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-   -   Doomed when sharing files outside of eMule (http://www.emule-web.de/board/15114-doomed-when-sharing-files-outside.html)

mateusz.f 21. December 2010 07:52

Doomed when sharing files outside of eMule

i have realized, that every time I am using files from computer running eMule (regular sharing in my home network) I get doomed in emule.
It seems, that eMule is using overall network adapter statistics to evaluate it's upload speed, and this gets untrue, if any other traffic is present on the same adapter.
Sorry if I am repeating anyone's else post, but I can't search in german:-(((
Hope this can be resolved in future versions,


tHe WiZaRd Of DoS 21. December 2010 17:16

It depends on which version you are using. The official eMule has USS built-in which should help you to get the most out of your line just by disabling your upload limit.

mateusz.f 21. December 2010 19:38


Zitat von tHe WiZaRd Of DoS (Beitrag 146546)
It depends on which version you are using. The official eMule has USS built-in which should help you to get the most out of your line just by disabling your upload limit.

Well, I am using eMule v0.50a Extreme 8.0...

Does it change anything?


tHe WiZaRd Of DoS 22. December 2010 07:02

Yes, Xtreme is using NAFC to control your upload. It depends on YOU setting the correct UL limit in the preferences and it reserves 1/3 of your upload for eMule (IIRC).
Try adjusting the preferences, maybe try to use NAFC with FULL control.

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