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Alt 17. May 2008, 14:43   #1
Benutzerbild von JvA
Registriert seit: 03.01.2004
Beiträge: 135
MOD Releases: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] Problem: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008]

eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 released

Changelog 1.4:
X-Ray MOD 1.4

Merge: Merged to 49a Codebase
Update: Updated libpng to 1.2.28 due to official lib update
Update: Updated CxImage to 6.0 due to official lib update
Update: Minor Update of Antileech.dll - Xman
Update: Major Update of Rollup Control Code - gui.dat isn't used anymore + cleanup - eMule+/JvA
Update: Minor Update of SlideBar Code - eMule+
Feature: MassRename including SimpleCleanup - MorphXT-Team
Feature: Superior Client Handling - Stulle
Feature: Payback First - AndCycle/SiRoB
Feature: Powershare - zz/MorphXT-Team
Fix: Fixed GDI-Leak around IP2Country - RapidMule/WiZaRd
Fix: Fixed GDI-Leak around Directories-Page on close - RapidMule/WiZaRd (implemented in official)
Fix: Fixed Memory Corruption in Webserver - WiZaRd (implemented in official)
Fix: Fixed minor buffer overflow bug in Uploadlist - JvA
Fix: Fixed minor banning bug - could happen that banned clients aren't recognized - JvA
Fix: Fixed some Memleaks in SysInfo Code - WiZaRd
Remove: SafeKad - has to be verified if needed - netfinitiy
Remove: Anti fragmenting - has to be verified if needed - netfinitiy
Remove: KadPerformance Improvements - has to be verified if needed - netfinitiy
Remove: Corruption Black Box Fix - implemented in official code now - David Xanatos
Remove: ShareFilter - implemented in official code now - WiZaRd
hier nun die neue version. ich hab an einigen ecken nen paar verbesserungen am code vorgenommen und nen paar featurerequests erfüllt.....sollte noch was fehlen einfach melden....mal sehen was sich machen lässt. ich danke allen moddern die mir hierbei geholfen haben, allen voran stulle, david, wizard und natürlich auch der gute ex-leecher heini dlarge ()


Binary: SourceForge.net: Downloading ...
Source: SourceForge.net: Downloading ...


Geändert von JvA (17. May 2008 um 14:46 Uhr)
JvA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. May 2008, 15:13   #2
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

hihi, nice, krieg n extra lob! XD

Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. May 2008, 02:24   #3
Registriert seit: 19.05.2008
Beiträge: 1
Standard: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] Details

Great work, my compliment!
Have you in mind to integrate torrent network download?

johjoh2k ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. May 2008, 08:58   #4
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

Standard: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] Lösung: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008]

nobody has so don't ask again, if you don't mind.
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. May 2008, 15:10   #5
Registriert seit: 19.05.2008
Beiträge: 2
Standard: eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] eMule 0.49a X-Ray v1.4 [17.05.2008] [gelöst]

Thank you JvA for your great mod!
I have just one thing to point out, i believe the option "try to download preview chunks first" is not working correctly. When enabled, it doesn't give higher priority to the first chunk of the file, only the last chunk. In emule 0.49a it does try to get the 2 chunks first. Could you please fix it?
afreitas ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. May 2008, 22:19   #6
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

euhm, you got any real confirmation for that? there are many factors that influence that feature and probably it's just bad luck^^
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. May 2008, 22:45   #7
Benutzerbild von JvA
Registriert seit: 03.01.2004
Beiträge: 135

i've checked some code, especially the ics code because its enabled by default, and i haven't found a failure. and you are a bit wrong when you say the official client downloads the first 2 chunks an the last. the official downloads the first and the last 2 and thats exactly the same what the ics code does.
so i bet you had bad luck....

JvA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20. May 2008, 14:26   #8
Registriert seit: 19.05.2008
Beiträge: 2

Thank you for your answers. I do have ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) enabled, when i experience this. I tried with it disabled, and the preview chunks were downloaded first. I'll try to document this with some screen captures.

With ICS disabled, and "Download parts needed for preview first" selected, it works fine:
When ICS is enabled and "Download parts needed for preview first" selected, the last chunk of the file is downloaded initially, but the first chunk of the file is the last to be downloaded:

Geändert von afreitas (20. May 2008 um 19:17 Uhr) Grund: pictures were edited as to not show filename of the download
afreitas ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. May 2008, 12:02   #9
Benutzerbild von JvA
Registriert seit: 03.01.2004
Beiträge: 135

ok...i'll look at it once more and try to change something to enforce it.....
anyway....thx for the pics and the hint.
JvA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. May 2008, 10:40   #10
Registriert seit: 25.05.2008
Beiträge: 1


I've used X-Ray mod since v1.3, and i like it very much, it's a very,very good work.

Yesterday it crashed, and a dump file was generated.
Where do i send you this file?
Do you need anything else for studing the crash?

And only a suggestion for new versions: in the client details dialog and tab, could you add if the "client" has a low id? it would be useful for knowing if the client is candidate to establish him into friend slot.
Nowadays, i've to look for him into clients queue by nick, and it's very difficult and boring with hundreds of equal nicks.

Thank you!
elassar ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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