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Alt 21. March 2009, 07:30   #16
Registriert seit: 09.03.2003
Beiträge: 353

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Fixing bugs is a lot of work. Everything works fine when emule is used the way it should be used. That's why there is no need to fix this bug. That's all.
So you should disconnect prior to hashing? What kind of advice or way to use eMule is that?
This obviously is a - strange and maybe rare - bug but nevertheless it's a bug and thus it should be fixed
tHe WiZaRd Of DoS ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. March 2009, 09:32   #17
Registriert seit: 17.03.2009
Beiträge: 8

can i agree with wizard of dos?

Anyway, i know that it's a lot of work... if you can fix it, else, np.

pier4r ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. March 2009, 14:03   #18
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

well, i never had to disconnect prior to any hashing using scarangel/ mephisto which uses just the same hashing algorithm... i am not saying there is certainly no bug but i think this is no pressing matter when it only occurs when using emule wrongly.

Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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