emule 23b Hunter.3 released
emule23b-Hunter3-bin.zip emule23b-Hunter3-src.zip
23b - Hunter
V3 (10.12.02)
- added punishment for emule-users with version less than 0.23.
- Changed Preferencesstring for remove-NNS to fit with Tarod-Mod prefs.
- no friends- and community-push multiplicator. You get only for one of both a push.
- added friends-push.
- In case of A4AF the file the client is asked for is shown.
- En-/disable remove no needed Sources.
V2 (05.12.02)
- Dynamic Upload updated to V.2 [Hardware]
- Searchtabs are now closeable by a little x. [enkeyDev]
- message receiving time. [enkeyDev]
- Queuerating for sources is not shown for a4af and downloading sources.
V1 (04.12.02)
- Added Dynamic Upload (Update to src Tarod 9a) [Hardware].
- fixed "No partfile selected" message. multiple selection cause only one message.
- did a little localisation in advanced-pref. (german)
- Added "Distribute too many connections" patch. [Dnowo]
- "No needed parts" are removed automatically. [Tarod]
- Friends are not banned.
- updated the localisation code as it was already in the new preferences dialog.
(shortens the code)
- added and modified auto priority.[Tarod]
- Double click on client opens client-details.
- a few columns right aligned [idea by Maky]
- changed Icons (stolen from Tarod with 10-20px changed

- remaining column in downloadlist splitted in to two columns.
- lost/saved percentage in remaining-column after completing a file [AgentSmith]
(a "nice-to-know" i think)
- added duplicate downloadclients fix [Tarod]
- added pause and restart waiting downloads after connect [deltaHF & Rod]
- added close to tray [enkeyDev]
- added ask for filelist to all clients.
- manual handling of A4AF. [Amdribant]
- added preview available with two chunks patch. [Vorlost]
- added new icons for community-members in uploadlist and -queue.
Now there is a little grey or black "C" in the bottom-right corner if the client
is identified as community-member.
- added small- and rarefile push [herbert] with additions by Tarod and MatzeHH
and added columns to waitingqueuelist.
- Release Priority instead of very high [Tarod]
- added fakecheck by AgentSmith
- ban set down to 90 minutes instead of 5 hours
- added en-/disable first-last-movie-chunk.
- added new preferences tab Advanced
- added communtiy push. Everybody who has the communitystring(caseinsensitive)
specified on the Advanced-Prefs in his clientname is pushed.
- removed lowID punish (I don´t think that it´s fair)
- added reconnect on lowID
- unbanning not banned clients now sets bannedstatus to >off<
a client with banned set to "off" will not be banned until he is deleted from the
queuelist and on the uploadlist.
i think this is a good way to let known-permanent-banned clients get an upload.
- added de-/activate community checkbox.
- changed punishment for botusers from 90% to 80%
- added compression column in uploadlist
- added queuesize to advanced-preferences (200-2000 possible)
- added language selection patch [Cax2]