change the IP Settings by your Nic and check its work fine. If not, then you can insert a Bridge or inteligent Switch (Cisco), this device havent the possibility to Modify and Change the Routing of the IP Data Package, usuali sold more than 500 $. You must insert the new device after the Nic and before the Gateway and or Router.
Good luck

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Alt 10. January 2007, 18:47   #3
Benutzerbild von Jok3r
Registriert seit: 02.02.2006
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Standard: Multiple Gateways Multiple Gateways Details

I think u wrong, oldF, its possible to have more than one Networc Adapter! (And vor each one Gateway, or not?)

But i cant help u LodKaos xD soory

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Alt 10. January 2007, 22:54   #4
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Benutzerbild von OldF
Registriert seit: 19.04.2006
Ort: Schweiz
Beiträge: 134
Standard: Multiple Gateways Lösung: Multiple Gateways

Here from Microsoft Technet:
Note: There can only be one active default gateway for a computer at any moment in time. And:
Support for Standard Features: Multiple default gateways.

Jok3r: Nic (Network Adapter) are not Gateways ,but you can make if you would. And yes, you can have more than one default Gateway for one Pc and this work fine but its depending from the type of service: e-mail, ftp, Web, etc. Search from Microsoft Technet the TCP/IP implementation for your OS and you have the answer. Very Important: MS change with every great servicepack the tcp stack, search the right Whitepaper for your OS and dont forget to cancel and modify the settings if you install any new Update: this its a shit then you have to much working for this. I have for my a dedicatet PC only for P2P, only 4 Aps. install, no update, and a very good tpc/ip config for my PC. And for all other thing that u can make whit a PC i have other PC atachet via Gigabit-Network with all other Software i need. Beacuse my dedicatet P2P PC and my Network are very fine, stable and super speed i am happy.
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Alt 11. January 2007, 15:16   #5
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von seppl12
Registriert seit: 22.05.2005
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Standard: Multiple Gateways Multiple Gateways [gelöst]

Zitat von LordKaos

My problem is that Emule, when connecting, takes the wrong gateway! The upper metric (the worst)

Someone has any idea about how to configure this and allow emule to use the gateway I want?


changelog 4.6
- manual NAFC-adapter-selection
+ you should only use this, if the automatic-detection fail, although you are connected to a server
+ you see the failure, if the yellow-network-statistic-line is always at the bottom
+ write: ForceNAFCAdapter= number of the NAFC-adapter to preferences.ini at Xtreme-section
+ ForceNAFCAdapter=0 means automatic (recommend)
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Alt 11. January 2007, 16:54   #6
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

first he should try adding to the emule-section

searching the right NAFC-adapter isn´t essential.. only a feature which could already work automatic after using the right bind-address
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