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Kseniia 2. March 2007 22:33

LowID with Router T-Sinus 154
So, I can send files, and this is really nice for me, but I cant connect to many servers and my incoming port is closed. Firewall is switched off, but even there I added all possible settings about opened port. I am using Sinus 154, provider T-Mobile. Looked on website, i think problem is in router, but i couldnt find any setting where cn open port. Maybe someone knows it?
Thanks for help.

P.S. to some servers I can connect,butjust with LowID.

Verlierer 2. March 2007 23:54

You can not connect to all Servers because some of them doesn't accept clients with a low ID or just a limited amount of them. You cost them more work than high ID clients.

The setting where yuo can open ports should be called "port forwarding" or something like that.

Kseniia 3. March 2007 11:39

yes, its clear. But i havent found anythign like this, And firewall on my router is even switched off, so no problems sould occure. maybe someone was using and knows where it has to be

Verlierer 3. March 2007 13:09

Well, what about the manual? ;-)
Switching off the firewall won't give you a high ID (as you see) and its not that good solution. The main thing is, to direct the ports used by eMule to the computer where its running on.

However, I don't know that router so I can not help you finding the setting, sorry.

Kseniia 3. March 2007 20:53

manual is here http://www.t-com.de/dlp/eki/download...dsl_bedanl.pdf, but somehow I still dont see any word about open/close ports.
And yes, firewall dont give hidh ID, but somehow it could block ports. Because I can send but not get.

Pathfinder 4. March 2007 10:37

The keyword you should look for with this router is "Virtual Server" (Virtueller Server) and "Special Applications" (Spezialanwendungen). In the manual you posted, it's on page 70 and following. There you can enter the ports to forward to your eMule PC's IP address.

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