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-   -   eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final (http://www.emule-web.de/board/13776-emule-0-49b-zzul-plus.html)

gomez82 13. September 2008 10:37

eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final
eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final

based on eMule 0.49b
AnalyZZUL v2.1
Release Date: 24.11.2008



Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1] Light

CHANGED: Build without IRC, Notifier, TextToSpeech (undefined in stdafx.h)
Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]

ADDED: MTU - Settings[Maella] merged from Xtreme
CHANGED: changed SysInfo implementation because it Crashed under Vista[Stulle] merged from X-Ray
ADDED: forgotten codeparts of several features i missed during merging
ADDED: SearchColors[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Emulate others [WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004/evcz] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Credits Reset Exploit Prevention[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Add next connect theft?[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Fakealyzer[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
CHANGED:  fixed Crash when moving files
CHANGED:  fixed ModVersion wasn't send
ADDED: Extra User Infos[MorphXT] merged from MagicAngel
CHANGED:  fix ClearMessageField[TuxMan] from Official Board
CHANGED:  fixed ClientDetailDialog Antileech Label
ADDED: show virtual sources [MORPH] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Recognize Horde op-codes[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer [Stulle/Spike2/ideas by Wiz] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: multiSort [SLUGFILLER] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Init-Hashtable optimization [Xman] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: reqBlocksClipping[Slugfiller] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: hopefully fixed a crash reported by jerryBBB
ADDED: MemLeak Fixes [WiZaRd] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: better passive source finding[XMan] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Variable Compression[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Custom Colors for XP Menues
ADDED: XP Menues [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ManualSourceRequest [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Parts of SourceRequestTweaks [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoDownloadCommands [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer Score Collumn [pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: Fixed fairplay Display in QueueList and Uploadlist [evcz/gomez82] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Xtented Credit Table Arrangement[XMan] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Better Client Attaching[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: added check to prevent "bad" username usage (DLP.dll needed) [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: SLS [enkeyDEV/JvA] merged from ***********
ADDED: SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB] merged from Xray
ADDED: Clipstat support [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Feedback support [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Compatible Client Statistics[Stulle/WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Mod Statistics[TPT] merged from ***********
ADDED: only kill source if no Requested File[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: LoopImprovements[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: CriticalPacketFix[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: Unknown Protocol Tags and Show in ClientDetails[Bluesonicboy/JvA/WiZaRd] merged from Xray
ADDED: Show Hardlimit for Files constantly[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Show Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit customized for Files[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Smaller Connected Display in StatusBar[SiRoB] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: FairPlay[AndCycle] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  fix for StaticTrayIcon[morph4u]
ADDED: Reduced CPU usage[netfinity] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Sourcecache[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: better chunk selection[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Show (un-)loading status of IPFilter[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
CHANGED:  Default Colors for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED:  Default Colors for Logs[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
CHANGED:  moved Options from PPgTweaks to PPgTweaks2
ADDED: IntelliFlush/LargerBuffer/BufferTime[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Separate Options Page for Display Options[gomez82]
CHANGED:  now u can choose if you want Color BG , Text or Both for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED:  fixed some Bugs found by some Testers
ADDED: Powershare Color to shared files[gomez82]
ADDED: fixed on queue sorting in Shared Files thx Eulero for Reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: auto drop immunity[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Drop Sources[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Sivka File Settings[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: IP2Country and Updatepage[EastShare/WiZaRd/shadow2004] merged from ***********
ADDED: more logging if config dir is readonly (vista!)[MORPH] merged from Morph
ADDED: Catch oversized public key in credit.met file [SiRob] merged from Morph
ADDED: Anti Shape[netfinity] merged from netF WARP
ADDED: Relax At Startup[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Friends / Community On Queue Window[2BC/gomez82] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Restart if necessary[JvA/Xanatos/gomez82] from Official Board
ADDED: Fix from Official Board[WiZaRd/taz]
ADDED: lowered uploadtimer frequency to 10ms (was: 100ms) to improve upload/download performance - [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Automatic Firewalled retries[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: some Code Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd/XMan/Maella/Morph-Team] merged from ***********, Morph and Xtrem
ADDED: Manual Client Management[Xanatos/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: modified calling CheckforHighPrioClient() to save some CPU[CB/gomez82] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Options to choose Background-/Text- Color for RollUpCtrl[gomez82]
ADDED: RollUpCtrl, eMule Plus Style Transfer Window[eMulePlus/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: missing Prefs thx to LorenzoC for reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: save some CPU cycles with empty Queue[pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: BlockRatio[XMan] merged from Xray
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer-Log[Shadow2004] merged from ***********
ADDED: corrupted barshaderinfo[fafner] merged from Morph
ADDED: Show Downloading file in bold[SiRoB] merged from Morph
REMOVED: SysInfoGraph from StatisticsDlg because crash with Mod Stats

