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MAtrixNet 9. March 2011 22:09

RetroShare: Sichere Kommunikation mit Freunden
RetroShare ist eine betriebssystemunabhängige Open Source Platform, die eine private und sichere, dezentralisierte Kommunikation ermöglicht.
Diese läßt Sie sicher chatten oder Daten austauschen mit Freunden oder der Familie, indem ein vertrauenswürdiger Bereich des Netzes erzeugt wird durch die Authentifizierung von Partnern und der OpenSSL Verschlüsselung jeglicher Kommunikation.
RetroShare ermöglicht gemeinsame Datennutzung, Chats, Nachrichten, Foren oder andere Nachrichtenkanäle.


Changes for v0.5.1b

* Added missing return... which was crashing OSX during directory creation.
* fixed a toolbar icon to display with a correct size on macosx
* The working (hashing) thread FileIndexMonitor is now stopped when RetroShare is closed.
* Removed tab focus from the toolbar and image buttons.
* Fixd german translation.
* supressed memory leak due to not deleting a RsItem
* suppressed potential SIGSEGV as exit time
* suppressed memory leak in GUI
* Added a confirm to the delete history action.
* Added the RetroShare icon to the password input window.
* fixed soem other potential SIGSEGVs
* fixed potential SIGSEGV because of not checking returned pointer



RetroShare is currently available on Ubuntu Jaunty,Karmic,Lucid and Maverick.

To install RetroShare on ubuntu, please use one of the following two PPA repositories:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:csoler-users/retroshare # for releases only
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:csoler-users/retroshare-snapshots # for development snapshots


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install retroshare

RetroShare will be available in Applications->Internet

SHA512 hashes

d67da023bc9378621361ad315afc1875613a952070560b0b38d2d46ceb8e18e2af3160b06ec7b30c98cec7fcf431b6f8c4b3d3ac747d58711c8a7a7b5f147036  RetroShare-v0.5.1b.tar.gz
90a55a17fd6f9b569dcefc8601b3e7530dcd2ecba73f2022a273e494e5e54826cf1d6351a9c0a2720f441b9a45ff3c26560ef1c94f15688a6ca189f025aa3d5e  RetroShare_0.5.1b_4078.zip
770b77ab2d775f4dc41fbdeab866a30cb8eeb52458f29fd9c6ac39a8ab8204c87d2f79f75f154de9cd5bdcdd4a679a67f29f6b8bd3432c221799991631d445ce  RetroShare_0.5.1b_4078_debug_portable.zip
03fd02c10ea5486c9e55e33d3e96ea9c5f402602435710b7dcceecde6f202ba1ad74ee0aec6b2e342d9ff60d39def9ec93ce8830c38621fea82abeca16e833cd  RetroShare_0.5.1b_4078_portable.zip
a9aa75666615bad6704d5fb9ae32d8018e4b017db87642c08f05690b4efac6e77b4276887c78a7b01d2eae948eb1a245fba1f43ef8edf468d9352fb6c37231c0  RetroShare_0.5.1b_4078_setup.exe

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