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-   -   como activar ip country en xtreme 7.2 ??? (http://www.emule-web.de/board/14273-como-activar-ip-country-en.html)

mkobar 27. March 2010 01:26

como activar ip country en xtreme 7.2 ???
Hola a ver si algun colega me explica la manera de activar ip country y mostrar las banderas? Gracias y un saludo. mkobar

Myth88 27. March 2010 08:21

Sorry, I just understand Spanish, but can't write it :P

To activate Ip2Country Flags in eMule Xtreme you should have the following files in your config folder:


If you don't just download the BIN-package from here and extract these files to your config folder. Restart eMule and it should work!

...we have only German and English support here, remember this please!

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