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Alt 22. February 2003, 13:28   #1
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
Beiträge: 16
Standard: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) Problem: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222)


I am using eMule for a while now on an old Pentium 75 day and night.
I tried many eMule and eMule MOD versions but lately I have many troubles with crashes.

I am using eMule 24b [Tarod 16d] now, and have also tried eMule 26d lately. The Tarod version crashes now and then, but the lateset eMule version crashes all the time.

What version could your recommend me for running on Windows 95?
(you can also respond in german, I can read it
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Alt 22. February 2003, 13:31   #2
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

give the latest vorlost beta a try... (but be carefull with the "statistic" window)


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Alt 22. February 2003, 14:53   #3
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Standard: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) Details

For me(winME) and a friend(win9 the 026b sivka V6b1b is running very stable for days. You may find it here: h**p://w*w.emulemirror.tk/

Cu schnulli900

AMD Athlon 64 3000+
DSL 4096/512
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Alt 22. February 2003, 16:21   #4
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
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Standard: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) Lösung: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222)

I tried Verlost-1i (beta-3) but it has 2 minors:
-1- It is based on eMule 0.22 and cannot read my 0.24 created temp files.
-2- I am not used to the features and lay-out of this one, when being used to 0.23 and further version of eMule and Tarod MODs.

My conclusion: very original MOD, but not one I would like to use.
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Alt 22. February 2003, 16:35   #5
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
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Standard: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) [gelöst]

I tried Sivka v6b2. It looks understanding, although I don't understand the new Sivka options.

Very strangs is, that it couldn't read my temp files. I fixed it by copying an included eMule.templ (template) file This MOD with template is a candidate for testing.
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Alt 22. February 2003, 16:45   #6
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

mmm i wonder that it won't work with your temp files, coz it work for me... i switch between a lot mods (0.26d plus, fusion, vorlost) everything work well for me, except the mod based bugs ...
btw... the emule plus 0.24a 1 worked realy well on my win me system!

...sometimes i feel like a fool, 'coz i'm so uncool - forgive me...
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:14   #7
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
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Standard: What eMule version under Windows 95 (4.0.2222) temp files

The temp file problems might lead to another discussion, but I have this funny idea that somewhere between eMule 0.22 and 0.24 the format of the temp file has been changed. Can someone confirm?
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:23   #8
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

i don't think so... coz i added files with a 0.26d based mod and use these files now with the vorlost mod... so it work well for me maybe there is something wrong with your temp files and/or your emule settings ... i can recommend the vorlost mod for your system...

damn i am realy stupid... this is an old known problem... delete every file in your temp folder that haven't a .part or .part.met extension (i mean files like .src or .stsrc)

...sometimes i feel like a fool, 'coz i'm so uncool - forgive me...
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:27   #9
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
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The eMule 0.24 Plus 5b also seems to work, but it also has complicated options, comparable with Verlost.
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:29   #10
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

if you use the 5b make sure to disable "part traffic" and the "upload" thing in the same settings window...

btw... where are you from?
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:32   #11
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
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I am from The Netherlands.

B.T.W. I always used Tarod and standard eMule's, and I am wondering why all these other MODs seem to have additional setting I really don't understand. I remember the Tarod introduced the upload throttle, that is something I really want!
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:38   #12
Benutzerbild von Pink_Frog
Registriert seit: 09.12.2002
Ort: España
Beiträge: 1.366

the plus mod got the upload throttle too! (but no dynamic upload)

what is the reason to change to an other mod if tarod work for you?
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Alt 22. February 2003, 19:52   #13
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
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I want to try another eMule version / MOD because of a few reasons:

-1- eMule often crashes on my low budget server system (Win95)
-2- I am just interested in why many people create different versions of a tool that is already great ... (With Tarod I see some improvements, but not all understandable. With Sivka I see some MIN% MAX% NNS FullQS etc. settings, I really don't understand.)
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Alt 22. February 2003, 20:11   #14
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try emuleplus 24b-4,
i believe it's the best one for win98, it's really fine.
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Alt 22. February 2003, 20:31   #15
Benutzerbild von MAD Palace
Registriert seit: 22.02.2003
Beiträge: 16


You believe eMule Plus-4 is better for Win95/98 than eMule Plus-5b?
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