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Alt 15. May 2010, 22:36   #1
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

MOD Releases: eMule 0.50a Katana 2.0 Problem: eMule 0.50a Katana 2.0

eMule 0.50a Katana 2.0

|    eMule 0.50a [Katana  2.0]    |
|         modded by pP           |
| based on OfFixed  Mod by Spike2 |

added:    Antileech tab for clientDetailsDialog                  [pP]
added:    Redesigned ClientDetailsDialog                     [pP/from X-Ray 1.7]
     -> Added support for ModIcons
    -> Added support for  SoftIcons
    -> Moved Countryflag in front of countryname
     -> Hide IP2C and Modstring labels if not needed
added:   Icon for  complete files (replaces filetype icon)            [pP]
added:    OwnScore Columns in queue and upload list                [pP/VQB]
added:    LeecherHashes are stored per session. Lists are check on new  connections    [pP]
changed: ModIconDLL, behaviour of showing  SoftIcons               [pP]
    -> MiM off: All official  SoftIcons for others clientsofts are shown in all lists
    -> MiM  on : All clientsofts get the eMule icon with full overlays, other  client-
           softs are displayed by the Mapper only.
added:    BadHashList to store detected badmods (sessionbased)            [pP]
removed:  unneded codes after update                     [thx @ umeK]
removed:  Unneded ClientSoft codes                      [pP]
changed: Prefs  are saved to/loaded from separate ini file            [pP]
    ->  Fallback: try to load from preferences.ini if no mod file exists.
updated:  Clientanalyzer 1.51                        [Wizard/TS 2.1]
Updated:  merged into eMule 0.50a                     [thx @ morph4u for giving a  hand on the libs!]

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