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-   -   eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1c [27.08.2007] (http://www.emule-web.de/board/12773-emule-0-48a-tk4-2-a.html)

Da GuRu 16. July 2007 13:31

eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1c [27.08.2007]
eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1c



Version 2.1c - Base eMule 48a 27-08-2007
Fixed: MSS calculation and MTU display. Errors pointed out by Rapid_Mule
Fixed: Session time field overwritting 'Total' title in shared file window when screen at minimum width.

Version 2.1b - Base eMule 48a 18-07-2007
Fixed: ToolTipCtrlX - Fixed altered code for XP and above now it should work on 2000 and XP and above.

Version 2.1a - Base eMule 48a 15-07-2007
Merged: to 48a
Added: Fixed,(for win 2k), and reworked ToolTipCtrlX
Added: No Nagle option for uploads, theoretical/possible reduction in upload latency
Added: Creation date display for IPFilter.dat in IPFilter dialog
Fixed: Headerview - Crash on view deleted/moved file stupid error
Fixed: Headerview - WMV/WMA extension display false mismatch message
Fixed: Headerview - OGG/OGM extension display false mismatch message
Improved: Headerview - DMG type confirmation
Fixed: Unicode search text field overlaps preset filter check box
Added: Missing Code In Listensocket.cpp,Missing reaction to OP_REQUESTFILENAME Fix by tHeWiZaRdOfDoS
Added: MORPH optimization for large shared filelist, only reset if published. optimize by Leuk_he
Changed: Retained TK4 statistics dialog code
Added: Implemented old style graphs option, the devs already coded it.
Added: Warn & prompt of deletion of possibly rare completed files
Added: Warn on excessive compression gain for non-trivial files (>89% && >1 Partsize)
Fixed: Show "Compressed by" as a percentage of actual data transfered,(uncompressed)
Added: Safe Kad (slows down the spread of bad KAD nodes) - by Netfinity from (WARP_0.3a.6)
Added: Kad optimizes and function inline for improved performance - by Netfinity
Added: Kad Vista path fix by godlaugh2007 merged from Morph code

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eMule: Server.met - Server-List - IPFilter - Skins - eMule Wiki

Da GuRu 19. July 2007 18:52

update auf 2.1b


Da GuRu 28. August 2007 11:12

update auf 2.1c


Pan Tau 29. August 2007 03:05

Die Mod scheint nicht allzu beliebt zu sein.

Pan Tau

Edit: Die Frage habe ich mir auch schon gestellt Myth.
Perhaps it's 'Da GuRu' himself? :?:

Myth88 29. August 2007 12:07

Wer coded den eigentlich?

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +1. Es ist jetzt 08:20 Uhr.

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