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Alt 6. March 2012, 11:32   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
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Standard: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code: Problem: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code:

tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code:

Hi ich hab ein .mkv file und dieses würde ich gerne in ein AVCHD oder .m2ts file "muxen".
Ich hab dafür das Programm tsMuxer 1.10.06 runtergeladen wenn ich allerdings die .mkv file in als Auftrag hinzufügen will kommt folgende Meldung:

"matroska parse error invalid h264 nal unit size. NAL unit truncated"

Weiss jemand Rat?
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Alt 6. March 2012, 12:45   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294
Standard: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code:

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 6. March 2012, 14:22   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.280
Standard: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code: tsMuxer GUI? Fehler code: Details

Problem with tsMuxeR...
But then today I tried to do the same to the next 5 episodes and I got this error: tsMuxeR finished with error code -2. tsMuxeR output: SmartLabs ...

tsMuxeR 1.10.6 - VideoHelp.com Downloads
Replace, or overwrite, your current tsMuxerGUI.exe with this version. You may choose to rename either of the files so that both can be used interchangeably.

tsMuxeR GUI - Download - CHIP Online
22. Apr. 2010 ... tsMuxeR GUI 1.10.6 Englisch Free-Download kostenlos. "tsMuxeR GUI" verwandelt MKV Container ohne Umwandlung und Qualitätsverlust in ...

Gentoo Forums :: View topic - [Solved - by waiting] tsMuxerGUI ...
Code: bernd_b@localhost / $ tsMuxerGUI tsMuxerGUI: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or ...

smartLabs tsMuxeR: Transport Stream muxer - Page 168 - Doom9's Forum
Is anyone else seeing the muxing stop in TSMuxerGUI 1.9.9 when ... Code: eac3to.exe "<input>" <title>) <track>: "<output path>.thd+ac3" .... I'm getting the follwing error when trying to generate a AVCHD from a MKV file: ...

AUR (en) - tsmuxer-gui
tsmuxer.png tsMuxeR_shared_1.10.6.tar.gz. Comment by: digitalone on Mon, 07 Nov 2011 07:52:29 +0000. Can't execute it anymore: tsMuxerGUI: error while ...

tsmuxer non-standard resolution mkv to blu-ray conversion ...
Jun 5, 2008 ... I get an error message stating that mod16 is not set for 1920x1080. .... I took the resulting MKV file and used it as the input file for tsMuxerGUI.

SmartLabs news blog: New tsMuxeR version is available
Mar 21, 2009 ... We got a 'bus error' when trying to execute the command in command-line mode. ... hi and thanx for teh Work but i have the problem that tsmuxergui dosent ... Is it possible to save/translate the source code project as a Visual ...

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