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Alt 30. June 2010, 17:48   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: Mkv   wtf??? Problem: Mkv wtf???


ist schon klar dass es mit Video und Codecs indirekt zu tun hat.

habe mal auf wiki gelesen avi mit mkv im Vergleich !
Warum gibt es dann keine Tools die MKV direkt editieren können wie für avi???
Wie demuxen das ganze
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Alt 30. June 2010, 19:02   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294
Standard: Mkv   wtf??? Mkv wtf???

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 30. June 2010, 20:39   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.280
Standard: Mkv   wtf??? Mkv wtf??? Details

WTF can i do with a ".mkv" - File Types - MovieCodec.com
WTF can i do with a ".mkv". i have a file i downloaded and it is a .mkv. i have tried to convert it to play on my ipod using Handbrak but in the ...

MKV wtf - YouTube
Apr 26, 2009 ... This was some terrible glitch that I encountered the first time when playing single player mode with the stock version of MKV. Apparently having ...

1988 Seoul Olympics Opening Ceremony: WTF TKD .mkv - YouTube
May 23, 2011 ... 1988 Seoul Olympics Opening Ceremony: WTF TKD .mkv Format ...

VOB playback stutters, MKV 1080p is fine...WTF
VOB playback stutters, MKV 1080p is fine...WTF. So I've started having troubles with VOB playback. Everything stutters. These are DVD Rips. ...

The "What the heck is MKV and what can I do about it?" thread ...
The "What the heck is MKV and what can I do about it? ... Lots of people doesn't know what an MKV is, what can be done with it, or why anyone ...

Mi2.wtf. 300mbfilms.com.mkv.003 Download, Mediafire, Size 93.72 MB
300mbfilms.com.mkv.003 - 2011-09-07 ...

MediaCoder ? View topic - MKV Container for mpeg2 (why bother)
MKV what's the point, have been given an mkv file that is mpeg2, ac3, subs and chapters. Why not just make a dvd of them instead and more ...

file wiedergabe (usb-stick)
Nebenbei, was hast du für en Käs Release geladen R5 ****** mkv? wtf :D Sieht mir eher danach aus, das es eher eine avi ist, weil die ...

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Ähnliche Themen: Mkv wtf???

  1. MKV to AVI
    Filesharing - 25. November 2012 (2)
  2. MKV Datei komprimieren
    Filesharing - 22. January 2012 (2)
  3. MKV Converter
    Filesharing - 19. August 2011 (2)
  4. MKV Umwandeln
    Filesharing - 8. December 2010 (2)
  5. Mkv format.Warum hat das mkv format fast die gleiche qualität wie bd???
    Filesharing - 1. December 2010 (2)
  6. Rapidshare 500 Rapids gekauft aber nicht bekommen wtf ?
    Filesharing - 8. November 2010 (2)
  7. mkv Format ändern?
    Filesharing - 9. June 2010 (2)
  8. .mkv zu dvd ???
    Filesharing - 19. May 2010 (2)
  9. m2ts to mkv
    Filesharing - 17. January 2010 (2)
  10. Suche Mkv converter
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  11. mkv
    Filesharing - 21. October 2009 (2)
  12. mkv zu avi
    DivX / XviD / *VCD - 22. April 2009 (49)

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