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Alt 18. July 2009, 16:42   #1
Benutzerbild von JvA
Registriert seit: 03.01.2004
Beiträge: 135
MOD Releases: eMule v0.49c X-Ray v1.7 [18.07.2009] Problem: eMule v0.49c X-Ray v1.7 [18.07.2009]

eMule 0.49c X-Ray v1.7 released

X-Ray MOD 1.7

Add: Added drop blocking clients (Stulle/JvA)
Add: Added gap support for Part Status Bar of Shared Parts Feature (JvA)
Add: Bypass ICS when preview chunks should be downloaded first (SiRoB)
Fix: Fixed minor roundering bug around slotspeed (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor crashbug around SharedParts on Single-File Sharing (Tuxman/JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor preferences bug around statistics tree update delay (morph4u)

X-Ray MOD 1.7 RC1

Merge: Merged to 49c Codebase
Update: Minor Update of Antileech.dll - Version 6 (zz_fly)
Update: Updated Crypto++ code to v5.6.0 (15/03/2009)
Update: Updated MiniUPnP code to v1.3 (17/04/2009)
Update: Reworked Shared-Parts feature due to shareable file class
Feature: FunnyNick (xrmb/Stulle)
Add: Added Part Status Bar to Shared Parts Feature (JvA)
Add: Added Fincan Hash detection to Argos (enabled by default) (JvA)
Add: Added RAR support for IPFilter Update (Stulle)
Change: Minor adjustments of the owing upload data amount calculation (JvA)
Change: HTTP-Download Progressbar style is now the same as in the Shared Files Window (JvA)
Change: Several enhancements and changes around Transfer Window (disable list etc.) (JvA)
Change: Altered IntelliFlush to use official FileBufferTimeLimit prefences.ini option (JvA)
Change: Minor changes around vertical Countryflag Alignment (jerryBG)
Change: Now the known clients count in Transfer-Wnd counts instead of beeing static (JvA)
Change: Minor changes around value saving to preferences.ini (faster method) (eMule+)
Fix: Fixed major argos bug that caused that all X-Ray clients were modthiefs (gomez82)
Fix: Fixed minor crash bug around SharedParts feature (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor draw bug around ClientDetailDialog (Tuxman/JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor draw bug around Sourcecache Column in DownloadListCtrl (Tuxman/JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor cosmetic bug on saving SLS clients (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor bug on saving Argos preferences (Plain AntiNickThief wasn't saved) (morph4u)
Fix: Fixed minor bug around Argos Nickchanger detection (Rapid_Mule)
Fix: Fixed minor crash bug around SearchResult DetailDialog (morph4u/WiZaRd/JvA)
Fix: Fixed possible crashes around Credit-pointer (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor PBF display bug around Uploadlist (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor bug around SharedFilesCtrl that could result in an endless loop (Stulle)
Fix: Fixed minor bug around MassRename that could result in an endless loop (JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor sorting bug in SharedFilesCtrl (moloko+)
Fix: Fixed minor bug around FileFeedback (forgot one codeline...stupid me) (morph4u)
Fix: Fixed major bug around Simple Cleanup -> Simple Cleanup was not working (morph4u/JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor bug around Downloading via Webserver (Stulle)
Fix: Fixed memleak around RollupCtrl (WiZaRd)
Fix: Fixed major crash around SysInfo on Vista (WiZaRd)
Fix: Fixed memleak around Global Hardlimit (JvA)
Fix: Fixed memleak around SimpleCleanup (JvA/WiZaRd)
Fix: Fixed minor unicode bug around Categries if non-unicode Logfont was selected (Tuxman/WiZaRd/JvA)
Fix: Fixed bug around Friends - Friends were not correctly recognized in some cases (Tuxman/JvA)
Fix: Fixed minor bug on IP-Filter update (Crimson/Stulle)
Fix: Fixed minor ID3lib buffer overflow (WiZaRd)
Remove: Removed some more redundant official code around Transfer Window Style
Remove: Removed redundant Optimization around List Controls due to 49c merge
Remove: Removed redundant buggy fix for filtertext update on language change
so wieder mal ne neue version......wie schon am changelog zu erkennen ist wurde saumäßig viel gefixed....bin froh das ich durch meine tester und durch andere programmierer so viele fehler beheben konnte....ich hoffe damit ist dann endlich mal alles raus....damit ich wieder neue einbauen kann
ansonsten ist auch hier und da etwas neues hinzu gekommen.....wie zum beispiel die fincan hash detection oder die erweiterung des shared parts feature um die eine statusbar pro chunk welche den fortschritt anzeigt....
falls es noch interessierte beta tester gibt einfach melden....ansonsten wie immer: viel spaß beim nutzen...


Binary: Binary Package
Source: Source Package

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