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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 25. December 2009, 12:17   #1
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

Standard: eMule 0.49c Ackronic 5.4 [25.12.2009] Problem: eMule 0.49c Ackronic 5.4 [25.12.2009]

eMule 0.49c Ackronic 5.4 [25.12.2009]

AcKroNiC 5.4 - 25/12/09

fix : Improved Upload Caching @CUpDownClient::CreateNextBlockPackage - lower cache max value should be 50 (as orig value of official) (taz)
adjust : number of allowed slots @CUploadQueue::AcceptNewClient
change : trickles not added without slot focus (taz)
change : RegQueryValueEx failed message shifted to DEBUG version (taz)
fix : wanted trickles are calculated based on MaxSpeed instead of datarate @CUploadQueue::AcceptNewClient (taz)
fix : memory leak @CSearchList:rocessSearchAnswer (gureedo)
update : ECR + Emulate others
change : transparency for FakeAnalyzer (10'x Eulero)
fix : Don't Reset Connection Settings (Stulle)
update : re-add fiX unfair client treatment (WiZaRd)
update : re-add Startup Flood Prevention (WiZaRd)
update : auto full chunk (WiZaRd::full VQB)
fix : missing code @CUpDownClient::SetDownloadState (taz)
update : unified no SUQWT for leechers on 1'st identification (taz)
fix : fresh start for gone clients which didn't swap after we stopped sharing @CUploadQueue::FindBestClientInQueue (taz)
fix : Download Collision (SiRoB)
fix : Hello-Handshake (SiRoB)
adjust : One-queue-per-file to eMF PowerShare (taz)
update : Powershare from file->IsPowerShared to client->IsPowerShared (taz)
change : friends are immuned to no PowerShare for leecher and to no SUQWT for leechers (taz)
remove : AJ ban from ban control
change : Vista registry key read log message shift to debug mod - 10'x Tuxman
fix : ICS missing filename on new hash @CUpDownClient:rocessFileIncStatus (taz)
change : CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions as failed (Xman) - too easy for leechers to go clean (taz)
remove : retry connection attempt
change : using zz's bandwidth control network code (ThrottledSocket, LastCommonRouteFinder, UploadBandwidthThrottler, EMSocket)
change : slot focus from zz's to WiZaRd's
Many thanks to the devoted beta testers who accompanied features and changes development :

KIDx86 - for making UL utilization chase started

no1else - for leecher hunting and low bandwidth testing

SS1900 & Bebabob - for high bandwidth testing

Download BIN from Ackronic.net
Download SRC from Ackronic.net
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