For Private(Light) Version:
ADDED: Preprocessors to enable IRC/Notifiers/TextToSpeech[CiccioBastardo] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Preprocessor to enable official UPNP[MorphXT] merged from Morph

Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.0]

based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1


CHANGED:  make the Colors in the Lists switch- and changeable[gomez82]
CHANGED:  Splash and Programm Icon[gomez82]
CHANGED:  exe Name to eMule.ZZUL+.exe[gomez82]
ADDED: Code Optimation[avi3k] merged from don't remember
ADDED: Toggle Friends [tuxman] merged from next AnalyZZUL
ADDED: Set Friendslot in all lists [tuxman] merged from next AnalyZZUL
ADDED: Bugfix from official Board by WiZaRd see Topic http://forum.emule-project.net/index...owtopic=139130 for Details
ADDED: some Fixes from molokoADDED: posted in Code snippets in official Board
REMOVED: ReAsk After Ip Change from Neo
ADDED: ReAsk After Ip Change v4[XMan] merged from MagicAngel

forgotten: in previous changelogs
ADDED: Don't kill source if it's the only one complet source, it's a friend[MORPH] merged from Morph
ADDED: find best sources[Xman] merged from Xtreme


ADDED: Dumpfile Enumeration[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Better Dumping[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: ServerAnalyzer[Spike2] merged from Acronic
ADDED: Show Nr. of Requested Blocks in Uploadlist[CB] merged from don't remember
ADDED: Community Overlay Icon[MightyKnife] merged from Morph
ADDED: Draw date and time in Log with defaultcolor[Sirob] merged from Morph
ADDED: FineCS and some other changes arround Credits[CB] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Option to choose Creditsystem (None,Official,ClientAnalyzer)[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Code Improvements in Clientcredits[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph/WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: doubleLucas[SLUGFILLER] merged from don't remember
ADDED: Fix Possible Crash at Shutdown[Sirob/Xman] merged from Morph/Xtreme
ADDED: More Leecher-Types can be excluded from Powershare[gomez82]
ADDED: RatDVD added to Filetypes as VideoFile[gomez82]
ADDED: Show ZZ-Ratio activation[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
ADDED: No ZZ-Ratio for Http Traffic[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  ZZ-Ratio to MorphXT-Style[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  updated ASF to v2[Ackronic team/taz] merged from Acronic
CHANGED:  Improved minor code part (FillRect->FillSolidRect) because it's faster[JvA] merged from Xray
CHANGED:  When ServerAnalyzer is enabled Server Filter Button will Filter possible FakeServers[gomez82]
CHANGED: resourcemod.h added, all mod related stuff moved from resource.h 2 resourcemod.h [Addons/Ackronic] merged from Ackronic
CHANGED:  moved Options from one Optionspage to another
CHANGED:  moved some strings into String Table
CHANGED:  use strings from String Table in Optionspage
REMOVED:  some unused codeparts and strings


this is near Final no more features will be added for v1.0

ADDED: No Powershare for Nickthiefs & Modthiefs[gomez82]
ADDED: Statistics for Powershare[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Statistics Graph for Powershare[Sirob] (and some other codes needed for graph) merged from Morph
ADDED: Code Optimations in Baseclient[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: improved bancheck[sivka] merged from sivka
ADDED: More GPLEvilDoers[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: New Application Icon
ADDED: Inserted the double filter [Ackronic] merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: It is possible not to remove the serveur inactive inserting 0 in the inactive field ?you remove the serveur? in the serveur card merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: The commandos advances are qualified of default merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Eliminated the option ?it filters also the serveur? from the card Emergency; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Corrected bug on the filtering of the serveur list [fox88]; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Corrected bug on the key ?it filters the serveur now?: merged from eMule ASF
    now when the option ?leaks also the serveur? is not selected the key is not cliccabile; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: The red filter now is brought up to date to the OK pressure automatically or Applies; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Set up the number of attempts of logon to the serveur for default to 10; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Set up Verbose 3 of default; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: the red filter [Ackronic] merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Filter ASF [Ackronic]; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Increase dimension of the buffer to 20 MB; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Fix delete the server now[WiZaRd] merged from eMule ASF

Test Build 6

ADDED: Reask On ID Change[Xanatos] merged from Neo
CHANGED:  updated some Neo Features with code from v4.55
ADDED: Enhanced Client Recognization[Spike2\Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Better Speed Display[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Neo Score System[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Show Info About Mod Options in Prefs[Xanatos] merged from Neo
REMOVED: unused code from official Minimule
CHANGED:  readded eMule Version to Window title
ADDED: Extended Splashscreen[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Hide Overshare[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Selective Chunk Sharing[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Share Only the Need[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Spreadbars[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Code Optimation: don't update to often[XMan] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: EnhancedII Prefpage merged from NeoMule

Test Build 5

CHANGED:  fixed Uploadslot Display in Minimule
CHANGED:  Updated some Files from Neo to newer Versions

