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Alt 22. November 2008, 16:13   #1
Registriert seit: 16.09.2008
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Standard: How Edit antileecher.dll ?!? Problem: How Edit antileecher.dll ?!?

I would like to edit the antileecher.dll, how to do it ?!?!

Currently I'm using the Magic Angel V3.5.
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Alt 22. November 2008, 16:17   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 05.10.2005
Beiträge: 134

to edit the antileech you 1st have to know how to detect the leechers.
than you have to download the sources of the antileech.dll, edit it with an editor and compile it with MS Visual - don´t know if an other c++ compiler works

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Alt 22. November 2008, 17:40   #3
Benutzerbild von Myth88
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Standard: How Edit antileecher.dll ?!? How Edit antileecher.dll ?!? Details

It requires C++ knowledge...almost a bit...

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