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Alt 24. March 2010, 07:45   #1
Registriert seit: 24.03.2010
Beiträge: 2
Standard: English Install Instructions Problem: English Install Instructions


I hate my first post to be a dumb question:

BUT .. Where is the English Install Instructions.

I looked here , I think i just unzip or un-RAR the file in my C:\Program Files\eMule

what one the Binary or the other one.




But im not verifying that with any instructions i have seen.. I just installed the latest version of E-mule and i don't want to mess it up.

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Alt 24. March 2010, 09:07   #2
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

make a guess what "src" stands for and which one contains the binary file that usually ends with .exe...

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Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
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Alt 24. March 2010, 16:08   #3
Registriert seit: 24.03.2010
Beiträge: 2
Standard: English Install Instructions English Install Instructions Details

Thanks for your quick reply.

found that and installed it. I had the other one installed so it seemed to install the extreme version besides it so now i have 2 installations , the original one and the extreme , i assume i need to un install the original one..

Is there a link for the instructions in English or F.A.Q. .. thanks

Geändert von cordless (24. March 2010 um 19:28 Uhr)
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Alt 25. March 2010, 14:23   #4
Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005
Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354

Standard: English Install Instructions Lösung: English Install Instructions

The original client can be removed. You could also keep it, in case Xtreme causes any trouble.

Here's the official english manual. Read it carefully to make sure everything works flawlessy.
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