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burner 19. July 2011 10:51

Utorrent legal?
Utorrent legal?

habe mir Utorrent gedownloaded und habe mir verschiedene Tutorials angesehen wie man Spiele downloaded.
Die Frage:Da es illegal ist diese Datein zu downloaden lautet die Frage ob es extrem auffällt wenn man sie downloaded.
Also kann man erwischt werden, kann man es verhindern erwischt zu werden?
Danke im vorraus

Phantomias 19. July 2011 12:18

Utorrent legal?

Natürlich ist torrent illegal. Du kannst bei torrents genau so erwischt werden wie bei jeder anderen illegalen Download Sache. Bei Torrent ist die Gefahr extrem hoch, wenn du nicht weiß wie du dich am besten anonymisierst


ich musste für 1 Lied 700? zahlen ..-.-'

Torrents sind ie meistkontrolliertesten Downloads, also sei vorsichtig.

Xerves 19. July 2011 13:48

Utorrent legal?
Kleines Torrent 1x1 - Wo sich legal und illegal treffen ...

13. Jan. 2008 ... Meine drei Fragen zum Thema Filesharing: - Besuch der torrent.to Seite illegal? - Herunterladen von Filmen über Torrent.to legal, die bereits im ...

Is utorrent safe/legal? How does it differ from limewire? - Yahoo ...

Don't use it, it is not legal to download anything that you would normally have to pay for, also it is very easy to get viruses using torrents if you don't know what ...

Legal issues with BitTorrent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The technology itself is perfectly legal, but it has been debated if its .... On May 29 , 2007, A federal judge ordered TorrentSpy, a torrent website, to begin ...

End User License Agreement - µTorrent - a (very) tiny BitTorrent client

µTorrent (also known as uTorrent) is a peer-to-peer file sharing application distributed by BitTorrent, Inc. By accepting this agreement or by installing µTorrent, ...

utorrent legal cheat - YouTube

Nov 5, 2008 ... It's not gonna work! , nomatter how many utorent copyes u have opened (that download the same torrent) you're IP won't recive more? data from ...

Download uTorrent - the best BitTorrent client for Windows

It's quite easy to make the difference between an illegal torrent and a legal one. ...

Mac For Beginners | Downloading torrents

Are torrent files legal? Torrent files are not illegal, but downloading copyrighted material is. However, there are many torrent files out there containing ...

One Million Free and Legal Torrent Downloads, The Album ...

Dec 29, 2009 ... The FrostWire P2P client promotes music of starting and independent artists through its FrostClick service. The service has been running for ...

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