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Filesharing Alles über Filesharing

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Alt 21. September 2012, 14:47   #1
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: File-Sharing CMS Problem: File-Sharing CMS

File-Sharing CMS


Kennt ihr ein CMS was kostenlos ich und ich bei mir auf dem privaten Webserver Installieren kann mit dem ich Problemlos Files im eigenen Netzwer Sharen kann? Die Files sind bis zu 8 GB Groß!

Keine Tipps wie ich es anders als über ein File-Sharing CMS machen kann!
Kein WordPress!

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Alt 21. September 2012, 16:13   #2
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 10.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.294
Standard: File-Sharing CMS File-Sharing CMS

Phantomias ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21. September 2012, 17:24   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 04.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.280
Standard: File-Sharing CMS File-Sharing CMS Details

File Sharing News & Articles - CMSWire
File Sharing news, analysis and best practices. Daily updates on customer experience, social business and enterprise information management (EIM). This area ...

Let the Enterprise Cloud File Sharing Games Begin - CMSWire
Sep 13, 2012 ... Enterprise technology is entering the ?fun to watch? era. September's playlist centers around online enterprise file-sync-n-share. This week's ...

PC WELT Forum - CMS für Private File Sharing
Heyho, kennt jemand ein CMS das für private filesharing geeignet ist. NEIN es geht um nichts Illegales. Wir müssen in der Uni in Gruppen ...

XFileSharing Free - file sharing script
XFileSharing script is an advanced solution for creating free file hosting websites. It can be installed on any virtual/shared or dedicated hosting running Perl ...

ios - CMS, or pre-baked solutions for community file sharing - Stack ...
I want to create a community around a current iPhone app I've built. ... Check out www.parse.com! It is absolutely brilliant for stuff like this.

Filesharing 'costs music industry £500m' - FT.com
Sep 16, 2012 ... More than twice as many albums are downloaded illegally in the UK as are bought on legitimate sites such as iTunes, with big student cities ...

YouSendIt | Compare File Sending, File Sharing, File Tracking Plans
Learn which YouSendIt Plan to Send, Receive, Track your files is right for you.

Stacks4Stacks - DropCMS
DropCMS is a really basic CMS (Content Management System) which can be setup to read text files stored on DropBox or another cloud-based file sharing ...

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