3 x gleiche fehlermeldung
help my english is so bad

sorry - ist in der tat so - kann mir das mal jemand übersetzen oder mir sagen was das heisst und ob ich da was tun soll/muss
02/20/03 06:21:26: User ESEL66(ClientVersion:1045) tries to crash eMule with an invalid Userport:4662 but the real one is 1032, corrected !!!
02/20/03 06:43:56: User ESEL66(ClientVersion:1045) tries to crash eMule with an invalid Userport:4662 but the real one is 1032, corrected !!!
02/20/03 07:04:46: User ESEL66(ClientVersion:1045) tries to crash eMule with an invalid Userport:4662 but the real one is 1032, corrected !!!