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Alt 25. February 2003, 16:20   #16
Benutzerbild von Hexmaster
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 24


Hi, is very good. Big thanks for URL.
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Alt 26. February 2003, 20:48   #17
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von Blacklotus
Registriert seit: 29.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.000

Der Link funzt nicht

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups. (Blacksun Research)
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Alt 26. February 2003, 22:19   #18
Benutzerbild von Hexmaster
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 24


Versuch mal:


Viel Spass...MfG Hexmaster

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Alt 26. February 2003, 22:29   #19
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von Blacklotus
Registriert seit: 29.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.000

Danke aber ich brauche den Source
Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups. (Blacksun Research)
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Alt 26. February 2003, 22:44   #20
Benutzerbild von winki2099
Registriert seit: 08.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.425

hehe, kann ich verstehn
Windows is great. I used it to download Linux.
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Alt 26. February 2003, 22:51   #21
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

zur 2b gibts noch keinen, weil es ne beta ist! und noch etwas buggy
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Alt 26. February 2003, 23:05   #22
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

Links to OS EV 2a:
http://users.servicios.retecal.es/fs...y_Dragod_EV2a_[mod_emulespana]_Fuentes.zip => Sources

http://users.servicios.retecal.es/fs...y_Dragod_EV2a_[mod_emulespana]_Binarios.zip => Binaries

(I cannot use BBCode because we use square brackets in URL, and HTML is off, sorry ).

I'm not proud about 2a sources. Instead, 2b is going better in very much aspects. I think that we can release sources and binaries in a few days.
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Alt 26. February 2003, 23:08   #23
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

he was looking for the source to the 2b version... and i said there is no one yet
the links you posted are on the first site, i think that wasn't his problem

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Alt 26. February 2003, 23:09   #24
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

@Pinnk_Frog: Oups!, sorry again

Sorry, ich spreche kein deutsch (ich bin Spanier). Thanks Pink_Frog. www.google.com/language_tools
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Alt 26. February 2003, 23:12   #25
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

por que perdon?
i've just tried to translate for you what he want there was nothing wrong with your post
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Alt 27. February 2003, 21:38   #26
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

Testing new effects in text

Sorry, ich spreche kein deutsch (ich bin Spanier). Thanks Pink_Frog. www.google.com/language_tools
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Alt 27. February 2003, 21:59   #27
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366


looks like that you found something we talked about... works good ...
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Alt 27. February 2003, 22:04   #28
Board Profi
Benutzerbild von Blacklotus
Registriert seit: 29.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.000

Zitat von Dawuid
Testing new effects in text
Your not the only one
Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups. (Blacksun Research)
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Alt 27. February 2003, 22:11   #29
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

New version I have updated spanish board with your new version, and I had tried to translate changelog with google language tools (our translator will do better soon). Only a few speak german in that board .

Sorry, ich spreche kein deutsch (ich bin Spanier). Thanks Pink_Frog. www.google.com/language_tools
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Alt 1. March 2003, 12:33   #30
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

Time to new version in OS EV: OS EV 2b (01-03-2003):

if you have downloaded files before 13:35 of 01-03-2003, please download again (strange bug with eMule client).

Links to download:Changes in this version are:
  • Added New variables (see Readme.txt)
  • Added system protection against I/O Error (not complete still)
  • Added Outlined Text Option (thanks Pink_Frog)
  • Added click in preview select coordinates (SandMan icons)
  • Added option to rotate text (not completely functional yet)
  • Added option to display points instead bars in DUMeter
  • Added all variables avalaible in info.htp
  • Added icon to represent emule off (SandMan)
  • Added option to delete files in server before uploading (blacklotus)
  • Added New state icons (glance at them) (SandMan)
  • Added about EV window (EV developer team names)
  • Added Log System to catch FTP errors
  • Added spanish traslate (Xertur, HandKraft, SandMan & helpman)
  • Added best quality to max file size for jpg
  • Added log file for FTP events
  • Added some protections against FTP failures (I hope this finish with upload freezes)
  • REMOVED Parse character option
  • CHANGE - emule search system adapted to all Windows (thanks Blacklotus)
  • CHANGE - Now, away system is supported by %away% variable. You can change font and position in text lines menu (thanks Xertur)
  • CHANGE - new system to find emule process, no more emule title search
  • BUGFIX - Accept PNGs except 8 bits PNGs (thanks Pink_Frog) [Dawuid]
  • BUGFIX - No more growing options for radiogroups (thanks Xertur)

For more info read Readme.txt. This version is more stable than previous. I hope you enjoy with it.

Variables avalaible preview:
%WinVersion% - gives out windows version
%ComputerName% - gives out Computer Name
%UserName% - gives out User Name

** eMule Values in Preferences**
%TotalDownS% - (in before session)
%TotalUpS% - (in before session)
%TotalUpRatioS% - (based on before session)
%TotalDownRatioS% - (based on before session)
** DUMeter active **

Sorry, ich spreche kein deutsch (ich bin Spanier). Thanks Pink_Frog. www.google.com/language_tools
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