Test Build 4

CHANGED:  fixed NeoTreeStyle in Shared Files List
CHANGED:  fixed Static Tray Icon & PlusSpeedMeter
ADDED: CRCTag[Morph/Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

Test Build 3
ADDED: prevent crash when shutting down[Xman] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: LowID 2 HighID Auto Callback[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Plus Speed Meter[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Neo Mini Mule[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Invisible Mode[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Static Tray Icon[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: System Info[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Shared Parts[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ShareSingleFiles[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Share Files via Drag and Drop[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Share Sub Directories[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

Test Build 2
ADDED: optimized Treecontrol [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: some fixes from Neo[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Push Files Sivka/NeoMule merged from MagicAngel

Test Build 1

ADDED: Community Visualisation[MightyKnife/mL] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Background Colors in the lists for Friends, Friendslot, Powershare, Community[gomez82/2BC] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Mod Options Page merged from R-Mod
ADDED: SearchCatch[slugfiller/Wizard] merged from ***********
ADDED: ExtentedUdpCatch [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoSharedCategories [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoTreeStyle [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

if i forget somebody's Credits in changelog then i'm sorry for that

Download on Sourceforge

Januar1956 13. September 2008 13:25

Cool, mal was ganz anderes...DANKE!


gomez82 13. September 2008 17:14

old Changelog
hier noch der Restliche Changelog:


+ No Powershare for Nickthiefs & Modthiefs
+ Statistics for Powershare[WiZaRd]
+ Statistics Graph for Powershare[Sirob] (and some other codes from Morph needed for graph)
+ Code Optimations in Baseclient[WiZaRd]
+ improved bancheck[sivka]
+ More GPLEvilDoers[WiZaRd]
+ New Application Icon

merged some Stuff from eMule ASF

- Inserted the double filter [Ackronic]
- It is possible not to remove the serveur inactive inserting 0 in the inactive field “you remove the serveur” in the serveur card
- The commandos advances are qualified of default
- Eliminated the option “it filters also the serveur” from the card Emergency;
- Corrected bug on the filtering of the serveur list [fox88];
- Corrected bug on the key “it filters the serveur now”:
now when the option “leaks also the serveur” is not selected the key is not cliccabile;
- The red filter now is brought up to date to the OK pressure automatically or Applies;
- Set up the number of attempts of logon to the serveur for default to 10;
- Set up Verbose 3 of default;
- Added the red filter [Ackronic]
- Filter ASF [Ackronic];
- Increase dimension of the buffer to 20 MB;
- Fix delete the server now[WiZaRd]

Test Build 6

+ Reask On ID Change[Xanatos]
* updated some Neo Features with code from v4.55
+ Enhanced Client Recognization[Spike2\Xanatos]
+ Better Speed Display[Xanatos]
+ Neo Score System[Xanatos]
+ Show Info About Mod Options in Prefs[Xanatos]
- unused code from official Minimule
* readded eMule Version to Window title
+ Extended Splashscreen[Xanatos]
+ Hide Overshare[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Selective Chunk Sharing[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Share Only the Need[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Spreadbars[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Code Optimation: don't update to often[XMan]
+ EnhancedII Prefpage from NeoMule

Test Build 5

* fixed Uploadslot Display in Minimule
* Updated some Files from Neo to newer Versions

Test Build 4

* fixed NeoTreeStyle in Shared Files List
* fixed Static Tray Icon & PlusSpeedMeter
+ CRCTag[Morph/Xanatos]

Test Build 3
+ prevent crash when shutting down[Xman]
+ LowID 2 HighID Auto Callback[Xanatos]
+ Plus Speed Meter[Xanatos]
+ Neo Mini Mule[Xanatos]
+ Invisible Mode[Xanatos]
+ Static Tray Icon[Xanatos]
+ System Info[Xanatos]
+ Shared Parts[Xanatos]
+ ShareSingleFiles[Xanatos]
+ Share Files via Drag and Drop[Xanatos]
+ Share Sub Directories[Xanatos]

Test Build 2
+ optimized Treecontrol [Xanatos]
+ some fixes from Neo[Xanatos]
+ Push Files Sivka/NeoMule merged from MagicAngel

Test Build 1

+ Community Visualisation[MightyKnife/mL]
+ Background Colors in the lists for Friends, Friendslot, Powershare, Community
+ Mod Options Page
+ SearchCatch[slugfiller/Wizard]
+ NeoSharedCategories* [Xanatos]
+ NeoTreeStyle [Xanatos]

if i forget somebody's Credits in changelog then i'm sorry for that

Verlierer 15. September 2008 08:20

Für einen Moment dachte ich, da hätte Jemand den Plus Fork exhumiert und ihn mit ZZ verschmolzen :mrgreen:

gomez82 27. September 2008 18:55

Die Final ist nun draussen

Myth88 28. September 2008 11:15

...ich hab mal den Threadtitel up2date gemacht...

Myth88 26. November 2008 10:13

Ich hab mal den Thread up2date gebracht... :P

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