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Alt 20. February 2003, 17:13   #1
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
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Standard: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] Problem: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03]

new version eMule Pawcio v2.0 beta2 based on 0.26d, MorTillo, lovelace, BadWolf's patch

Now minimum upload rate set for AMUC is obtained with opening enough upload slots (by BadWolf patch)! No more 5kB/s upload and 50kB/s download on ADSL with 10 as a limit in connection tab!


With AMUC enabled you don't have to lower upload while surfing web, AMUC will do it for you.

Here are the links:



ed2k://|file|eMule0.26d-Pawcio.v2beta2.bin.rar|843850|fa2cfe4e960ee90390e3 00c120ba81be|/

ed2k://|file|eMule0.26d-Pawcio.v2beta2.Src.rar|1107504|14e4ff15e9d6c34e043 4e7e2454454a7|/

0.26d code [inserted by lovelace]

Main diffrences from original eMule:
1. AMUC from MorTillo/herbert/morpheus (now tuned by Pawcio).
2. DUSC (Dynamic Upload Slots Control) inspired by BadWolf - keep minimum number of opened slots. [Pawcio]
3. Push Small and Rare Files by Tarod/Herbert [inserted by MorTillo]
4. Load and Save Sources by Ottavio84 [inserted by MorTillo]
5. Export and import parts from any source by XRMB (read about it here: XRMB's Page[inserted by MorTillo]
6. Show detailed upload traffic by XRMB [inserted by MorTillo]
7. Send a random subset of your files to the server (up to 250) mainly by XRMB [inserted by MorTillo]
8. Fakecheck Donkey-Fakes.de.vu + Jigle.com by Sivka [inserted by MorTillo]
9. A4AF with all features by enkeyDEV and Tarod [inserted by MorTillo]
10. New Credit System [Pawcio]

Recommended settings:
-turn on AMUC: now what is set as minimum upload in AMUC is obtained (thanks to BadWolf patch, so don't frighten if at the begining when
sources are loaded a bit more slots are opened to really keep minimum upload value)
-maximum upload value in AMUC can be set to value given by ISP, AMUC will use max 90.0% of this value, leaving 10.0% for communication overload
-if you think you know better than AMUC what you max upload should be (AMUC disabled) do not set 0 as a limit for Upload in connection tab (0 means unlimited upload (65536 kB/s) and 100 upload slots will be opened)
-value set as a Upload limit in connection tab doesn't influence AMUC setting in Extended settings tab

AMUC statusbar is for example: Up: 12.3 => 13.6 (All Up: 14.2 Down: 34.5)
it means: 12.3 is actual upload count by BadWolf code, 13.6 is estimated by AMUC maximum uploa,
14.2 is an average of whole upload in system (eMule + other application - it's only an approximate),
34.5 is an average of whole download in system (eMule + other application - it's only an approximate).

New credit system is balanced to give the same chance to small files, rare files, clients who have uploaded to you something. Rewards for those who have upload to you a lot are small to give also the chance to clients with slow connection.

Moew about new credit system read credits-Pawcio.txt

TO DO for final v2.0:
-apply Maella and Ottavio84 fixes
-detail explanation of DUSC

Changelog [Pawcio v2.0 beta2] v0.26d
-changed the way AMUC calculates maximum upload (more effective, I think)
-changed the way of handling only one upload slot opened
-other small tunes to DUSC
-new AMUC status bar
-in upload window, upload speed for clients is now an average of 10 sec not 50 sec

Changelog [Pawcio v2.0 beta1a] v0.26d
-fixed bug found by dasXtra
-fixed bug found in ClientCredits.cpp (was only in v2 beta and beta1)

Changelog [Pawcio v2.0 beta1] v0.26d
-hotfix to DUSC

Changelog [Pawcio v2.0 beta] v0.26d
DUSC (Dynamic Upload Slots Control) inspired by BadWolf has arose with:
-better handling of dead slots (again)
-tune management of opening upload slots

Changelog [Pawcio v1a] based on MorTillo, lovelace and v0.26d
NOW: CONSTANT HIGH upload speed
-tweaked: BadWofl patch - dynamically changing intervals between new upload slots open (3-10 seconds)
-tuned a bit AMUC
-changed: handling of dead upload slots (those with 0.0kB/s upload speed)

Changelog [Pawcio v1] based on MorTillo, lovelace and v0.26d
-added: BadWolf patch (dynamic min. number of upload slots with max. upload) - tweaked to work with AMUC
-tweaked: AMUC now reacts very fast thanks to BadWolf calcutation of current upload value
-changed: new credit system inspired by Yun.sf3 and lovelace
-changed: modifiers of file priority to work with new credit system
-changed: modifiers of rare files
-changed: "Try to trunsfer full chunks" works only with files set manually to release priority
-changed: upload slot opened for minimum 3 minutes; if upload time is longer than 3 minutes slot is opened
till you transfer 1MB more than you have downloaded from client or 30 minutes past
-changed: accurate display of current upload rate (not average, thanks to BadWolf) on AMUC statusbar
-changed: Ratio in Detail Client Dialog includes all modifiers (DL/UP,PSF,PRF,File Priority), so Score is Ratio multiplied by seconds of waiting
(originally File Priority isn't included in Ratio)
Gruß gvstarfleet
gvstarfleet ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. August 2003, 19:55   #2
Benutzerbild von tiger
Registriert seit: 09.04.2003
Beiträge: 250

Sagt mal, ich hab eben einen 0.29 Pawcio 2b in der Quere gehabt. Hab ich da einen neuen Pawcio verpaßt, oder irrt mein Muli? Weiß irgendwer was?

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Alt 5. September 2003, 20:47   #3
Benutzerbild von tiger
Registriert seit: 09.04.2003
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Standard: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] Details

Mittlerweile hab ich 0.30er Pawcios im Up.Weiß denn nicht irgendeiner wo ich den herkomme?

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Alt 6. September 2003, 04:42   #4
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Standard: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] Lösung: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03]

Anscheinend ist das ein Polnischer Mod, musste halt mal auf Polnischen Seiten suchen.
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Alt 6. September 2003, 07:45   #5
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Standard: eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] eMule 0.26d Pawcio V2 beta2, with AMUC and DUSC[22-02-03] [gelöst]

Auf der Suche nach einer 30er Version von diesem Mod habe ich nur ein polnisches Forum über Google gefunden und nat. nichts verstanden
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Alt 6. September 2003, 11:11   #6
Benutzerbild von tiger
Registriert seit: 09.04.2003
Beiträge: 250

Sehr seltsam, die alten Versionen hab ich alle von französischen Muli-Seiten - aber bei den Polen das ist ein "Invison Power Board" - die Dinger könnte ich noch dann durchstöbern, wenn sie traditional chinesisch wären.

EDIT: Ok, die Neuen basieren auf LSD - viel zu ändern scheint er nicht mehr - faul geworden. Ne Sivka-Version hab ich auch entdeckt. Ne polnische Chanelog hatten wir hier wohl noch nicht.
Nach wie vor hab ich allerdings keinerlei Infos zu dehn 0.29 Versionen gefunden - hatte aber schon einen 0.29 Pawcio in der Quere.
Die 0.26 Pawcios (V 2) bekommt man in Frankreich, die 0.30 (V 3.1x bzw. 3.2x) in Polen - aber wo gibs die dazwiwschen liegenden?
Seine Homepage (http://pawciohomepage.republika.pl/pawel.html) tuts bei mir nicht.
Bin also nach wie vor für jede Hilfe dankbar - die 2x liefen nämlich gut - aber waren nicht eben stabil, Betas halt.
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