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Alt 19. March 2003, 14:10   #46
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 17.03.2003
Beiträge: 85

He only wanted the variable (?) for OS Uptime...
varible = for example: %client%
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Alt 20. March 2003, 00:18   #47
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

Thanks Marv. In OS EV 2b this variables aren't avalaible. In next release (about one or two weeks) I will post here variables avalaible in OS EV.

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Alt 1. April 2003, 23:20   #48
Registriert seit: 23.02.2003
Beiträge: 18

New version of OS EV is avalaible: 2c.

There isn't a german translation yet. But eMulaFrancis' german translation cover almost all application.

This are the changes:
  • + Added Fully translatable
    + Changed now, background is updated when background picture file is updated
    + Added upload until 100 html templates (.htp files like add.htp and info.htp)
    + Added now you can choose what eMule files do you want OS EV read to get information
    + Added option for static background (default in true). Static background is loaded only one time (idea taken of blacklotus)
    + Added relative pathering. Now directions relative to OS directory are saved in relative mode
    + Added PC Uptime with variables: %WinOnDays% and (%WinOnHours%, %WinOnMins%, %WinOnSecs%) or %WinOnTime% (idea taken of Blacklotus) (not limited to 49'7 days)
    + Added Gauge clock lines (with border) (helpman idea)
    + BUGFIX: no more memory consumed in every eMule active check
    + Added Multiply meters
    + Added Start minimized, and changed (very little) try icon working
    + Added PNG export support for 8 bits
    + Added PNG import/export support for 16 bits
    + Added support for MBM5 Data (thanks to mastropiero for URLs) (code of Micha.R@online.de)
    + Added At last, PNG import support for 8 bits
    + Added extract info about current server of server.met
    + Added it's possible select cipher in variable field (put ':' and before cipher position: 0 first cipher, 1 second cipher, -1 first decimal, etc)
    * BUGFIXED: no more errors reading decimal numbers (I hope)
    + Added %FilesShared% and %SizeFilesShared% (similar algorithm than official eMule)
    + Added memory consumed by OS (idea taken of winki OS)
    * BUGFIXES: minor bugs corrected
    * CHANGE - Better memory management. New system should decrease consumption very much
    + Added contextual menu in log viewer
    + Added %hourClock% to better hour clock line apparience
    * CHANGE - Automatic adjust to decimal separator
    + Added New variables for Hard disk: %<drive>HDFree%, %<drive>HDFreePerc%, %<drive>HDSize%
    * CHANGE - EV has been changed. Now is like .ini system. Milena/Melinda extention should be accesible
    + Added option to encrypt FTP password in online.ini file

Variables avalaible are:
  • %modname%
    %WinVersion% - gives out windows version
    %ComputerName% - gives out Computer Name
    %UserName% - gives out User Name
    %CPUSpeed% - approximately cpu speed in MHz
    %MemoryOS% - Memory used by OS EV (in bytes)
    %CPULoad% - CPU percentage time been used
    %CPULoadFree% - CPU percentage time not been used

    ** Hard Disks info **
    %HDSize% - Size of Temp directory HD
    %HDFree% - Free size of Temp directory HD
    %HDFreePerc% - Percentage of free size of Temp directory HD
    &<letter>HDFreePerc% - Same but with all HD: C, D, E, etc.

    ** obtained in emule.exe **

    ** obtained in server.met **

    ** obtained Of Shared Dirs **

    ** eMule Values in Preferences**
    %TotalDownS% - (in before session)
    %TotalUpS% - (in before session)
    %TotalUpRatioS% - (based on before session)
    %TotalDownRatioS% - (based on before session)

    ** When DUMeter is active **

    ** Times **
    %WinOnDays% - days with windows going
    %WinOnTime% - hh:mm:ss with windows going
    %WinOnHours% - hh with windows going (hours)
    %WinOnMins% - mm with windows going (minutes)
    %WinOnSecs% - ss with windows going (seconds)
    ** Only for WinNT based (not WinMe nor Win9x) (Not tested)
    %eMuleOnSinceYear% - Year when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceMonth% - Month when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceDay% - Day when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceHour% - Hour when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceMinute% - Minute when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceSecond% - Second when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceDayName% - Day name when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceMonthName% - Month name when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceDate% - Date when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnSinceTime% - Time when eMule was started
    %eMuleOnDays% - Days with eMule running since it started
    %eMuleOnHours% - Hours with eMule running since it started
    %OSEVOnDate% - OS EV Date when was started
    %OSEVOnTime% - OS EV Time when was started
    %OSEVOnDays% - OS EV Days running
    %OSEVOnHours% - OS EV hours running

I hope you enjoy.

mfg, Dawuid.


Sorry, ich spreche kein deutsch (ich bin Spanier). Thanks Pink_Frog. www.google.com/language_tools
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