Time to new version in OS EV: OS EV 2b (01-03-2003):
if you have downloaded files before 13:35 of 01-03-2003, please download again (strange bug with eMule client).
Links to download:
Changes in this version are:
- Added New variables (see Readme.txt)
- Added system protection against I/O Error (not complete still)
- Added Outlined Text Option (thanks Pink_Frog)
- Added click in preview select coordinates (SandMan icons)
- Added option to rotate text (not completely functional yet)
- Added option to display points instead bars in DUMeter
- Added all variables avalaible in info.htp
- Added icon to represent emule off (SandMan)
- Added option to delete files in server before uploading (blacklotus)
- Added New state icons (glance at them) (SandMan)
- Added about EV window (EV developer team names)
- Added Log System to catch FTP errors
- Added spanish traslate
(Xertur, HandKraft, SandMan & helpman) - Added best quality to max file size for jpg
- Added log file for FTP events
- Added some protections against FTP failures (I hope this finish with upload freezes)
- REMOVED Parse character option
- CHANGE - emule search system adapted to all Windows (thanks Blacklotus)
- CHANGE - Now, away system is supported by %away% variable. You can change font and position in text lines menu (thanks Xertur)
- CHANGE - new system to find emule process, no more emule title search
- BUGFIX - Accept PNGs except 8 bits PNGs (thanks Pink_Frog) [Dawuid]
- BUGFIX - No more growing options for radiogroups (thanks Xertur)
For more info read Readme.txt. This version is more stable than previous. I hope you enjoy with it.
Variables avalaible preview:
%WinVersion% - gives out windows version
%ComputerName% - gives out Computer Name
%UserName% - gives out User Name
** eMule Values in Preferences**
%TotalDownS% - (in before session)
%TotalUpS% - (in before session)
%TotalUpRatioS% - (based on before session)
%TotalDownRatioS% - (based on before session)
** DUMeter active **