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Alt 17. October 2010, 14:42   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: Torrent Seeding Problem: Torrent Seeding

Torrent Seeding


Ich habe gerade riesigen Ärger mit BitTorrent. Habe nen Torrrent runtergeladen, war 5.5. GB groß, hat mich fast 2 tage Nerven gekostet, jetzt ist er endlich fertig. Und was passiert? Beim Status steht "Seeding" und die Dauer ist 5 Wochen...
Was ist das und kann ich das irgendwie umgehen?

Bitte helft mir.
burner ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. October 2010, 16:01   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294
Standard: Torrent Seeding Torrent Seeding

Ja den Torrent löschen.....so funktiniert das nun mal du ladest udn gibts es weiter
Seeding ist OK, dass heisst Du hast 100% und stellst die auch anderen zur Verfügung.

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17. October 2010, 17:20   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.280
Standard: Torrent Seeding Torrent Seeding Details

BitTorrent FAQ and Guide
May 10, 2003 ... Seeding is the process of connecting to a torrent when you have a ..... Therefore, they cannot (re-)seed the torrent since they've lost the ...

Answers.com - What does seeding mean in torrent
Computer Terminology question: What does seeding mean in torrent? The people sharing & connected to each other using the bit-torrent protocol are split into ...

How To Make And Seed .Torrent Files
uTorrent just made your torrent, and is asking you were to save it ? you should put it in the first folder you made, for easy seeding. ...

Brian's BitTorrent FAQ and Guide: What is seeding? How do I do it ...
(seeding, uploading, share rating, etc.). A seed is a client which has a complete file. Seeding is the process of connecting to a torrent when you have a ...

How to Seed a Torrent Using uTorrent
(best viewed at resolution 1024x768 or above - if using 800x600 press F11) copyright (c) 2005 mooter. all right reserved - http://www.bittorrentguide.co.uk .

Set Up a Fully Automated, Torrent-Seeding Media Center
Jul 24, 2010 ... We've featured a fully automated media center set-up before, but Lifehacker reader Andre has improved on these methods, allowing you to ...

Bittorrent - Bit Torrent terms and definitions
This is known as seeding. You can also start a BitTorrent Client with a complete file, and once BitTorrent has checked the file it will connect and seed the ...

A Beginner's Guide to BitTorrent - Guides - µTorrent - a (very ...
Seeding is where you leave your BitTorrent client open after you've finished your download to help distribute it (you distribute the file while downloading, ...

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