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Alt 24. April 2007, 18:30   #1
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
Beiträge: 4.023

MOD Releases: eMule 0.47c NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA [22.04.2007] Problem: eMule 0.47c NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA [22.04.2007]

eMule 0.47c NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA
This Mod is an attempt to revitalise the best parts from the NetF Mod to provide an easy to use but yet powerful eMule client.

Sub-Chunk Transfer
- Crumbs, enables sharing of not yet completed parts
Faster Endgame
- Dynamic Block Requests, tries to make all sources to complete at the same time
- Delayed NNP, keeps downloading sources a little bit longer in case a part turns out corrupt
- Drop Stalled Sources, cancels stalled or slow downloads when file is about to complete to give way for faster sources
- Redownload only data of banned clients on corruption
Anti-P2P Protection
- Safe KAD (slows down the spreading of bad KAD nodes)
Credits and Payback
- VIP ("Payback") Queue, as the Payback queue but with different bandwidth management
- Balanced Ratio Payback, make clients, who have a ratio higher than your inverse ratio, VIP's
- Smart Part File Push, rebalances between complete and part files based on previous upload
All the features of the ESE Mod

Known bugs:
'Only Recover Banned Data' might cause looping downloads or complete stalls if corruption occurs and NetF fail the recovery process.

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA
- Added 'Fakealyzer' (Colour guiding on search results)
- Fixed a few bugs around the new part/crumb map handling code

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.4 BETA
- Some changes to improve download throttling stability
- Fixed the issue with clients getting slots without having any waiting time / score
- Fixed a rollover issue with the datarate calculations (Only occured on very fast links)
- Fixed a numerous bugs with files larger than 4GB in the code introduced with the Crumbs support
- Fixed an issue causing part files to not load after restarting the application
- Fixed some issues with downloading incomplete files smaller than one part
Download: Binaries & Sources (eMule-web.de-Mirror)
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