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Alt 14. November 2011, 16:33   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: Vuze Utorrent usw. Problem: Vuze Utorrent usw.

Vuze Utorrent usw.

Ich habe eine Frage undzwar wenn ich einen Download in Vuze geöffnet habe und den pc ausstelle läuft der download weiter? Also läuft er im Standby oder wenn der laptop aus ist weiter?
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Alt 14. November 2011, 18:04   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294
Standard: Vuze Utorrent usw. Vuze Utorrent usw.

Wenn du dein PC ausschaltest läuft aus meiner Sicht garnicht mehr aber in Standby vielleicht schon.

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2011, 19:13   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.280
Standard: Vuze Utorrent usw. Vuze Utorrent usw. Details

Azureus / Vuze vs uTorrent
i started with vuze and never used u torrent, im a bit of a dummy with pcs and it was easy to use, my isp caught me illegally downloading civ 4, but my buddy who ...

Vuze: The most powerful bittorrent app on earth.
Vuze is the easiest way to find, download, and play HD video. Download using the most powerful ... "Total ease of use" -IGN. "Glorious full screen HD" -Sunday ...

Vuze, bittorrent or u torrent? - Yahoo! Answers
Bittorrent is better (bittorrent and utorrent are the same thing). Bittorrent is faster, easier to use, and more reliable than vuze or anything else.

uTorrent Download Speeds Beat Vuze By 16% | TorrentFreak
Apr 7, 2010... of more than 10 million BitTorrent users found that uTorrent users achieve significantly higher download speeds than those who use Vuze.

Torrent Downloading: the Absolute Best Torrent Software of 2012
Currently, the two most popular tools are uTorrent and Vuze. ... Apparently, you can also use Vuze to run media on your iPhone, Xbox, or PSP. Vuze is very ...

How To speed up utorrent, Vuze, Azureus, or Bitcomet. - YouTube
Feb 3, 2010 ... This Video Tells you how to speed up utorrent,bitcomet,azureus vuze,etc. this video is not like any other video that tells you to put their tweak ...

Moving .torrent files and and content files once I'm seeding ...
Unfortunately, the site I belong to wants people to use uTorrent, so I deal ... a very basic function (included in Vuze and Transmission for awhile) ...

Vuze is one of the top two BitTorrent clients available, uTorrent being the other. Vuze ... both globally and per torrent; Advanced seeding rules; Can use a proxy, ...

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